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Posts posted by morlun

  1. Now comes the debate- Everton or Liverpool... Who plays in the Champions League NEXT season? Should Liverpool be allowed to attempt to defend their title, or do Everton deserve it because they finished in the top 4 in the Premiership?

    Would not like to be the one responsible for telling whichever team it is that they ain't the one.

  2. whether Pantera suck isn't really the point here - the haste at grave robbing & cashing in on Darrell's death should certainly be talked about though.

    No-one else think this is just a bit too hasty after his murder to be cashing in? Or does the thought of some "not good enough for the album" material get the fans excited?

    Considering Vinnie Paul said this at the time of Dime's funeral, then no it is not too hasty. Dime had a studio in his tour bus, and was always recording. Vinne's reasoning is quite simple- Dime loved music, and he had recorded over half an albums worth of new music for the 2nd Damageplan album and would want his work to be heard. So when you say "not good enough for the album" you are quite clearly talking out of your ass. And considering how devastated Vinnie Paul was at the death of his brother- apparently the only words he could utter for about an hour were "I want to be with my brother"- accusing him of trying to "cash in" is really fucking low.

  3. I only have one problem with this quiz- the "if you had to ruthlessly murder a Star Trek fan" question. As a proud trekkie who owns all 10 Trek films, has seen almost every episode of every version (except Enterprise :puke: which is an afront to all things sacred) and can name the ship class of all the different incarnations of the Enterprise, and the ORIGINAL captain of the Enterprise- and it is NOT Kirk- I find this offensive and unneccessary.

    Thank you for your time, and I await your backlash :up:

  4. I remeber watching Rainbow. But now that were all grown up and have twisted minds it is a lot different to how i remember it. :moody: oh the shame. :O

    Then think about Thundercats: Lion-O has the Sword Of Omens. It's not a very big thing to begin with (but as we all know, size isn't everything). He turns it on by swinging it about, and yelling "Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats, Ho!", and then it gets bigger and becomes a most powerful weapon...

    Make of that what you will....

  5. That is just fucking ace' date=' V*ICE sportin an ICP tee.

    I'm sure everyone will tell him how much they think ICP are "mince" when/if they speak to him.[/quote']

    "the ones who have pulled me out of the trenches, MY FAMILY, the VIP ARMY, and ICP and the JUGGALO'S, I will never turn my back on you! FAMILY FOR LIFE!!!

    -ROB" taken from vanillaice.com

    Think that shows how much "clown love" the man has, and it would NOT be a wise idea to badmouth the ICP in his earshot- as Mancow found out on his radio show...

  6. I have his last match on my PC. It's really bizarre, you see his leg go, but it doesn't look that serious- not enough that would actually require surgery anyway, seemed like a clean break. Guess that's why I ain't no doctor. The guy never got the break he deserved :down:

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