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Posts posted by beeker

  1. I'm a bitch with big bad man titites' date=' yeah thats right. titties. i'm 'on the rag' at the moment so i'm a bit emotional. oh it's all too much for me... i think i'll go have a peach schnaps. [/quote']

    Tell her to stop 'bugging' you until she is single.... and dont reply to her texts. Else you'll have a boyfriend looking for you regardless of "who started it"....

  2. are you gay?...

    no seriously. Ok, so she didn't text you back.. oh christ - end of world. I cna go months without talking to some of my best mates and when we meet up it's just like the time never passed.

    Stop being such a bitch.

  3. I think it's just under the catch-all "management reserve the right to refuse entry" provision - ultimately' date=' without being there, how do we know what really happened?

    What kind of moron phones the papers because he's been refused from a club anyway?[/quote']

    the kind of person that looks dodgy enough for bouncers to make up reasons not to let them in!.. point is they coudl have said " we dont like the look of you , so ur not getting in" instead they diffused the situation by using the tattoo rule.

    Expect him to sue soon.

  4. My first job when i was 16 was McDonalds' date=' lasted for 6 years then left the buggering place, good job if you get on with the other staff, damn good pay, minimum wage no matter how old you are, flexible hours plus you get to take the piss out of the stupid ass customers who order a large big mac meal with a diet coke cause they need to loose weight.[/quote']

    maybe they are diabetic and need the diet coke ;)

  5. No apology given' date=' but whatever. So what is your basis for the guy being a bam then?

    Access to a club should not be dictated by dress or appearance at all, be it Moshulu, Liquid or wherever. Why should anyone be discriminated against because of how they want to dress? Basic socially acceptable behaviour should be adopted when in said establishment and if not, being booted out by bouncers doing their job correctly as opposed to getting delusions of grandeur and dictating who gets in in the first place should be the punishment.[/quote']

    It was in reference to the apology that should have been your next post instead of the above drivel. I also explained above that i didn't call him a bam - the bouncers didn't like the look of him, ya bam.

    His first impression to the bouncers must have been sufficient for them to not want him inside. So rather than say your're not getting in mate, they made up an excuse that he had no comeback to.

    If you own a club you are entitled to only let in whomever you chose - and usually people who are of a smart appearance are less likely to cause trouble!. Basic socially acceptable attire should also be adhered to!! :p

    So, get your burberry clad tattood ass to fuck!

  6. So because he has tattoos he is automatically a bam who is going to cause trouble? Wise up min.

    hows about you wise up, min. I didn't mention tattoos in that post. Apology accepted.

    so they let numpty joe in and he steals your wallet and his missus is a nutter and battered ur missus. Would you be complaining to the bouncers then for letting a bam inside?

    I'm sure he's a nice guy - but in a queue for a nightclub first impressions count!

    If you read my posts you'd understand the bouncers used that as an excuse not to let him in as they didn't like the look of him.. simple as.

  7. bouncer1 - check this mink oot, he's nae getting in

    bouncer2 - aye but ye canna ca him a mink and nae let him in

    bouncer1 - fit about a no tattoo policy - has he got a jaikit

    bouncer2 - no, no jaickit, lets go for that one!

    bouncer1 - aye sorry pal, you'll need to cover up those tattoos before gettin in

    beaut: - haw, man thats pure discriminative!!

    bouncer2 - sorry pal, you can't get in.

    beaut - man ah hardly ever get out what with the 3 kids and my homework

    bouncer1 - sorry pal, rules is rules

    beaut - i'm pure goin to the paperz min. c'mon jordan-louise - we're outta here

    ensue story in the E&E...

  8. How can being online in an internet cafe be strange.

    If you had tapped into a wireless network for the barbados holiday home of John Travolta whilst having a BBQ on the beach with the guy from teh malibu advert who continually says - "can you hear me now.. now?.... i'm on the mobile" - that would be strange

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