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Chi 666

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Posts posted by Chi 666

  1. Im quite aware of the fact that beneath have no relevance to this post i just felt it was the right time to whore them.

    You have a big dick you say ? wow you must mail pictures to me along with a mm ruler.

    Just ignore what i say im bored and finding ways to entertain myself.

    "people seem to have a problem that we're a heavy band with a melodic singer. nobody minds when SOAD do it though."

    Are you really concerned about what people have a problem with ?

    ask your mum, i think she has a copy

  2. Sorry I was trying to get the point of "pot kettle black" across, as they seem to play in aberdeen more than just once or twice every few months.

    we have played 1 gig in the last 2/3 months. we very rarely play more than once a month.

    i dont want to get into any band bitchyness (but i fear we already have) but what the fuck iomega? why do you try and rip on us when ever you get the chance? i know its nothing to do with nick so whats your beef with us? haveing your username as "iomega" makes it look like your own personal views are the views of your band, which is never a good thing and can make you and your band look foolish (belive me i know), remember, promoters and shit use this site to.


    oh i know whats comming.........................

  3. least they got out there and played!!

    stop fucking moaning and choose a fucking name!! at the end of the day you could be called anything cause people listen to music when they buy a cd, not sit at home and read the name of the artist over and over again!!!

    could be appropriate.............

    ok.. thats getting pretty bitchy.

    i just started this thread for a bit of FUN, a name change might be in the works or we might just keep the same name i just wanted to know what the fine people on aberdeen music might think.

  4. pussy :D

    so! it looks like:

    black matter 8.30ish

    statue of misery 9.30ish

    deadloss superstar 10.30ish

    shutter 11.30ish

    the upstarts 12.30ish

    but i expect all that to change when i get down to drummonds in 15 mins... :gringo:

    em we cant play untill 12 man. i sent you a pm saying that my singer dosenae finish work till 11pm. thats why i thought it would be cool playing at 12 (as you said to tensium). is there any chance we can go on at 12?

  5. merry christmas and happy new year aberdeen!

    just to let you know S.o.M will (hopefully) be OK. we are praticing more and have a couple of new tunes for you guys to slag!

    will let you know about gig line up soon (wel when ever we get some!)


  6. so! it's probably time for bed... but before that, i have some questions to pose you...

    i need to finalise the nominations for the fudge awards. (the first round of voting will be next saturday - 11th november - in the moorings bar. that way, there should be five gigs in the moorings and one gig in drummonds which you can vote at. so that should be around a thousand voters - plus the online votes...). to this end, some potentially difficult decisions have to be made.

    as you'll be voting, it's probably only fair you have some say in the matter, so i pose the following questions:

    0. Strong Like Ox - an 'aberdeen' band or not? Same question: what about The Needles?

    1. i think we have four definites for BEST INTERNATIONAL ACT, but should Strong Like Ox join them (or are they an 'aberdeen' band?) or should Ficklle Public? Or possibly The King Blues? Perhaps Mercury Tiltswitch? ... i liked their album, it was good...

    2. are The Amy Sawyers Band 'indie' do you reckon? and is Amber better?

    3. should Eddison get a nomination? anyone digging their new album? or would you prefer Hookers Green No.1 got a mention?

    4. i have four definite nominations in my head for MOST METAL OF METAL. so i need to pick one from Element 106, Statue Of Misery, Black Matter... maybe Spike Pile Driver? Dear John? Double Jack? dunno

    5. who would you rather go see? 10 Easy Wishes or 5 Finger Discount? Or could we call Fiction/Action a 'punk' band and pick them instead?

    6. Strong Like Ox - better than Samurai Fury?

    7. have the Holy Folks been playing together longer than a year?

    8. do Clearer The Sky deserve as mention as BEST NEWCOMERS?

    9. are Edgar Prais better than Right Hand Left live in the flesh, as it were? or would you rather go see Radio Lucifer, Deadloss Superstar, The Upstarts or Onion Terror?

    thanks to anyone who answers those queries xxx

    i must sleep now. my brain hurts.

    thats not really fair putting anyone againts E106 for the metal like!

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