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Posts posted by Marsh

  1. So, according to the paper today Steve Lovell could be on the way out of Pittodrie to be replaced by Scott Dobie.

    Nothing against Dobie coming in, but why get rid of the best finsiher we have at the club? Calderwood must be on crack.

    In other news, Anderson is set to start for Sunderland tonight in the Carling Cup.

    Just read it too.

    If this happens I hope Jimmy's sacking is forthcoming.

    I just really hope it's not true. But it seems Lovell is beyond saving now. Another case of good player, but the face doesnae fit in Jimmy's clique?

  2. Lonsdales from sports world: Very cheap and have lasted me for a good bit.


    I normally go for the Airwalks at Sports World - they always serve me well. Normally about 20. I've still got a pair of Vison Street wears that are about 2 years old from Sports World that were 15 quid. It's worth battling through the stramash in Sports World to pick up a cheap pair of trainers.

  3. It was a Pumpkins - fest last night if you pressed the red button. There were loads of tracks featured. It was very good indeed. New bass player is, er, pleasant. Dressing like a complete slut helps, too.

    I also watched Jimmy Eat World's full set through the red button. And missed all of Razorlight, thank fuck.

    Chilli Peppers laboured funk workout is beyond dreadful nowadays.

    Lack of NIN was pathetic - particularly when Zane is standing there going - "this is the best thing I've seen all weekend" and Edith promises to bring us some NIN - SOON! After about another hour another link takes place at the "top of the treehouse" where Zane exclaims he "can't hear a word Edith's aying" because NIn are rocking the place so much. It was like a big tease throughout. So I waited patiently. They then showed three quarters of the Hand That Feeds and that was it. Bloody nightmare.

    Kate Nash astounded me - never heard her before but music nowadys is sinking to the lowest depths ever. Utter drivel female Mike - Skinner bandwagon stuff. Catherine Tate is a quality comparison, Didz!

    Affable moustache was amusing! We need more of him on telly.

    Edith Bowman was trying to be knowledgeable in front of Zane and it was pathetic. There was also an hilariously cringeworthy interview with Ian Lostprophet where he got huffy because Zane's never interviewed him before. He then slagged off the Pumpkins much to Zane's disgust. The tension was bubbling throughout. Then they played a Lostprophets track with loads of swearing around the back of seven - someone's gonna get the sack for that!

  4. Aberdeen's in the middle of a crisis just now and the sooner the clowns in power realise this the sooner the mess can be sorted out. Oh, silly me for forgetting how we scraped third place last season - that makes every bad result this season null & void.

    Another shocker yesterday.

    Lovell by now should have handed in his transfer request. If i was him I'd stick it up Jimmy's arse till it came out of his gob. I mean, bringing on Derek Young just must have been the final straw for the man. Mackie and Miller who are both playing nothing short of God awful is bad enough, but Derek Young? Enough is enough. Even though he scored twice yesterday I just thought it was the most Calderwood of Calderwood things to do in playing Brewster. Not planning for the future or trying to get a partnership that will gel together playing well or giving your best striker a game - just giving his mate a final runout. Granted, he scored twice, but Lovell might have too and I'd much rather we found a prolific strike partnership than play players who are going out the door.

    And what the fuck was he thinking of not putting McNamara in the middle for the all important bit of stability. experience and common sense? Our defence was camped in their own penalty box when it was 2 - 3 so their goal was inevitable. Where were our fast break tactics when we needed them?

    All in all, another shocker, but never mind, i'm sure we'll be reminded in tomorrow's Evening how we'll be "up there at the end of the season" and there were "many positives to be taken from the game." Throwing away a 2 goal lead away from home has no positives no matter how you look at it. Bad tactics and poor performances from exhausted players have everything to do with it though.

    We'd better start winning soon or it's gonna get nasty.

  5. Why look into it further? just read Marsh's post, he tells it like it is, 100% Nazi's, the whole lot of them.

    It's incredibly amusing you're getting so upity about a band as thoroughly crap as Kula Shaker.

