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Posts posted by jackson

  1. A horse walks into a bar,

    the barman asks, "Why the long face?"

    to which the horse replies, "I've got AIDS."

    My Grandad died at Auschwitz......

    he fell out the watch tower

    could get me banned but

    what's the difference between Maddie McCann and John Paul II?

    John Paul II died a virgin uh oh

  2. the heineken brewery is worth a visit, you get a free drink at the end and can get many more if you are not too shy to ask people who arent drinking for their free drink token. anne frank's house is good for five minutes. coffee shops are everywhere, i liked Grey Area i think it was called, small but with very good weed, good music and good banter. the Pink Floyd coffee shop is a good shout too. if someone offers you drugs on the street dont even say no just ignore them.

  3. Series 3 Update.

    Strap In, Its time for Series 3.

    Julian and Noel have finished writing Series 3 and have enlisted the help of Richard Ayoade (long term collaborator and one time Dixon Bainbridge) as a script editor. The next few weeks should see them embark on pre-production of the next incarnation of The Mighty Boosh. With a scheduled July start and Paul King back in the directors hammock, filming will take place in a studio somewhere outside London. The series should hit the screens in the Autumn.

    Julian has given us a quick idea of what to expect:

    series three is set in naboo's second hand shop. where he sells under the counter shaman supplies to the local shaman of dalston. howard and vince work there. and get to sell their own stuff. howard sells rare pressings of early charlie mingus records. vince sells luminous drainpipes and see through hats. during the series they get visits from a evil cockney gangster who controls the local eel community, the crack fox , a junky fox who lives in the alley at the back of the shop. and even get shrunk down and injected into the body of a dying punk.

    Autumn will also see the first TV broadcast of last years award winning tour of the U.K. If you missed The Mighty Boosh Live you can catch the sell-out Brixton Academy show from the comfort of your living room on BBC3.

    Sorry no linkage because i got if off another forum!

  4. i hate chelsea because they bought success, literally, but i can accept

    that because thats what happens in football now. what i cant accept is having a team with

    lampard, ballack, joe cole, drogba, shevchenko and robben but yet they play shite football

    and rely on individual moments of brilliance, rather than scoring goals made through

    expansive creative football (arsenal, spurs, man utd), to win games. i cant believe anyone

    who actually enjoys watching football would like chelsea to win the league, with

    their "things arent going well, lets hump the ball up to drogba" style of play.

    and by the way i thought id give you some stats jj to prove they bought the title, in romans first year in charge he spent over 190 million on players and since then he has spent over 300 million on players

    man u in the same time have spent around 130...........still a shit load of money but not even half of what chelsea have spent

  5. langfield is a great shot stopper but is also a dodgy bastard who cant kick, come for crosses and loves a howler now and again. i am a season ticket holder so am not just going on what i have read elsewhere. with this in mind i would not be too sad to see him leave but we would have to have someone already lined up before we let him go. i think it reflects well on calderwood, you dont cross the boss!

  6. i actually like ziggy. when they were having the meeting and he just fell onto his side and said "fucking girls!" ha ha and when some girl was claiming she wouldnt kiss a guy on the show and he told her she was speaking shit. i like that hes not just trying to be liked by all of them and puts idiots like charlie in her place. top bloke!

    the task where they had to rank themselves was tv gold.

  7. liverpool are only this far away from competing with man u and chelsea. a right winger, a left winger and some real quality strikers. i love crouchy but hes not good enough, neither is bellamy nor kuyt. noone will ever convince me pennant can be as good as robben, cole, giggs, ronaldo or even wright-phillips. four top class players is a very big ask in one summer though.

  8. Where have you seen that? There's nothing finalised and he's said he only wants to move to Real Madrid...

    Our team at the moment is decidedly average. I don't think Toni will address our attacking problem and the addition of Schlaudraff, Altintop and Sosa don't exactly inspire me with confidence.

    Having said that Marcell Jansen is a great acquisition and if Podolski can recapture the form that he has for the national team i don't see any reason why we need Toni unless the board are planning on getting some money for Makaay while they still can.

    it was announced on german tv that he had signed. however bayern have now released a statement saying this is not true.

  9. im sure everyones opinion will be different but i went through the whole album waiting for something really heavy and screamy and it never arrived. theres one skit where its all plinky plonky and theres a line something like "are you an elephant, you crush me to pieces" or something like that and i actually burst out laughing in my room by myself. cant remember biffy ever making me do that before

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