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Posts posted by rune

  1. Major labels? hmmm... i think not' date=' blame the kids for buying the cds, going to the shows, not major labels in this case, i mean who'd give em the light of day let alone a five figuire check for that shite they produce?[/quote']

    You do realise that tv is one of the most powerfull forms of brainwashing?

    Thats why the major lables pump so much money into them

    TV is another reason why america is such a violent nation

  2. Rune' date=' I really don't see what you're getting so het up about. Sure, people will always follow trends and fashions but it's always been that way and always will be, no matter what. Getting pissed off at people for not checking out the more obscure stuff will get you nowhere. It just alienates folk, makes them feel unwelcome and eventually will drive them into something where they DO feel welcome. Look, I love taking the piss out of emo as much as anyone but I sure don't get angered by it. I've no interest in it, so I stick to the stuff which DOES interest me.

    Case in point, my band play raw grindnoise. I love that stuff and can't get enough. Now, what if I was to say "Fuck that shitty poppy melodic stuff. I'm having no part of it." How the fuck would we get a gig? We wouldn't, simple as that. I'll happily gig with anyone, you should do all you can to promote your band. It makes no sense to turn people against you, that's counter-productive. We're certainly not a "scene" band, but we've played at Drake's 7 times! I'm not 100% sure what you're trying to say.

    In short, things will always be the way they are and no amount of moaning will stop it. Why not do as I do and offer to tape some stuff out of your collection for people to listen to? I love doing that. Not everyone will like it, but some will and do. Far better that than moan at people for being too trendy or whatever. At least you'd be doing something proactive and constructive. You might just get some people into some magic stuff and that is its own reward.[/quote']

    Fair point.

  3. that doesnt make sense now does it. They are dont have any talent because they sound the same?? Hmmm you really come across as someone who wishes they knew more about what they are arguing but sadly you dont. Come on leave it.

    So why you think there are alot of cloned bands out there? It's because the major lables dictate it. Copying bands sounds and or ideas is easy, making and creating something new truly takes far more effort. Tell me this would you rather be remembered for starting something new musically or just be satisfied that your sound does nothing to enhance the scene?

  4. rune

    i dont know u

    so please dont take this the wrong way

    why dont you shut the fuck up and stop provoking people.

    If you want to continue your little egocentric fued please do it elsewhere. This post is supposed to be about the local music scene. Not a fucking ego trip for you. Perhaps you'd care to look back to the original post? the ACTUAL point of it?

    I've had no sleep' date=' im hungover and listening to your shite is the last thing i wana do.

    in short

    FUCKING DROP IT[/quote']

    Do you think its right that scenesters only go to see bands that are listed in kerrang or on music tv just so they can be part of a fashion trend. End of the day emo and all its variants are re created genres by major lables. I certainly wouldnt want to be part of a major lable trend. Also these new genres musically are very limited, why should artists that have real talent be forced to tour alot of the time either that or go into full time employment.

    I am sick of narrow minded people only checking out name bands and im sure drakes is to.

    It's like another promoter said from aberdeen, "if its not in kerrang it wont sell" This makes me real sick that people seem to be unwilling to check out non scener bands at drakes or any other alternative venue. It seems to me that the major lables have tagged everyone into this scene and lets face it alot of these artists just dont have the talent, mainly due to the fact that so many of them sound the same.

  5. I've got a problem with your online crap' date=' I'll admit that. You're actually a nice enuf bloke in real life. Why are you such a single minded twat online? I'd love to find out what makes you tick.

    Martin x[/quote']

    Well you know now what makes me tick, i hate ignorant people.

  6. It actually shows that I made my point and don't have to resort to childish bickering to fight back.

    Martin x

    Making your point is one thing, avoiding contructive criticism is another.

    Pure ignorance, nothing more, nothing else. My posts were constructive and to the point.

    Aint my fault you couldnt reply. Thus ignoring me twice and getting deserved backlash you then post. Utter crap, dont you dare blame me for you own shortcomings.

    And hey if you have a problem with that come say it to my face

  7. And you have musical talent enough to define what actual musical talent is.......*ponders*

    For the record I listen to emo/post hardcore/screamo/.......insert your own-core music myself' date=' but it wasn't what I used to listen to, and I don't just listen to the above, I listen to bands that I find talented and PERSONALY enjoy. Most people will listen to music based on personal taste, there are a few who will do something because its trendy, but ultimately its down to your choice what you do, and let no MAN judge you. Spend your time enjoying your own music without bitching about music you dislike (especially since you don't even bover to add constructive criticism.)

    Martin x[/quote']

    If you as you state listen to hardcore, then why dont you and your scener pals go see hardcore bands at drakes? I guess thats not fashionable enough for you.

    I would say its because you seek out name bands and shun the others. So you dont see your taste as being trendy, but you only go to name bands that are known in the scene. Think that makes your claim look silly.

  8. Of course i do everytime we play tho it happens' date=' of course i hope that some of these people will stay and pay attention to my band as well as their mates but i dont moan about it all the time, i just get on with it.

    The way i see it if they dont know who we are then we need to do more to promote our band to make sure next time they will stay and give us the chance to impress them.[/quote']

    Yeah that's a fair comment

  9. yeah but look at the size of glasgow' date=' look at the size of seafood, look at the size of degrassi

    all band swho have had a shiteload of press over the years, whereas many bands who play drakeas (D.IY i believe you mentioned) havent

    im not blaming promoters in any way, i just think sometimes they could do a bit more to support bands (i.e. sandwiching, choosing relevant bands for touring acts-im all for varied line ups but i dont know if its something thayt should happen with touring bands if it can be helped-i think)[/quote']

    True glasgow is a big place, i really dont regard seafood as a big name band tho.

    All of the people i know have never heard of them. Putting main bands in the middle would help the aberdeen scene tho. True again smaller bands need better promotion, its sad to see little known bands that are very good get small audiences and little success.

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