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Posts posted by morlun

  1. American Geography teacher: "now class, here is an unmarked map of the world. Can anyone point to the country where we live?"

    Majority Of The Class: *points to Europe/ Russia? Asia land mass* "That one, Miss."

    Teacher: "Why have you said that?"

    Class: "It's the biggest!"

    I don't believe they are "stupid" as such, they just need to be better educated. But then you could say that about this country too, I suppose.

  2. I think the live version of Monty Python's Petshop/ Dead parrot sketch where Michael Palin just changed it without telling anyone was worthy of number one on it's own!!!. The look on John Cleese's face when he says the parrot's dead, to which Palin replies "oh, so it is. Here's your money back, and some holiday vouchers." Priceless :laughing:

  3. that was a classic

    but WM14 is the ultimate classic (when HBK takes a total ass kicking)

    Have that on video. Still love watching it for one reason- nobody remembered to teach Tyson how to pull his punches!!!

    it's all about the Monday night war

    Downloaded the Monday Night War DVD- Bischoff and Vince are STILL trying to get in their little digs at each other!!! Get over it Eric, you fucked up, and now have to work for the people you tried to run out of business. Of course they're going to continually try to embarrass you!!

    Oh and one more thing... E-C-W, E-C-W, E-C-W! :rockon:

  4. This Friday (the 1st of April) I'll be doing my last Chill-Out room at Moshulu for Bond*age! It's all purely amicable' date=' I just think it's about time I moved on - Like the Littlest Hobo, except I've not actually solved anyone's problems.


    The fact that the almighty Elizium is returning doesn't have antyhing to do with this at all, does it..?

    I assume you WILL be DJ'ing Elizium? ?(

  5. does anyone remember the time he slipped into the missing hour when the clocks changed? and him and this girl were getting chased by...binmen or something...

    Yeah, the black suit and singlasses wearing binmen- I think- anyway, yeah I remember that episdoe. What about possibly the most original one: The main character- Marshall- woke up, and everyone was on the set filming an episode of Eerie Indiana, and kept calling each other by their real names. Except Marshall obviously, who refused to believe his world was just part of a TV show. Possibly the best episode in my opinion.

  6. Most embarrassing moment: waking up on New year's day 2002, still pissed from the night before. Can remeber every little detail- right down to the clothes I was wearing- except one. I remeber I had sex with someone that night, can remeber their name, and can remeber everything we talked about. What I could not remeber was what she looked like. Now this may not sound so bad - "Look at the person lying next to you" was most people's response. The only problem was, I was fully clothed again, asleep on my mates couch, and there were about 10- 15 other people in the room. How may people have had to do the "I'm going to start talking and hope that I can bluff my way out of this" conversation. After 2 bottles of vodka, 40 in the palace and too much pot, it is NOT an easy thing to do. Needless to say, I was not too popular, as the girl in question soon realised what I was up to.

  7. There is also a soundboard audio recording out there of Halford performing with Sabbath on last year's US Ozzfest. August 24 in Camden, New Jersey I believe it was. Ozzy fell ill, and they asked Halford to step in instead of cancel their set. Some photos available at sabbathlive.com, but buggered if I can find the audio. BOLLOCKS!!

  8. Tis true, despite a dull game, I was slighlty heartened by the attitude of the players. They actually seemed proud to play for Scotland, and had infinitly more passion that I've seen in along time. Take heed Herr Vogts, maybe you will now accept what we all know- YOU SUCK, now begone, and never lend your "services" to another team as long as you live... with the possible exception of Inverness Caley Thistle

  9. As for Matt being envious of Jeff and Lita? Lita being a no talent' date=' droning, boring bitch and Jeff being sacked and turning up a year later on TNA I highly doubt it's the case.[/quote']

    Maybe "jealous" is the wrong term. He never said a bad word about being in the shadow of Jeff and Lita- which he was- but he was definately not entirely happy about it. Lita, before she was injured on Dark Angel, could pull off more athletic moves than most of the male wrestlers- including Matt. And Jeff was always the one that got the attention of female fans- my girlfriend can vouch for that one- and was such an awe inspiring competitor. As for the being sacked part... Jeff Hardy has never been anything but honest about his drug addiction he had at the time. He went straight to the management and said that he was addicted to painkillers- yes, painkillers, the same thing that Eddie Guerrerro was addicted to...- and said that as a result he had lost his passion for almost everything, except his music, and REQUESTED a contract release to get clean away from the pressure of performing. His reasoning was he did not want to let himself, the company or the fans down by being subpar. At this point, the WWE released an official statement to the press that Jeff Hardy had failed a drugs test, and was being sacked from the company. As for turning up 1 year later on TNA... All WWE contracts, as standard, have a minimum 12 month "no compete" cause. I.E. no wrestler can perform in a nationally televised promotion for 12 months following his departure from WWE, and after WWE saying that they fired him for drug use- the same form of drug use for which they PAID for Guerrerro's rehab, and then made him champ when he returned- he did not want to return.

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