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Posts posted by calum

  1. Haha

    Breno is quality and if he's given a bit of time he'll be a fantastic player. He's very strong and aware and isn't shy of getting stuck in, unlike that fairy Demichelis. He's actually got a decent amount of pace as well.

    Oddo has pace? o_O

    So is there any chance that Breno isn't just going to be another Lucio? i.e. does he have at least some idea of how not to be a Brazilian?

    Oddo certainly used to have pace. It was all he had - endless charging up and down the touchline. No positional sense, little technical ability, no real strength, just a bit of pace and stamina. And he was the guy who was supposed to replace Cafu :laughing:

  2. You're spot on. Micho is too slow, Breno too inexperienced and Badstuber is completely untested. It's Rensing's first full season in goal as well so i'm sure he's not up to his best yet and he's still relatively young in goalkeeping terms. I think our squad is pretty rotten at the moment in all honesty and i think that Klinsmann will have to convince the board to part with any cash over the summer. Losing Poldi is a sin i won't easily forgive them for either.

    P.S You can have Oddo back too ;)

    "You"? You seem to be getting me confused with a Milan fan ;) Oddo is fucking murder though. God knows what he'll be like when he loses his pace.

    What like is this Breno guy anyway? Lot of folk rave about him.

  3. Bayern/Barca tonight has the potential to be a great game, but it could also be a snooze. First legs usually are, except for the ones last night funnily enough.

    I don't think Bayern have a good enough defence to try to make it a dull game. I'll definitely be watching this one.

  4. so looking at it from your perspective, the bias is inherently against the music and you've lost all sense of objectivity. not being a fan of heavy metal, then you are already ignorant and uninformed of what constitutes good heavy metal.

    So what you're saying is that there are no bad bands, only bands I'm too ignorant to understand. Brilliant.

    Nathan, the song sounds pretty good. The shouty part at 1:35-ish reminds me a bit of a Glassjaw tune. That's a good thing. The vocals are so, so much better these days, although less effects or maybe just more subtle use of them might be a good idea. That's maybe just my taste though.

    Keep it "metal" :laughing:

  5. Garay, Milito and Rodriguez are pretty good but they've been injured too.

    Aye, Gonzalo Rodriguez is a good and Milito's aright. Don't know much about Garayto be honest. Unfortunately, as you say, those guys have been injured so Argentina are left with Nicola Burdisso and other such garbage. I actually think they'd be better off with Cambiasso or even Zanetti at centre-back, purely because they're both incredibly intelligent players who wouldn't let them down.

    If they sort their defence out, they should win the World Cup in 2010. If not, they're hit or miss. Their attack is outrageously good and Cambiasso and Mascherano are fantastic protection for any vaguely competent backline, but i wouldn't place any faith in their defence.

  6. How can a central defender who's played so many times for one of the finest national sides in the world consistantly play so god-fucking-awful?

    Because other than the permanently injured Samuel, Argentina don't have any good centre-backs left.

  7. Pittodrie's capacity is quite a bit bigger than that of Tannadice. Also, Aberdeen's average attendance is only 371 better than Dundee United's.

    Where are you getting that statistic from?

  8. A lot of Old Firm 'fans' and Man Yoo followers have no other reason to 'support' that team than they win lots. That's so soulless.

    Come on now, they don't all support them because they're successful. Some of them support them because they have tenuous links to Ireland. :up:

  9. Was at Easter Road today, pretty flukey to get a draw. Calderwood is a clown but sadly nobody joined in when I started my "Jimmy, get to fuck chant." :down:

    You deserve a medal for going down.

    Anyone seen any of the anti-Calderwood posters about town?

  10. all im saying is that we are better than we were a few years ago.

    Obviously I'll take your point that Ebbe spunked away ridiculous amounts on absolute garbage, but if Calderwood didn't manage to assemble a better team than Paterson given the resources they each had, something would be far wrong.

    By the way folks, "JMG"? Are we AFC-Chat now?

  11. its ok let the little team have their moment :up:

    I can't bring myself to say anything like that without feeling like an Old Firm cuntrag banging on about "diddy teams". "Letting them have their moment" also implies that it'll be their only one, whereas we'll be back, which in recent years hasn't exactly been how things have worked out between us and Dunfermline.

  12. This is the type of sheep-bleating I hate...

    Maybe you think you should cuff the DA every day of the week.

    You failed.


    So if we're shite, fuck knows what that makes your mob.

    Shite's going to Hampden, you're not.


    I think that was kingofdeon's point. Our team, given their reputations and wage packets, should by all rights be able to beat Dunfermline. Problem is they're a shower of overpaid fannies with no bottle about them, who were outplayed and outworked by a Dunfermline side who thoroughly deserved to beat us.

    Enjoy it.

  13. I thought it brilliant that Jim White couldn't keep the smile off his face once the game was over, he was almost pissing himself laughing after every question he asked Charlie Nicholas.

    For everyone who still thinks Aberdeen are a big club, you're wrong, Aberdeen ain't famous anymore. Last night just proved how Pish they actually are. A diddy team playing in a diddy league

    Go on then, I'll bite - who do you support? Or are you just one of those Aberdonians who delights in the Dons' failures?

    Not that I disagree with the second part of your post (although nobody really believes that, it's a Glasgow press-created fallacy designed to make us look like cunts).

  14. Also...cunts who don't wash their hands after using the toilet - middle-aged adult males in this area* seem to be expecially bad for that.

    * not necessarily Aberdonians btw!

    "I wash my knob and I don't pish on my hands."

    Worst excuse for anything ever.

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