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Chi 666

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Posts posted by Chi 666

  1. its not really captain toms who are at fault though, that guitar tone is terrible, in fact, im ashamed i even used the word tone there.

    the best results I have heard from a captain toms recording was on the fat hippy sampler volume one, and it was the My Minds Weapon track 'lucky like kokura'.

    That recording was great, because they knew what they wanted to achieve.

    I will judge you guys once you get a better recording


    personaly i have heard to many recordings buy captian toms, and this one is one of the better ones i have heard, as i said befor the guitar sounds crap, but thats not what our guitar sounds like, every guitar that gos through captian toms mic sounds shite. i had it when statue recorded there twice and statue dont sound fuzzy live. anyone that says that captian toms are good are lying, we had to work on a limited budget. so please listen to the songs and stop picking faults in the recording.:down:

  2. Oops, sorry, wrong band. My apologies, your band did come in, it was a band the night before I was thinking about.

    I read the post by freddiesoffspring with interest. I will make it clearer on our site that there's 2 combos not speaker cabs. A lot of our gear is indeed on one side of the room but only the guitars are on stands. I don't think that the amps will fall over but might look into a multi-stand for the guitars if that's what you are talking about. Glad you like the recordings. If only more people used the place we could get some money to spend on better gear! :)

    Thanks for the comments

    must admit, iv been on the aberdeen music scene for a few years now and i have never ever been to the foyer music. whats the prices and were is it?

  3. So far the list of call off's reads as

    Dailly (broken toe)

    McGregor (unspecified)

    McCulloch (thigh strain)

    Ferguson (ankle ligaments)

    Brown (unspecified)

    Robson (unspecified)

    Pearson (unspecified)

    With Darren Fletcher and Steven Fletcher possibly out too, with illness and injury.

    There must be an old firm game on or something ;)

    Gavin Rae called up as a replacement, more to follow surely.

    wish it was life threatining, cunt

  4. I can't manage - but i'm tempted to buy a ticket anyway (presuming ST holders get preference as usual) just to stop a glory hunting, sky watching, Man U "fan" plonking their fat coporate arse on my seat.

    thats what i was thinking, thats just as bad as some stinking Tim or Bear sitting there rat infested ass on my beautiful south stand baby.

  5. Im a 16 year old lead guitarist, been playin for 3 years. Heuge range of influences but mainly into stuff like Slayer, Machine Head, Arch Enemy, Children of Bodom. Good writing and technical skills, lots of ideas. Would want to be gigging and writing original material. If you're interested just post a reply, or if you want I can give you my mobile number.:headbang:

    sorry dude need to be a bit older (for gigs and drinking and stuff). sorry mate.

  6. get the boy dumbass on the case. fuck this "im nae dein it". ... if he refuses we'll just cut off hands and bury him up to his neck in sand at the beach during low tide. know why? coz its metalz.

    fuckin hell Zorro, calm eh beans min. am sure he will be back soon:up:

  7. just a wee update for all you die hard fans(:up:) Statue took a nice wee break from each other over christmas and are back for some more practices and gigs. We will hopefully have a new couple of tunes finished for you for our next gig (25th marth (HOPEFULLY!))

    will keep you all posted.

    Statue of Misery

  8. phhh, just walk down union street or hang out in bruce millers / r&b / the graveyard for 20 minutes and you'll pick up a metal guitarist. ya'll are ten a penny.

    finding somone who can keep up on the beer count.....thats a different question.


    why? you interested!!!???

    Very true my friend Zorro, very true.

  9. That's my point. It's a film, over analyzing the scientific content of most films is futile and a waste of time. Enjoy it for what it is.

    i know, i just frustrates me that they made a really good story into a really bad film. i shoud stop reading books and comics.

  10. I did laugh when the pen was awarded, once I noticed it was Lee Miller lying on his arse. Looked very soft where I was, but not going to pass judgement till I see the highlights.

    Not that bothered about the result today to be honest, as I did have a bad feeling about this game. Again you controlled the first half, we controlled the second; which seems to be a theme of the games we share.

    We had a couple of chances to win it before Miller's ice skates took his balance away, so that was a bit sickening.

    Happy enough with my team and their performance, something that very veeerrry few Dons fans will be able to say tonight!

    im a HUGE dons fan, was there tonight, but had to laugh cos its so true. EVERY time some one challanges him he falls, BADLY. hes just lucky he has nae been sent of for diving. hes a good player but needs to grow some balls.

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