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Posts posted by Lonz

  1. I saw Up on Friday night, and even though I am essentially dead on the inside, it stirred long forgotten emotions inside me. The first 20 or so minutes are pretty intense for a Disney film. It had a couple of of moments which made me laugh out loud, most notably the excellent comic timing of the giant bird's "Bugawks!" The little fat kid deserved a dry slap, however.

    Saw it the other night as well. Have to admit I was expecting a Toy Story-esque light hearted movie so the first 20 mins caught me a bit off guard and left me a bit teary eyed!

    Great little movie, definetly recommended.

  2. Exactly my feelings on the matter. Why the fuck do they think they're special. Everyone who is employed has a job to do. Get the fuck on with it and quit whining like a bunch of girl's blouses.

    Anyone who strikes should be given a written warning for each day that they miss at work relating to the strike and dismissed for gross misconduct and breach of contract. There are plenty of people out there who would willing do the jobs these moany bastards are complaining about and in some cases for less money.

    The most disappointing thing nowadays is how strike action is the first action used by most groups\unions. There's no work to rule or working to strict contract hours anymore (ie not working overtime or not performing any role not specified in your contract etc), instead it's straight to the picket lines.

    Strike action, IMHO, is always the final option and should only be considered when all other alternatives have failed.

  3. My first Fifa was way back in the Megadrive days, the pitch was viewed from a wild diagonal angle if I mind right, possibly 94?

    Bought the first ISS (the old name for PES) for the SNES and fell in love - in fact i've still got my SNES - with and I think i've bought them all since. I think the series peaked at PES4 and then started to stagnate from PES5 onwards.

    Downloaded both PES and Fifa demos on Xbox and I have to admit I had more fun on Fifa but that might just be because it's new.

    Tough choice, might just download Sensi instead!

  4. I'm going to give the demo a go first. Haven't bought a Fifa game since...ooh Fifa '98, the one with Blur's Song 2?

    I'm a dedicated PES man but i've just tried the PES 2010 demo on Xbox Live and been unimpressed.

  5. * oh and the local primary school is making the kids learn doric poems for "poetry week"... one was "skinky malinky long legs, pinty lang beak, wint tae the fermyard but couldnae find nae meat...."

    It's definitely being forced on the kids, seeing as a lot of them are English and haven't a clue what they're singing.

    Ha ha, I was always taught the big banana feet version of that rhyme, had completely forgotten all about it until I read your post.

    Skinny Malinky long legs

    Big banana feet

    Went tae the pictures

    And couldnae get a seat

    When the picture started

    Skinny Malinky farted

    Skinny Malinky long legs

    Big banana feet

    :laughing: Still makes me smile.

  6. Have you seen Shark Attack 3: Megalodon? You should. It's much the same but even dumber. John Barrowman stars and does his usual ridiculous OTT-shouty thing, and the special effects are absolutely fucking atrocious. They start a subplot with a sinister tribal-looking person towards the beginning of the film, and then completely forget about it later on. Oh, and it's got the worst dialogue ever, too.

    Which add-up to make it one of the most enjoyable films I've ever seen :p.

    Check the 10-minute version on Youtube...

    Of course you also have the (in)famous line:

    Shark Attack 3 - The infamous line that got left in after the final cut - on BoreMe

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