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Everything posted by some_kinda_hate

  1. She's VERY wrong. It's the fact they're underage aswell and having an ID isn't bad. She's an idiot, she's always on the phone, she really needs to be kicked out. She never does her job properly..and she's friggin disgusting.. gah. Trust me, everyone I know whose seen her, has had a problem with her.. say she reminds me of people on here never happy with anythinggg
  2. he has a point mr dylan is fecking amazing!
  3. lmfaoo god no, just keep them in a watered jar thnx
  4. ah, thought you had to be 18.
  5. how old exactly do you have to be to do it? I would totally do it I've already said I'm donating my skeleton to science for anatomy and physiology students as I know myself how important it is to know about it. My organs to be donated to those who need them. My eyes..I want them for my own though..they're my source.
  6. aye I caught that sigh to all those other people moaning about the thread.. oh lets moan and moan and complain because we're never happy blah blah negativity bursting in blah. You people,I pity. really borring. but to those who I managed to have a convo with on here, I thankyou.
  7. Oh I understand pretty well now since I feel more mature than you already comming out with remarks like that. But I wasn't just meaning James Blunt, I was meaning anyone.
  8. Borring humor? hmm...maybe you're the one with the borring humor as everyone else liked it
  9. I'm happy with my body.. I just hate the skinnyness of my arms.. everything is fine and in shape but my arms.. dear god.. I hate them. especially the wrists...eww if my bum puts on any more weight I swear, I'll get one of those body wraps for it!
  10. It's a nicer remark than saying "you're fucking ugly" Negative things will make people hate you if you don't care, then you have no hope and all. You're just stuck up in that case, must be one of those people who thinks nothing's ever good enough for you and you HAVE to comment that person to say they're ugly because they're not good enough for you. sigh.
  11. My point was, someone may not know who the username person is.. bloody hell.. how many times do I have to explain .. sigh.
  12. I'll try, I eat allll the time and I never seem to put on weight :S but one day it will strike.. yay mmm cheese indeed ^_^
  13. thanks! I've been wanting to put on weight for years and I'm still only 8 stone.. grrr I .. think I'm too skinny .. no one's ever happy are they? lol
  14. I spoke to christy about it, I do love him aswell I also think KT Tunstalls ace and.. who else do I like hrmm madonnas new cd is ace
  15. I think that's why I left last time because everyone was the same lol but I'd rather have nice friendly relationships with people I like to get along
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