    What next - leaping to the defence of the reasons behind Shed Seven's reformation with your biting sarcasm?

  6. Would you change your opinion on any band/music/song if you found out something you didn't like about them?

    Yeah. If they were Nazis. Like Kula Shaker are. Lucky I thought they were beyond bad before it all "came out." Phew, could have had a situation on my hands there.

  7. I'm sure you all saw the P&J today with Jimmy's rants about the under - 21 situation. Personally I think this rule suits us, as we have plenty of capable youngsters. They'll just never get the chance as Jimmy could never find a place for them in his team of favourites. McNamara getting injured is a major, major blow for us if he can't play on Sunday. He's become an instant classic. Anyway, Cooncil mole has reported today after the last batch of good info:

    Hart is still pissed off at his contract offer (same as last season, basically) so if things don't change he will definitely leave at the end of the season. Oh dear. In related news, McNamara became the highest paid player when he signed.

    The plan in defence is the get Richie Byrne fit again as soon as possible to get him in at centre back so Seve can move back into midfield. This leaves the question who would be dropped and how does de Visscher fit into this? He would have to drop at least two "favourites" (see the newst point to reinforce this) to accomodate this. And although Byrne is pretty nails, not scared of a challenge and is a good header of the ball - in centre back? Hmmmm. Anyway, that's what I was told.

    Jimmy will never drop Chris Clark. He said to the reporter after being asked why Clark still plays despite being, well, shite: "He'd work all day for me - I'd never leave him out." You can just hear him coming away with this sort of shit. It's the second most obvious thing after Seve in Defence that needs to be changed.

    The Main Stand is in a state and the temporary works haven't even papered over the cracks - It is in a desperate state and needs repaired soon. This, despite the club reporting another drop in revenue - 1.5m in the red for last year.

    Wish I had heard some sort of good news, but I'm afraid that's what I've heard today from the Cooncil mole.

  8. As for taking Lovell of before Mackie, I was also disappointed - it'd be nice to see him play 90 minutes more frequently. However, I felt Calderwood showed major balls for doing this. He knew that if he hooked Mackie, the fans would have cheered the fact that Mackie was coming off - this would have shattered Mackie's confidence even further. Thus, he'd take longer to refind the confidence he requires to operate at his dangerous best. Calderwood took the stick from the fickle fans, so that Mackie didn't have to. Good move, in my opinion.

    I know what you're syaing and you've raised some really good points there.

    I must just say though, that as far as I'm concerned, Mackie is a big boy playing for a team who want to be third best in Scotland again and are in the UEFA cup. There is no room for a player short of confidence or in need of special treatment in this team. Or in the "ideal" kind of team Jimmy talks about.

    I'm sure he doesn't consider Maguire, Brewster or Touzani's feelings when he tells them they are not playing, so I don't see why Mackie should be turned into such a special case.

    No single player is bigger or more important than the club!

  9. Lovell did fuck all today so can't complain about being hooked. I appreciate the service wasn't great but he didn't look to get himself involved. Mackie's incompetence beggars belief though. Severin was great at the back again, I would think he'll play there all season.

    Tell me how you can get involved when your only strike partner is making a claim for the right back role or not even in the vicinity and the only passes you are getting are floaty balls over the top against two giant centre halfs? Lovell couldn't have got himslef involved any more without withdrawing to a midfield position which would have left us with No attack whatsoever. We could have had Drogba playing for us today and he wouldn't have been able to do any better.

    So I reckon he can complain about being hooked over Mackie.

    Yep, Seve's the new super centre back. He's great. The downside is we're missing him something chronic in midfield after two games. It's nae much of a trade - off, really as we've lost our most industrious player.

    Jim - Zander was indeed brill today. A really assured performance which should lead to a game next week, although I've no idea what jimmy's gonna come up with against Celtic. probably 5 up front and 2 at the back or something wacky.

