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Posts posted by Lonz

  1. I just hate receipts in general. I don't really use my wallet much, I put 20s in my wallet when I get them from the cashpoint, but as soon as I break them, all the coins, fivers, tenners and receipts just get stuffed into my pocket. Pretty much every time I go into a shop to buy a can of juice or a newspaper I pull out all the bumff that's filled my pocket and I have to pick my way through about 5 receipts just to find a pound coin. I mean OK if I'm buying clothes, or CDs which I might need to return then the receipt will come in handy, but do I really need a receipt for a loaf of bread and a packet of fags?

    Reminded me of a pet hate.

    Guys that put coins in their wallet and then, when said change is needed, fish through them like an old wifie, picking every second one out and looking at it before putting it back in because its not the right one.:swearing:

    Put your change in your pocket and remove all the coins at the same time! Makes it so much easier.

    Wallets = Notes

    Pockets = Coins

    • Upvote 1
  2. Sadly my wii doesn't get much use these days (quiet at the back!). A combination of completing all decent (IMHO) single player games for it and a lack of multiplayer action on mario kart has left it gathering dust beside my tv.

    I'd say it must be at least 4 months since it was last switched on. This makes me sad.

  3. A man goes to the doctors feeling a little ill. The doctor checks him over and says, "Sorry, I have some bad news, you have Yellow 24, a really nasty virus. It's called Yellow 24 because it turns your blood yellow and you usually only have 24 hours to live. There's no known cure so just go home and enjoy your final precious moments on earth."

    So he trudges home to his wife and breaks the news. Distraught, she asks him to go to the bingo with her that evening as he's never been there with her before.

    They arrive at the bingo and with his first card he gets four corners and wins 35.

    Then, with the same card, he gets a line and wins 320.

    Then he gets the full house and wins 1000.

    Then the National Game comes up and he wins that too getting 380,000.

    The bingo caller gets him up on stage and says, "Son, I've been here 20 years and I've never seen anyone win four corners, a line, the full-house and the national game on the same card. You must be the luckiest man on Earth!"

    "Lucky?" he screamed. "Lucky? I'll have you know I've got Yellow 24." "Fuck me!" says the bingo caller, "You've won the raffle as well!"

  4. Airheads.

    Hadn't seen it in fucking year, used to love it when I was younger, it somewhat got me interested in "the alternative" scene.

    "Who would win in a fight, Lemmy or God?"


    "No, wrong answer"


    "No, it's a trick question, Lemmy is God."

    Genius movie. I'm going to have to dig it out and watch it now. Unbelieveable they got Fraser, Buscemi and Sandler all in the one movie fairly early into their careers.

    "He doesn't exactly wear a helmet does he!?"

  5. Gremlins....

    I'm confused though...If you cant feed them after midnight when can you feed them.....As if you feed them at 8am thats after midnight or if you feed them at 10pm thats after midnight lol.....Am i being a dumb plum here?.

    IIRC they take the piss out of this in Gremlins 2.

  6. One day Removals : Set in aberdeen and full of aberdeen actors.....I bloody loved it....I honestly havemt laughed so much while watching a movie...And i didnt criiiinge once...

    I've only seen bits of this, it did look like a good laugh though. The word fud was used quite a bit if I mind right.

  7. just been watching the football league show and i have to say i have some sympathy for neil warnock, unbelievable that palace werent awarded that goal. the FA want the referees to get respect but whilst 90% of them remain incompetent buffoons they will continue to get little respect.

    I find it hard to believe anyone could feel sorry for Neil Warnock. He's a prick, right up there with Phil Brown.

    • Upvote 1
  8. it has to be said our players are not as good as the norweigans (hence our guys play in league 1 / championship, sphell)

    Have to disagree. I thought we played quite well for the first 30 odd minutes and Norway didn't look like they had a snowballs chance of causing us much difficuties. Everyone seemed quite confident on the ball and we were happily spraying passes about.

    The sending off changed the game and the most disappointing aspect was that no-one seemed to take charge of the team and as a result we put in one of the most inept performances i've seen for a long time.

  9. You could go back and forth all day with Scottish teams and their 'dedicated travelling fans'.

    Mind the Bradford pre-season game a few seasons back when the Aberdeen 'fans' got up to all sorts of bother?

    As for Rangers in Manchester, whilst the 'fans' that did rampage cannot be excused for their subsequent behaviour, inviting them down early and allowing the hundreds of thousands of them to booze all day probably wasn't the smartest move by Manchester Police\Council.

    I was in Madrid for the Athletico game, luckily I was already in the stadium when most of the violence kicked off but I was watching from the back of the stands at it looked like pandemonium.

    There didn't seem to be much trouble and then bang, flares were going off and the police started moving in. No idea what set it off initally but there didn't seem to be much aggro beforehand.

  10. Watched The Passenger last night.

    Sitting here today trying to work out if I enjoyed it or not. Jack Nicholson was brilliant as usual but I ended up feeling a bit .....meh... towards it all by the end. It was decent enough but some scenes seemed a bit too drawn out and caused the movie to drag at times.

    Can't argue about the sheer quality of the closing 7 minute long tracking shot, a real movie moment.

  11. Yeah he wrote and directed Uncle Buck. The scene where he takes a piss in the school bogs still has me in hysterics every time! Terrific movie, in fact i've just decided to change my avatar to Uncle Buck!

    My favourite Hughes movie though was Planes, Trains and Automobiles. I could probably quote the whole thing line for line.

  12. I've watched the first 4 seasons and i'm 18 episodes through season 5. Not enjoying season 5 as much as previous seasons but it's still enjoyable.

    My favourite episodes were the Tritter storyline during season 3.:up:

    All in all top show and defintiely worth a watch, the older series are shown most nights on the Hallmark channel (130 on sky). That's how I got into it originally, watching odd episodes here and there.

  13. and the Skeid (managed by Arild Stavrum) league game on the Tuesday. The Skeid one was actually moved by the Skeid chairman after he was in discussions with several Scottish fans who thought they'd be able to drag along an extra few hundred if the game was moved from the saturday. It looks like there'll be a few thousand turning up now!

    That's a cracking story about the Skeid game, made me smile anyway. That's what away trips should be about.

  14. YES. And people who slurp hot drinks. I've just discovered that my new flatmate does this, and consumes a shitload of coffee/tea/cup-a-soups. Gah.

    Yeah and half the time its because their drink is too hot. Can they not just wait 5 minutes for it to cool a bit and then they wouldn't have to slurp at the fucking thing?!

    I hate noisy eaters. People munching away like they haven't been fed for weeks. Disgusting

    I will admit that I can't enjoy crisps unless I crunch the fuck out of every one, makes one hell of a racket i'm told.

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