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Everything posted by Asm0dai

  1. Software Developer for a small company in Bridage of Don, hours can be pretty intense, just finished about 2 months of 60+ hour weeks in order to hit a release date, but it is a pretty cool job - Went to uni to do computing, so im happy enough to be in a job doing what I like. Now i just have to pay off the 18k ish student loan.....
  2. Shazzzam! Happy birthday guys! I always thought you two were older than me, oh well! Twins ftw!
  3. Been playing it for about 2 years now. I know quite alot of guys in Aberdeen/Scotland that play it (like one of your fellow Game employees Dave!) As far as a game community goes, I've yet to see anything else come close to what Eve has acommplished. I'm in a mainly British/Icelandic corp and us British guys normaly meet up a few times a year for the obligatory Karting or Paintball session. Last summer a bunch of us even got invited over to Iceland, and managed to get a tour of CCP's (Eve's Developers) headquarters, cant imagine any other game developers doing the same. This summer a few of the Icelandic corp members came over here to visit and spent a few weeks touring round the UK meeting up with as many people as they could. Play Eve. Promote international relations.
  4. Eve-Online for teh win!!!! Well I've played both EQ2 and WoW and despite that little server incident on launch day I'd have to go with WoW at the moment. EQ2 is less stable than Uranium-238. (I also find it abit annoying when you have just killed the 80' Death-Giant, then proceed to get owned by the red ++ "Slightly Miffted Badger" )
  5. Oh looks like im a day late, but happy bithday anyways
  6. Asm0dai


    Even tho I have a few issues with some of the members, as a band I have always liked Dedalus and I sincerely hope that they get to wherever it is that they want to be. The music speaks for itself. Go Voyager!
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