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Posts posted by trinitynscotland

  1. that's what I thought.


    I double checked for ya; in their Feb/March mini events mag that came with my tickets, and its 9pm doors open, first band onstage 930pm. Nevermind, still early by far party wise for a Sat nite.8)


    first band onstage at 9.30pm.

    i thought we're agreed doors were 8pm' date=' but perhaps the lemon tree have decided to lop off an hour of djing at the start.

    since the godfather neil johnson is DJing, that's probably a good thing. :D[/quote']

  2. cheeky:punk: :woohoo:


    1. best band -stayover

    2. worst band -stayover

    3. best newcomer - stayover

    4. best live act - stayover

    5. best rock act -stayover

    6. best punk act - stayover

    7. most metal of metal -stayover

    8. best extreme act - stayover

    9. best indie act - stayover

    10. best of the rest - stayover

    11. best fudge performance - stayover

    12. best international act - stayover

    13. best venue - stayover

    14. best clubnight -stayover

    15. most missed -stayover

    plus! most shaggable milner

    most punchable - milner


  3. 1. best band - Deadloss Mother F*cking Superstar

    2. worst band - no comment

    3. best newcomer - identity

    4. best live act - radio lucifer

    5. best rock act - deadloss superstar

    6. best punk act - stayover

    7. most metal of metal - element 106 & open air --- canna make me mind up xx

    8. best extreme act - we shall be blessed

    9. best indie act - the little kicks

    10. best of the rest - genevieve

    11. best fudge performance - onion terror

    12. best international act - deadenstereo

    13. best venue - the moorings

    14. best clubnight - air guitar

    15. most missed - dr drakes

    plus! most shaggable - cross between Hog and Bri

    and most punchable - ah, now we all know who that is xxx

  4. Cool Voting still open!!! Mwahahahaha:popcorn:


    STAYOVER plus support TBA

    the usual saturday night rules on under 18's apply - see the moorings forum for details

    9pm' date=' sat 18th feb

    you'll be able to vote in the fudge awards! this will be your very last chance before the big night :)[/quote']

  5. You know what is sad? That the minority can/could ruin it for the majority of underagers that frequent venues that have band nites for 14s and over.

    My daughter and her pals go solely for the music. The right reason. Not the drink. Of course at this stage they always go with me. They dont mind the stamp they get at the Tunnels, mainly cause they want in to listen either to their favourite band, or listen to any new ones on the set list. They dont mind when they know Ive contacted Flash or the venue to ask/inform about them coming along with me.

    I've got deep respect for venues and the license laws; having worked in a few when in my early 20's and each time these days when I frequent a "said" venue, I go the extra mile to ensure that my daughter and her pal/s understand that they won't be drinking!! I contact the venue/person etc, and ask thus when I come in, the venue peeps know me and my daughter and her pals! Hehe

    Yea. I ask. No big deal. Its about the music not getting pished.

    Sure its not cool to sit about with a coke can in front of ya (or perhaps with your ma :p), but the understanding is -- its more serious to get a venue closed due to selfishness. My book: not worth the risk and my daughter and her pals agree.

    I've not had any of the problems I've read about in this thread, perhaps because I and my daughter plus her pals --- always show respect for the staff and the law.

    They know if they don't they simply wouldn't be allowed to go anymore!

    Perhaps I'm the exception to the rule, who knows... but some rules are not made to be broken no matter what.

    Too many domino effects!


    PS: well said Flash.:up:

    So UFB - do you believe:

    1) That you have some sort of God given right to risk The Tunnels license?

    2) That just so your mates could have something that they were not entitled to' date=' it was worth risking getting The Tunnels shut down?

    3) That the jobs and livelihood of everyone who works at The Tunnels is something it is acceptable for you to risk?

    4) That the people who own The Tunnels and put their blood sweat, and tears... not to mention a whole heap of money that they have had to work very hard for... it's OK for you to gamble with that?

    5) That the people that would no longer be able to frequent The Tunnels, and all the other bands that would no longer be able to play there, are accetable collateral damage?

    Because had anything gone wrong, and believe me nobody ever plans to get caught, then that is EXACTLY what would have happened. And it would have been due to your selfish, stupid, thoughless, "nobody will ever find out" action.

    Licensing law is very strict compared with the laws that most of you are familair with. There are no let-offs, no cautions, and no warnings. Caught serving someone 1 min after time? Lose your license immediately. For example a well known local kebab shop was licensed to serve food until 4am. There was a queue of people in the shop, some of them had been waiting a while. The police walked past and witnessed the assistant taking money at 4 mins past 4. The shop lost it's license and was closed down. It was it's first and only offence. That was 4 years ago. It' still shut.

    But the worst offences under licensing law are:

    3) Serving alcohol to someone underage.

    2) Killing someone with alcohol

    1) And worst of all is killing someone underagewith alcohol.

    The definition of 'killing' is pretty broad. If for example one of your underage mates, had walked out in front of a car, and the police had learned that the person had been in The Tunnels beforehand, then a post mortem would have checked for alcohol. Had even a very small quantity of alcohol in their bloodstream - like the one drink you bought them. Then 4 people would have been held personally liable and accountable for that death:

    The car driver

    The licensee of The Tunnels

    The cool bald guy who didn't throw you all out.

