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Posts posted by rune

  1. How you can use "kiddies pop band" as a derogatory term when you went to see Less Than Jake? They are far more poppy and probably appeal to younger audiences than MMw. Less Than Jake are also a much bigger band' date=' so they're bound to have fans spread across a wider demographic because more people will have heard of them.

    This is all pie in the sky anyway. If as you state, the kind of band you are cannot define your audience, how can your audience define your band? You're arguing with yourself and it's nonsensical.

    And one other point, in future, when someone says "people in general" it doesn't mean your dad. I'm sure however, he's glad to know what you think of him.[/quote']

    Yeah i went to see less than jake, it was a phase nothing more nothing less, everyone goes through that. They do add something new musically to the scene anyhow with the variation of instruments they play.

    Why state that less than jake have a wider range and then state older people listen to their own generation of music? You are going round in circles. There are people out there who listen to different genres irelevant of age of genre why cant you see that?

    Not everyone has musical boundaries you know. Free you mind and stop being an opionated musical fascist.

    Just get over it, its fact that your audience is a younger generation, ive been witness to that twice. So my statement about mmw being a kiddies pop band is fact.

  2. Because people in general tend to listen to the bands of their generation and/or artists that sound comparable to them. Face it' date=' you're speaking shite.[/quote']

    Yet more utter crap, is that why my dad listens to bands like poison the well, tool, weezer, porcupine tree, aereogramme. He looked at your post and laughed.

    There are no age limits in music, you are way too stupid to realise that.

    Hell i even seen a oap at the less than jake gig sitting at the top, you look so stupid now.

    Think before you talk shit please

  3. Pig destroyer - Terrifier, painter of dead girls

    Alice in chains - Dirt

    Black Flag - My war, Damaged, process of weeding out

    Dinosaur Jr - Bug, Green mind

    Massive Attack - Mezanine, Protection

    Public Enemy - Fear of a Black Planet

    Sigur Ros - Agaetis Byrjun

    Tool - Aenima, Lateralus

    Trail of the Dead - Source codes and tags

    Brutus - Slachtbeest

    Cephalic carnage - Lucid Interval, Halls of Amenti

    Charger - Fuzzbastard

    Converge - When forever comes crashing

    Decrypt - Holy Erotic Rapture

    Extreme Noise Terror - In it for life

    Fear of God - Pneumatic Slaughter

    Phobia - Get up and kill

    Inhume - In for the kill

    Isis - Celestial

    Napalm death - scum

    Nasum - Inhale/Exhale

    Neurosis - Eye of every storm

    Nostromo - Ece lex, Eyesore, Argue

    Severed Head of State - Anathema Device

    Today is the Day - Kiss the pig

    Will Haven - Carpe Diem

  4. 1. I'm incredibly surprised Rune likes anything without blastbeats.

    2. I downloaded some Tom Waits - not what I was expecting at all! It kinda like you take a death metal band' date=' unplug it, and make 'em sing insane blues. Kinda.[/quote']

    Just goes to prove what little you know of me.

    Did this post actually prove anything? No it didnt

  5. i'm not missing your point. i'm just saying' date=' i value creativity as a much greater gift than technical ability. anyway, i liked everything kurt cobain played on a guitar, it all sounded great to me. some of dan's guitar playing just sounds stupid, unnecessary and overly extravagant, like a tutorial excersise.[/quote']

    You are spot on, i've seen my minds weapon and to be honest it makes me cringe.

    Just a kiddies pop band, nothing more, nothing less.

    Nirvana on the other hand were excellent

  6. Come on man if you are going to argue at least pretend you know what you are talking about please.

    Please can you tell me then why the uscdb (american cd database) defined their album "end hits" as punk then?

    Thats where everyone gets their id3 tagging from. They wrong too?

  7. what's the difference between those bands and emo bands?

    let's just assume you think My Minds Weapon are "emo"..now' date=' let's look at the fact that their lead guitarist is undeniably better at playing the guitar than Kurt Cobain ever was, let's look at the fact that their bassist is most likely better than Krist Novoselic is/was...fair enough, Dave Grohl may be better than their drummer (i know nothing about drums, they both nail the fuck out of said drumkits however) - but one person doesn't constitute the whole band. Real music? On the basis of talent, I'd say MMW were more of a band than Nirvana anyday.

    now, stop with this fucking stupid "emo bands are rubbish and they should play real music!" nonsense, i'm bored to fucking tears of hearing people slag emo bands off, only to profess a love for a band(s) that are actually worse in terms of talent.[/quote']

    I would constitute real music to be bands that have something new to the scene and dont bore me with samey sounds. Its not about what you can do with your instruments hell anyone can do that if they put their mind to it. Its all about doing something constructive with the talent you have. Emo does none of that for me. Its boring musically thats why at the drive in split up as they were bored with the sound

  8. sorry dude ... fugazi are soem of the first to be called emo ..like all genres emo has changed.. who cares emo bands will play and emo kids will go and see them big deal get over..why should you care >?

    But why can fugazi be called emo if their lyrical style is way different to the stuff you're hearing just now?

  9. lol again you backed up my point exactly.

    But hey wait are Fugazi not ment to be the origonal "emo" band?? Hmmm i think i can see what this is all about now!!

    You secretly love emo and sit in your room listening to it all day and all night but dont tell anyone cause you dont want to be seen as a "scenster". So you go about saying that all emo is shit but just so you can have a little release you name Fugazi as one of the bands you listen to. This way if people have a go you can just hide behind the old "i hate all this new emo....im oldskool emo"


    Dont preach your crap to me. Fugazi emo, shut up. Next you will be telling me all your emo bands do benefit gigs and help important causes. Dont ever clone your shit emo bands with the greatness of fugazi

  10. Haha backs up my point exactly. So come on then what is real music???

    I think that has to be one of the most fucking stupid things ive read on here yet.

    Real music let me educate you. Bands like nine ince nails, tool, fugazi, dinosaur jr, alice in chains, nirvana.

    Want any more?

  11. Fuck all those greedy corporate bastards. They only look after number one.

    The public has been ripped off for years, does that mean we can sue the fuck out of these greedy wankers? Hell no. They have the market sown up. There should be laws for corporate crime. The law is too one sided. Lets face it there is no one who will stand up for the public and tell these bastards what to do.

  12. Emo is talentless fad. It's way too limited musically. Anyone who knows real music with real musicians will recognise this. I'd bet anyone who listens to emo doesn't have a clue about what real music is.

    it's way too easy to jump on the bandwagon and become fashionable by listening to this musical fad, its even harder for people these days to like real bands that aren't a part of this fucking scener trend

  13. its a pretty good place (moshulu esp) everyone has already said where is good' date=' ignore Rune, moshulu DO reqests (he seems to make it his lifes work to winge about shops and clubs not playing grindcore) its not all emo either. a friday consists of: metal, emo, screamo, punk, HC, Pop.[/quote']

    Nothing like bringing up previous posts. nothing better to do?

    You must have very little to think about

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