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Status Updates posted by Lemonade

  1. Babymetal doesn't work as well without the videos accompanying it.

  2. Tough day. I want to go home and watch Mean Girls. #YouGoGlenCoco

  3. Back in my winter jacket today. In the pockets I found some squished chewing gum, expired Clubcard vouchers and a gig ticket from November.

  4. My landlord is here doing repairs. Even though my house is clean I feel like he's judging me.

  5. Has anyone nominated Stephen Hawking to do the ALS Ice Bucket challenge yet?

  6. And now it has the fucking audacity to be sunny.

  7. Scream or I Know What You Did Last Summer? I may double bill, time permitting. 90s slasher double feature.

  8. Now to catch up with last weeks #NewGirl

  9. Pepsi > Coke. However Coke Zero > Pepsi Max.

  10. Scrappy match tonight. Arsenal will need to improve in the second leg. Giroud looked a bit lonely up front. Chambers impressed again.

  11. New Phone Book. What a colossal waste of paper. Why can't I opt out of receiving this? http://t.co/SmSVb37X9a

  12. I'm watching the Arsenal match on +1 tonight, which will be weird. Twitter aff, Sky Sports goal flashes aff.

  13. I'm listening to a lot of Regina Spektor again recently. Is she cool at the moment? I don't want to listen to anything that isn't cool.

  14. Dammit, forgot briefly about Summer Slam being on last night, went on Twitter, spoiled the results. Booo!

  15. I like Regina Spektor a lot, but doesn't she seem like she'd be really annoying in person?

  16. My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Run-D.M.C. (10), Manic Street Preachers (4) & Nazareth (3) http://t.co/x3DKPmatcP

  17. There's a door at my work that's locked now which never used to be. It's been 2 weeks, and still every time I get a faceful of door.

  18. Jeffrey Schlupp's miss today was reminiscent of Ade Akinbiyi's season with Leicester. The fucking ball hasn't landed yet!

  19. RT @gigihux: Dear Scotland.

    You are a wonderful country. Please feel free to tell our Prime Minister to fuck off and die.

    Love Australia

  20. Alexis Sanchez needs to work on his fucking passing. This game and the charity shield his final ball has been woeful.

  21. Cheeky treble on today. Cardiff, Arsenal, Fulham.

  22. Sign O' The Times concert is on Sky Arts 1 just now, a MUST for any Prince fan!

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