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Edgar Graham

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Posts posted by Edgar Graham

  1. I found the book to be a very enjoyable read and would consider him one of the most interesting people alive today but on the other hand I also got the Mr Nice DVD and it's absolutely terrible. It has fake studio laughter when there aren't even any jokes and he just repeatedly says "i'm so stoned" over and over again.

    Still I wouldn't go as far as calling him a "twat". Looking at what he has achieved in his lifetime is incredible (especially since he was baked the whole time as well, I generally struggle to leave the room when i'm baked).

    So yeah, give up this touring milarky Howard, you're making Stripey think you're a twat.

  2. Yeah man, I was thinking about it after I posted that and felt a bit stupid, I'm quite happy paying whatever price for drinks to keep the only good thing about Aberdeen nightlife going.

    It's just cos I've been so skint lately I've been hangin around with the strange alcoholics in archies till about 1am then heading over! Working two jobs now to fund the habit so it's soooooooooooound. Keep up the good work.

  3. I take it the ability to charge so little for drinks on a wednesday has been made possible by the price hike on Friday and Saturday? 3.05 a vodka coke and with a door charge on top of that most of the time :(

    Working Mon-Fri I can only go out at the weekend and I've found myself putting off going to Snafu till later in the night recently because the prices are so steep.

  4. "Make sure you pay for your property, a fair price"

    Listen you asshole, if you can't even go to the effort of learning the correct word order of a sentence for your probable multi-million pound ad campaign how can I trust the build quality of one of your no doubt shoddy Spanish properties?

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