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Posts posted by beeker

  1. www.shagster.net

    if we are all seperated by only 6 degrees of people addage - does teh same work for sex - shagster tries to prove that we could have shagged sharon stone somewhere down the line os shagee's... if we believe that we have shagged everyone our partner has and consequently everyone they haev .. and so on.

    incase you were looking - i'm not on there.

  2. Or instead you could all stop being fannies and actually provide 'feedback' on the gig itself.

    Instead of squabbling like a bunch of old wifies.

    EDIT: Respect for the trisha post though ;)

    was either that or a reference to Milner supporting his mum's extra curricular activities through his sig. decided for the Trisha. I just love shouting.. RIIIIIIIIIIIIICE!

  3. Like dthe track Keilan, TBH i think the lead guitar could sound a bit RHCP like - which is good until it goes on a bit in the treble. You might want to take a bit of that lead track out and use it for a chorus or M8 bit?

    Drums are a little too complicated for my liking - again something like an RHCP beat would fit well (depends on sound you want to go for) slower but maybe different beat might fit better and help bring out the bass and guitar. As it stands i'm kind of drawn to what the drummer is doing. Good riff n all but i dont think it goes.. (but being a drummer thats probably just me)

    Missed you last Sunday at moorings!!, maybe next time.

  4. So! It's their fucking hair and maybe they aspire to look a little more presentable. Should men be walking about drinking beer and reading fucking Nuts magazine incase they look feminine?

    Oh heaven forbid doing anything that might make you look gay! I've heard those gays have sex with other men and all sorts of fucked up things.

    So what if girls aren't impressed by it! Do you base your entire life around what girls find attractive' date=' I bet your mates that straighten their hair start getting laid a damn site more than you do seeing as they actually probably wash themselves. (I actually suspect the motivation for this thread was probably that some guy with straight hair is getting a bit of a girl you like, but I may be wrong).

    Yes. And sexist, homophobic and you're generally coming off as a bit thick.

    Either way, I use hair straighteners and do other things you'd probably consider a bit feminine and gay, but I don't give a shit. I'm not gay and I don't have any real problems attracting woman, I'm just not really into masculine ideals of attractiveness.

    Have a think about your life in general, I reckon you probably secretly dig a bit of cock seeing as your so uppity about the whole sexuality aspect. And if your having trouble attracting woman, put down your lad magazine for a second, have a bit of a wash and maybe change your socks (that means a new clean pair, not turning the old ones inside out).[/quote']

    No-one else see the irony in this post about sexuality by 'swinging Ryan' no offence meant to you Ryan.

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