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Chi 666

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Posts posted by Chi 666

  1. Mate, i actually just said his spelling was terrible. As you will see, if you read my post, I didn't mention that as a reason why I think he shouldn't be allowed to comment on a film. In fact I didn't say his opinion was invalid, I was only in fact challenging his reasoning behind his opinion.

    I'm just interested in why he was using science as his basis for not liking a particular film whereas he liked another despite it having a much greater scientific implausibility. He may answer that there were other elements of Transformers, something that he has actually intimated in his previous post, that overshadowed the plot-holes of it against the plot-holes of IAL which is an opinion that i can relate to.

    And yes, it is possible to still enjoy a film despite not liking certain elements of it. For example, I'm sure you like drinking, but i'm damn sure you don't like the hangover that accompanies a heavy session? See what i mean?

    when it comes to the transformers film, that was ailen robots that came to earth, so why is that scientificly (sp?) impossible? who knows what aliens can do? i am just pointing out that PHYSICALLY did not make any sence. She might have had a car, which might have had UV lights on it, she might have been able to transport a fully grown male back to his house, MIGHT! why dont we know these things? that film was to flawed to be a good film.

    sorry, just my view. :up:

  2. Firstly, your spelling is terrible.

    Secondly, do you like the most recent Transformers film?

    yes yes yes we all know my spelling is shit.

    and yes i found the film enjoyable, it had a story line, made a little more sence, was quite funny and had a hottie in it. so yes i would say i enjoyed the transformers.

    why you ask?

  3. I haven't actually read the books or comics, I merely went to see it after seeing the advert for it. Silly me for enjoying a film without going to analyse every little piece of it before hand.

    ok sorry i will act as though i have never read the book or comic....

    the film was a total rip off of 28 days later (much much better film). these infected cretures know what robert neville dose during the day to manage to build a trap like his own but yet dont know who to drive cars or use wepons. explain to me how the lass with her young son managed to find robert, fight off all the cretures surounding him on the pier and manage to take an unconsious adult male and a young child through an massive city crawling with monsters? even if she managed to do that, why was she cowering under a table when only confronted with one monster? MAKES NAE SENSE!!!

    absolute shite:down:

  4. i thought it was brilliant! Will smith in possibly the best role i've ever seen him play, brilliant all the way through!

    it was shit and never made any sence, do you people watch films or just enjoy the pretty colours?o_O

  5. PISH! have any of you read the book or the comic? i have. these people had SUCH a good story to work with, truly amazing and then they butchered it! robert neville was a middle aged white man who lived in suberban america, he never died in a glorious heroic battle with the (totaly ripped stright of of 28 days later) infected humans, he was exicuted by half breeds, half breeds you say?!?! YES half breed, THE MAIN PART OF THE FUCKING STORY, that hollywood decided to leave out and make a brilliant story into another pile of Zombie shite.

    Truly gutting.

    (apart from the names of both the film and will smith, what else was the same as the orignal story?)

    i agree with this hunky so n so

  6. Saw this today in town and thought it was abseloutely superb. Aside from the infected humans being as scary as a pinprick, the tension at some points was brilliant, and the flashback scenes to the evacuation of New York was abseloutely awesome but used sparingly enough to be greatly effective. Also the locations looked genuinally amazing with the weeds growing through the ground. There was a few areas that lacked but I felt it had almost a castaway feel to it, with Will Smith portraying the secluded feelings brilliantly in the first half.

    I wouldn't say it's oscar worthy or anything but my respect for will smith's fair growing as he's a brilliant actor and from the scenes where he's exercising it's obvious he puts alot of work into his roles.

    PISH! have any of you read the book or the comic? i have. these people had SUCH a good story to work with, truly amazing and then they butchered it! robert neville was a middle aged white man who lived in suberban america, he never died in a glorious heroic battle with the (totaly ripped stright of of 28 days later) infected humans, he was exicuted by half breeds, half breeds you say?!?! YES half breed, THE MAIN PART OF THE FUCKING STORY, that hollywood decided to leave out and make a brilliant story into another pile of Zombie shite.

    Truly gutting.

    (apart from the names of both the film and will smith, what else was the same as the orignal story?)

  7. Did anyone that was at the gig get any pictures taken? If so would it be possible for you guys to send them to me?

    Also i recorded a couple of songs from each band, and im gonna make up a video and post it on youtube. Although im going offshore tomorrow so it'll have to be in the next couple of weeks!!

    get in contact we andrew i think his missus was taking a few photos.

  8. best gig i have played in a LONG fuckin time. Great turn out IMO (middle of the month on a sunday) everybody enjoyed themselfs and we all got to watch CERTIN DEATH, fuck me is that a good band or what:up:!

    cant wait till next year, DEZ what you doing it on?

    Bring on the capital!

  9. we have plenty of room. you could either leave your stuff at drummonds, leave your car at my place and stay over then you can just pick up your stuff the next day.

    or work something around the fact that you have a place to crash in town if you want it :up:

    you better not be talking about my house!!!:up:

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