  10. Yet another unforgivable shocker.

    Jimmy obviously forgot he'd been talking up an attacking game all week. He fairly knows how to make himself look like a clown.

    And if I was Steve Lovell I'd slap in a transfer request NOW. Jimmy made him look like a prick by putting him up front on his own, giving the team no width and then hooking him in front of Darren Mackie who should take a long good hard look at just how shite he was today. Along with Clark and possibly Nicholson who despite scoring offered zilch. I'm just so glad Steve got the reception he did when he got subbed. I'm sure there'll be some article about it this week which just makes Jimmy look right and the fans wrong. They don't deserve anyone to pay at the gate next week and if they moan about it they've only got themselves to blame. We need to improve very quickly indeed.

    Where are all the players Jimmy has signed himself and can't find a place for on the bench?

    Hearts were shocking as well - we should have pummeled that shower of shite.

    Any fient hope we had of beating Celtic before the start of the season has evaporated from me now. If Motherwell beat Killie next week and we lose we'll be 8 points behind them already. Fucking hell.

  11. Talking of shite columnists (sp?), I was speaking to a former teammate of Stewart McKimmie, who told me that McKimmie doesn't actually go to any of the games that he reviews for the EE. He simply speaks to other folk who were there, and then bases his opinion on what they saw. Hardly a surprise given how terrible his columns are...

    Tell McKimmie's former team - mate to stop speaking shite!

    He sits next to my mate (whose Dad used to play for Aberdeen, but way before McKimmie) at every game in the Main Stand!

    His columns are shite for one simple reason - he's a tool. I hope Aberdeen win a trophy soon - but not for perosnal gain - it's so McKimmie can finally stop banging on about how he was the last Don to lift a trophy. It's not as if he even did anything in the final. I don't think I've boed as hard since when the idiot got carried off shoulder high after we won the play - off to STAY in the SPL. Argggh, it angers me so much to think of his smug face beaming as if we'd just won the European Cup again when we'd just managed to hang on to our SPL status.

  12. Heheh, don't worry - your response to my prejudice against Hart is very common. I've just never fancied him as a football player in all honesty. I know, by and large, I'm wrong about him. Hence how I phrased it: I never said Hart is pish. I just have issues with him as a footballer. I've come to realise, slowly, that he's an important exponent of our defence - he's steady, consistent, and rarely makes errors. In fact, I can admit he's the best right-back we've had in many years. But everyone has players they're not keen on: Michael Hart is mine. I really didn't like what he was spouting off to the local press before the game at Iprix last season. We were always going to fall flat on our face after that, especially after the Glasgow tabloids got a hold of the story and twisted it. Hopefully he's learned from that!

    And fear not - I'll always support him at games etc, and cheer and clap when he does something effective. And actually, I'll admit he was one of our top three performers on Saturday (along with Severin and possibly Soutar).

    So you don't like him a person but appreciate his abilities? No worries about that, they're not paid to win popularity contests or be nice guys - they are there to win games.

    His comments were twisted but at the end of the day he said he'd rather have Brewster over Boyd which is comedy gold.

    But I reckon regardless of what he says off the field he is without a shadow of a doubt the best right back we've had in a long time.

    The gasket is safe again :up:

  13. Thing is; he considers Chris Clark to be one of his big players. A man who has little more than sheer workrate in his locker. In fact, I'd say Chris Clark is the most limited player in the Aberdeen first team. And given what I have against Michael Hart, that's really saying something.

    For some reason I'm quietly confident we can play well against Hearts on Sunday, though.

    To clarify, I did mean any kind of productive move forward. In all honesty, I was beyond pished so I won't argue with anyone on the details. But I do remember Hart getting forward and it all breaking down due to having no support. Kind of pointless pushing the defenders forward if the midfield and strikers aren't going to a)Support or b) follow up.

    Anyway, far more importantly, are you seriously saying that Hart is second worst only to Clark? I agree Clark is a waste of time, but Michael Hart? One of our best, most important players? Can you explain what you mean before I blow a gasket!

