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Everything posted by johnathan

  1. what the fuck, bleeding through are fucking awesome, oh wait i forgot, theyre trendy, and trendy emo kids like them apparently , so we shouldnt like them, fuck that , bleeding through kick ass and ill be there flailing arms and legs
  2. so what happens in march, some tell the fuck who is playin bleeding through and cult of luna in feb though oh dear i did cum in my pants, (previous post)
  3. so did this guy die? like jump on front of vinnie and take a bullet himself or sum shit?
  4. cant wait....just got back from being out and they played cemetry gates at imagine, i got pretty emotional, right other fuckers lets give it up for dimebag in style tommorrow, every one singing every pantera song in the bassment as a tribute and also cemetry gates should be the closing song in moshulu and every one give it up for the dbd and let him hear us from wherever he is....... well get wrecked tommorrow and drown these sorrows in large amounts of alcohol just like dbd would have wanted, drink like pantera tommorrow folks at moshulu for the legend we gotta have alot of pantera tommorrow in moshulu, close with cemetry gates. or then maybe as an encore after play cowboys from hell after hours as one last song for the legend that is dimebag darrell..... respect and shred away forevrer darrell STEP ASIDE FOR THE COWBOYS FROM HELL
  5. listening to cemetry gates right now, probably like 99% of the metal world will at some point today tear in my eye. play cemetry gates tommorrow sometime tommorrow near the end at the bassment. and every fucker shall sing in tribute
  6. samehere, for some strange reason, last night when i came home i found myself listening to pantera and damageplan for hours, even though i hadntlistened to them in ages, maybe sumthing was just letting fans here the music by both bands while all members were still alive. i was be lieing to say that i didnt almost feel a tear come from one eye when reading this thread farewell dbd and pat. may the rest of the band get through this and hopefully start jamming with some new shit....
  7. there is video footage of the shooting if anyone can bear to watch a bullet stream through gods head, dont know if i can police have it now , but somehow these things always get on the net
  8. phil has become nothing but a junkie fuck, dimebag is a hero in my eyes... i cant get over this, so was it someone who new phil or just an obsessed anselmo fan
  9. a tribute to this man is definitely in order, theyll be happening all over the world this very minute, again REST IN PEACE dimebag,
  10. words dont really describe how pissed off at this shit i am, dimebag is dead and who the fuck is responsible, the killer needs to be hunted down and dismembered by chainsaw, by either me or vinnie
  11. also love isis and mastodon so this would be a treat for my ears.... and flying legs and arms. ah sorry for posting twice in a row but this suspense is killing me cos now im thinking that you have looked at my profile and could have seen loads of other bands i like and it may be any of them..... when you said that id more than appreciate it.oh i dont know, just say for fucks sake ... please!!!
  12. hahaha its gotta be converge oh dear oh dear!!! really? im shaking thinking bout it, really excited, dont let me down you hear!! im guessing converge cos you said that you dont think ill be disappointed and the stuff i mentioned obviouslt aint gonna happen, and (as far as i know) you dont know me or any other stuff im into..... and my avatar is converge therefore converge are playing in march hhahah im fucking sherlock homes, oh dear converge.... really???
  13. holy shit the legend darrel is dead, i hope this is some sort of sick joke, horrible to hear this, i feel sick....... also condolences to friends and families of the band and bands hes ever been in. RIP
  14. ephel duath are cool and sound amazing. just cos your a hardcore kid doesnt mean you cant like something different other than intro/verse/chorus/breakdown/verse/chorus/breakdown/slower breakdown/even slower breakdown/end like ptw kinda stuff, which is awesome like but broaden your mind
  15. im sure you could get one from somewhere in aberdeen, try game, woolworths (every one) all tescos , toys r us, fucks sake im sure youll find one , cant be that hard
  16. what is it and why is it a secret? is it something that just would never have been thought of to happen . ahhh do you have the beatles playing with the original line up, supported by nirvana (also original line up) and bob marley.... elvis maybe? secrets are shit
  17. yo was fucking amazing gig like. dont really like mmw but they seem to get tighter and i like them a bit more each time i see them. always good for a breakdown though. hwg , couldnt be bothered to watch from close as seen them before and also think they are fairly shite so had a few drinks instead. alexisonfire were fucking awesome, much better live than on cd, loads of energy and kicked ass BUT..... im the bled blew all other bands away without a second doubt, whole set was like one big fucking breakdoon, love the album, heard it a billion times and also like the couple of new songs, was it just me thought or was the sound a little fucked up like screechy and really muffled at parts? no? ...... please say some cunt took some pictures at it, of the bands and of the amazing crowd......
  18. someone buy me a ticket, please!!!!
  19. hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhhhhahahahahahahhaahahahhaahhahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahhhahahahahahahahhahhahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaahahha although i did actually think some of inmes stuff was cool a couple of years ago i still think this is the stupidest and funniet thing i have read in long time, good luck finding bassist and drummer cos btw you wont
  20. yo father christmas!! my friends and parents told me you werent true, but i knew you were all along how is it goin? deets
  21. shit i defunded my ticket, better go but a new one, any idea of tour support and make sure it isnt fucking fucking cancelled this time, i was sooooooo excited before and then let down better not happen again as this will be awesome
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