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Edgar Graham

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Posts posted by Edgar Graham

  1. Dude i think she made it pretty clear that she is an indie fan, so why are you sending her to a deep house night?

    If you were an Exodus kid just go to Exodus again, fuck all those yung'uns they probably don't even own a Ride or a Huggy Bear cd.

    Aberdeen nightlife is pretty stale but i think folk are comfortable with that, i mean we fear change don't we?

    I think going in with a bit of an open mind most Exodus go-ers would enjoy themselves alot. Iain doesn't always keep it strictly deep house on Saturdays anyway.

  2. 99 is an Estaminet-ish type bar next to the taxi rank on Back Wynd. It's pretty chilled out and i enjoy playing there.

    On a different topic, what the hell is up with Kef right now?

    Have you seen the flier for their Techno night? it looks like a prop poster for a fake night at the club in Eastenders. Their whole music policy at the moment really pisses me off, it seems they are full of djs who are so out of touch they probably don't know any music that even came out this millenium.

    It is a crying shame that as the only other club in town playing underground dance music, next to Snafu, they choose to play host to such lackluster nights. I mean who the fuck listens to new school breaks any more? and who the fuck cares about the Freestylers?

    Do any of the djs from there post on here? I'd love to hear a different opinion.

    Yeah, that poster is pretty absurd.

    I used to work in Siberia above Kef which has the same owner, so knew alot of what was going on. I believe Kef has been sold and in the next couple of years will be turned in to some sort of hotel. I think the owner has lost interest and has no real desire to promote Kef anymore.

    The music policy is pretty terrible, what's the difference between Jungle Nation and Jungle Boogie? The only thing that springs to mind when I think of these nights is awful drum and bass and topless, sweaty men dancing in a strange matter. Although I believe these nights are somehow still quite popular, with the same people going every week really.

    The techno night is intriguing though, does anyone have any idea who was DJing?

    Me and my friend went to The Tunnels to see about putting on a monthly dirty electro/minimal/tech night on, but apparently they were fully booked for the next 3 months when we enquired. Which would leave Kef to try, but... Nah.

    Thank god for Snafu, eh? Although the night put on at the Peacock Centre last month was a refreshing change, I believe this is going to become a more common occurence which is nice.

    Here's a link to my friend's mix for the type of night we were planing if anyone's interested? He kept things pretty simple but there's a couple of belters in it - D.I.M, Marc Ashken + plus that last Green Velvet release is tight.

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  3. Soldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsoldsold

  4. Yeh, it was pretty good. Pretty gay seeing people scrapping in the middle of the dancefloor just after crookers started, infact I think it's the only scrap I've ever seen in Snafu in 2 years of going. How do you go from dancing to fighting? That's like going from eating a bag of skittles to shitting on a child's face.

    Are you speaking in terms of the set or general atmosphere of the club? Wasn't at Erol Alkan but Felix Cartal in December is definately my favourite set at Snafu recently.

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