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Posts posted by A.Pel

  1. I tell you, last night at Cafe Drummonds I saw some dance moves which could rival Michael Jackson. Some bootay shaking I tell thee!

    Anyone who was there should most definately like to identify themselves as I think Justin Timberlake is looking for new backing dancers...

    No, seriously, where is the best place for busting a move?

    (p.s...I'm just learning to speak gangsta, homie.)

  2. There's no way I could chose one : everywhere has it's pros and cons.

    Dublin : For just the fantastic atmosphere and general happiness of the place. And perhaps also the fact that pubs are open all day, every day, with live music and guiness on draught. The airport (a vital part of the city) is just fucking awesome thanks to ryanair providing decent flights to just about anywhere in Europe. However, smoking has been banned in public places and everything is highly expensive.

    Melbourne, Australia : Fast becoming the 'new Sydney' (less tourists), Melbourne is one of the most whismical places in the world. Cheap as fuck, the people too nice for their own good, fantasic FREE public transport and has a great mix of architecture from the old and new. The city is best a night (walk along the Yarra River) where the art students and street entertainers continue into the twilight zone...and jesus, the Crown Casino.

    Amsterdam : I guess everyone's got their own reasons (smoking and hooring) but there is a whole other side to Amsterdam. They've got a nice lifestyle, with the bikes and all, the best streetside cafes (I'm talking about food here!) and the Amber Nectar is in a leage of its own. Also in Amsterdam is my favourite restaurant by far. The Luxemburg Cafe is just of Dam Square, and if you're a fan of the 1920's, its the shit.

    SHitting Hell, I've just wrote a bloody guidebook.

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