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Larsen B

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Posts posted by Larsen B

  1. Ron Butlin is a pretty good writer.

    As far as Hemingway goes, his longer fiction is patchy; some if it is brilliant and in particular the descriptive passages, some of it is just remarkably slow and repetitive. His short stories are fucking genius though, so I'd recommend getting a collection of those if you haven't already.

    I'm trying to decide what to read next...

    The ending of Farewell To Arms is the closest i've come to crying from a book, but I kept the womanly wibbling in.

  2. Earth - 2

    Wavves - s/t

    Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest

    Jens Lekman - Oh You're So Silent, Jens

    Generally underwhelmed. They're going to grow on me though, I think.

    Veckatimest is taking a very long time to grow on me.

    Wild Beasts - Two Dancers

    Probably my most anticipated release of the year. I'm slightly disappointed, although it's garnered a lot of acclaim.

  3. I guess the question is all in the title. I need to replace a damaged phone socket on my wall and need to buy some sort of replacement adaptor for the Sky cable going into the phone line. If anybody know of anywhere in or around the city centre that sells this kind of stuff I'd be very appreciative as doing some DIY stuff would give me a chance to really be the "man of the house" (dad away on work and brother away on holiday you see).

  4. I've got a choice of the following to read next:

    The Life and Opinions of Tristam Shandy - Laurence Stern

    If On a Winters Night a Traveller - Italo Calvino

    Robinson Cruseo - Daniel Defoe

    God Is Not Great - Christopher Hitchens

  5. Christine is mint. I even like the film too, even though it hasn't aged well.

    A case of so bad it's good as regards the film. Especially the fight scene in the garage. Some great dialogue too "Get your mits of me motherfucker!!" Really? Mits and motherfucker in the same sentence.

  6. Reading and immensely enjoying Wonderboys by Michael Chabon.

    "Not only would I never want to belong to a club that would have me for a member - if elected I would wear street shoes on the squash court and set fire to the ballroom curtains"

  7. There's an adaptation of Closely Observed Trains from 1966, won best foreign film at the oscars and there's an adaptation of I Served the King of England from a couple of years ago. Both pretty good.

  8. "In a bold move that has stunned Hollywood insiders, newly-divorced comeback-kid Troy McClure has turned down the supporting lead in McBain IV to direct and star in his own pet project: The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel. Will the gambit pay off? 20th Century Fox is betting... it will."

  9. Too Loud a Solitude by Bohumil Hrabal.

    this is absolutely fecking brilliant.



    Damned straight. I've read all the Hrabal that's available except Letters to Dubenka. You read anything else by him or seen either of the film adaptations by Jiri Menzel?

  10. i heard this afternoon KC to finish 11pm

    but you know how these things go maybe a weeee bit later

    I just wanted to know just for getting the bus home, but I managed cajole my friend into a night of sobriety and driving.

    i must have been the youngest person there.

    dude was fairly harmless and entertaining, but i felt a bit like i was watching an in-joke that i wasn't invited to...every time the guy said ANYTHING the entire venue erupted in ass-kissing guffaws...wish i'd seen more of pictish trail as well as the last couple of songs i heard were a'right.

    fave tunes from KC were the 'full band' ones.

    I think I'm younger than you, but I'm too lazy to do the research.

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