    We'd better come out all guns blazing on Sunday or I'll go even more skeppy than I did on Saturday, which would take some beating, but I'd give it a go.

  14. Would he be allowed to sign without a word from the Director of Football?

    Categorically not.

    Miller thought Egypt was a success. I think the only "falling out" was Willie was annoyed with Jimmy for apologising to the players about Egypt.

  15. i agree FUCKING DISGRACE. considine should be FIRED (well, not fired but slaped)

    Er, I was being sarcastic - I can't see how Jimmy would rate him so highly as to captain the Scottish under 21 team, then blame his error for the defeat. If Jimmy had played a semi - attacking formation with width we would have scored a few goals ourselves and not have to worry about conceding one.

    You can't pin the blame on one young player. No slaps required - he must learn from it and continue to mature into a top class defender in the mould of Russell Anderson, hopefully. Getting direct, public criticism from his gaffer will do him no help at all.

  16. Got to laugh at Calderwood's ability to make himself look like a complete idiot:

    He throws his toys out of the pram when Considine gets left out of Scotland U21's and not handed the captaincy. Less than 2 months later is is getting torn into him and saying he lacks experience and gives away "schoolboy errors" - hardly the kind of guy who should be captaining Scotland's young troops isn't it, Jimmy? The "you wouldn't see Weir or McManus make an error like that" comment annoys me so much. Worry about your own team, Jimmy, and if you're going to llok at other teams here's one for you:

    "you wouldn't see Gordon Strachan playing his most influential midfielder at centre back."

    Cooncil Mole reports today that Hart has been offered exactly the same contract as he signed 2 years ago. Don't be surprised if he moves on. Another Calderwood classic - moan all season that he is the best right in Scotland and should be playing in the national team then offer him a pathetic contract and expect him to stay. Maybe if we never signed the likes of Young and sub keepers that will never play we could offer a better contract to the important players like Hart. Also, many people within Pittodrie are blaming the Egypt fiasco for Saturday's defeat - the players are all still knackered. The best laugh of all is that he played narrow in midfield on Saturday to "allow the full backs to get forward" - what a joke - that never happened once!

  17. Jesus I've got some hangover.

    Absolute fucking disgrace.

    After all the paper talk this week and the thousands who turned up you'd think they'd have managed more than one fucking attack in the entire game. Against ten bloody men.

    I met Karim Touzani after the game - highlight of the day.

    Calderwood in Friday's Evening - "We've blown it before, but not this time - we are so prepared." Load of fucking shite. We've done it again. If we don't beat Hearts in a week we'll be struggling already.

    Pre - season must have been a real success. They'd have been as well just practicing stringing one move together in Seaton Park for all the good it seemed to do them.

    And Calderwood's got the cheek to have a go at Considine.

  18. "There will no re - admittance at half time

    Which means if you go out you won't get back in."

    Fully unneccessary explanation!

    Folk booing Young before he even kicked a ball showed just how fucking stupid some of our fans are. Okay, we've seen him before and we know he's nae that great, but at least give him a chance. Funny how they went all quiet when asked why there booing. He was all but anonymous and looked far from being fit / sharp / first team standard.

    Touzani was a class above last night. His Cruyff turn was the highlight for me.

    Maguire was brilliant too and Brewster should have scored more than the two he got. Very good shift from Special Brew. McVitie and Payton are prospects.

    News from the Cooncil mole -

    Lovell is unhappy at not getting in the first team - he may be on his way.

    Seve may well be playing centre half with McNamara in midfield. Jamie Smith might join him in the middle with Clark and Nicholson out wide.

    Jimmy loves Lee Mair and sees him as one of our top defenders now.

    de Visscher won't be a first team pick as Jimmy can't bring himself to put his golden boys Clark, Nicholson or Smith on the bench.

    Langfield is finished. he got pished in Egypt and Jimmy will take the first offer for him.

    Interesting stuff. I just hope we win on Saturday! Bring it on!

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