    You. Yes you, because you are over 18, and you bought a fatal drink for someone you knew was under 18.

    The conviction would have been made to stick quite easily. You would all have gone to jail.

    But even just serving someone under 18 (who later survives) - which so many of you view as 'OK' - is treated by the courts as being on par with sticking your dick up a 3 year olds ass. They really don't like it :nono: Get caught doing it just once, even by accident, and the venue will lose it's license, and be forced to shut down. And just like underage drinking, this happens all the time. The police do not turn a blind eye.

    Right now the police have a big initiative on. They are clamping down hard on anywhere that is reputed to serve drink to people underage. They are sending out people undercover with hidden cameras recording equipment.

    Underagers trying to buy drinks for themselves is bad enough, but this is even worse. You should be old enough to know better.[/quote']

  6. Something Old - Van Halen - "Van Halen": great guitar solos and lyrics on it

    Something New - Within Temptations - "The Silent Voice": my second taste at goth rock. Yummy like chocolate and sex.

    Something Borrowed - Il Divo - "Ancora": Never crossed into this genre, I got a loan of it, gave it back and bought my own. Ab fab.

    Something Poo - 50 cent - "The Massacre": Worst choice in my life! Worst song, ("Candy Shop") of the 21st Century I reckon. The beats are horrible, the lyrics are completely silly, the music video is really bad and 50 has zero talent, just all image, and he doesn't have any substance. Whole album just bad. Ebay buyers liked it though. ;)

  7. For it reminds me of The Bassment... or more acurately the other way around.

    Imagine my surprise when i venture downstairs this evening to be confronted with The Arctic Monkeys' date=' We Are Scientists, Mystery Jets and The Libertines and barely anyone hastled them.

    Lovely stuff[/quote']

    Damn to be round such talent. A dream.

    Just read today that Artic Monkeys are outselling album wise on the debut more than the Beatles.

    Ah, those where the days when they were simply a band on myspace.:up:

  8. The ONE EARTH CONCERT is supporting the non-political campaign called Climate Change Now to provide consumers with easy solutions to reducing their carbon dioxide emissions.

    Both initiatives are supported by globally and nationally respected organisations and individuals including the United Nations Environment Programme, the European Commission, the Eden Project, Big Issue, EMI, and it is part of the Clinton Global Initiative.

    January 28th, 2006

    Millennium Stadium


    Broadcast Live by the BBC:up:


  9. Politically Correct Santa

    'Twas the night before Christmas and Santa's a wreck...

    How to live in a world that's politically correct?

    His workers no longer would answer to "Elves",

    "Vertically Challenged" they were calling themselves.

    And labor conditions at the north pole

    Were alleged by the union to stifle the soul.

    Four reindeer had vanished, without much propriety,

    Released to the wilds by the Humane Society.

    And equal employment had made it quite clear

    That Santa had better not use just reindeer.

    So Dancer and Donner, Comet and Cupid,

    Were replaced with 4 pigs, and you know that looked stupid!?

    The runners had been removed from his sleigh;

    The ruts were termed dangerous by the E.P.A.

    And people had started to call for the cops

    When they heard sled noises on their roof-tops.

    Second-hand smoke from his pipe had his workers quite frightened.

    His fur trimmed red suit was called "Unenlightened."

    And to show you the strangeness of life's ebbs and flows:

    Rudolf was suing over unauthorized use of his nose

    And had gone on Geraldo, in front of the nation,

    Demanding millions in over-due compensation.

    So, half of the reindeer were gone; and his wife,

    Who suddenly said she'd enough of this life,

    Joined a self-help group, packed, and left in a whiz,

    Demanding from now on her title was Ms.

    And as for the gifts, why, he'd ne'er had a notion

    That making a choice could cause so much commotion.

    Nothing of leather, nothing of fur,

    Which meant nothing for him. And nothing for her.

    Nothing that might be construed to pollute.

    Nothing to aim. Nothing to shoot.

    Nothing that clamored or made lots of noise.

    Nothing for just girls. Or just for the boys.

    Nothing that claimed to be gender specific.

    Nothing that's warlike or non-pacific.

    No candy or sweets...they were bad for the tooth.

    Nothing that seemed to embellish a truth.

    And fairy tales, while not yet forbidden,

    Were like Ken and Barbie, better off hidden.

    For they raised the hackles of those psychological

    Who claimed the only good gift was one ecological.

    No baseball, no football...someone could get hurt;

    Besides, playing sports exposed kids to dirt.

    Dolls were said to be sexist, and should be passe;

    And Nintendo would rot your entire brain away.

    So Santa just stood there, disheveled, perplexed;

    He just could not figure out what to do next.

    He tried to be merry, tried to be gay,

    But you've got to be careful with that word today.

    His sack was quite empty, limp to the ground;

    Nothing fully acceptable was to be found.

    Something special was needed, a gift that he might

    Give to all without angering the left or the right.

    A gift that would satisfy, with no indecision,

    Each group of people, every religion;

    Every ethnicity, every hue,

    Everyone, everywhere...even you.

    So here is that gift, it's price beyond worth...

    "May you and your loved ones enjoy peace on earth."


    Happy Holidays

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