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Posts posted by jackson

  1. other than entertaining the working classes.

    I was thinking about forming a constructive argument but you are obviously just a wind-up merchant.

    Football is for the working class and boxing is for people who get a thrill out of violence. For someone so deep, intellectual and creative, your world is very simple.

    Were you bullied at school and forced to play in goals at lunch time?

  2. I thought it was a bit rubbish.

    The script wasn't up to the usual Tarantino standard and I don't think it was well cast.

    The two different sets of women were both really fucking irritating.

    As expected it is well shot and nice to look at.

  3. Everything is lost on me these days bud.

    ha ha no worries. oh well the half man half horse venus williams has won it again. nadal and federer in the final. wimbledon seems to be quite predictable these days.

  4. i have been watching a lot of it. it will take a miracle for someone to beat federer on grass. nadal has improved a lot on the surface and djokovic is looking dangerous so their semi should be very good. in the end though, roger is a god amongst mere mortals.

    womens tennis is horse shit.

  5. for about 6 months you will only need one game. zelda. it is phenomenal. it is typically zelda by being quite slow starting but once you get into it you will be spaffing frequently over its awesomeness. once i completed it i traded in my wii for a ps3. ive heard very very good things about the mario football game, supposed to be great fun online. hope ive been of some help

  6. agreed, die hard 4.0 is awesome! was loving kevin smith aswel. the first one is definately the best. big bruce was on jonathon ross the other night saying how he wasn't a big fan of die hard 2. still has the classic "sitting duck" line though. yippee-ky-ay mother fuckers

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