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Wishbone G

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Posts posted by Wishbone G

  1. When i was at a house party friday night/saturday morning, and i mistakenly believed he had already died, folks were asking me why i was so happy.

    Apart from being so pissed that I was grinning like a moron anyway, i had to explain how this guy leads people on into what i reckon to be a purely false belief so the 'weaker' people have some intangible stronger thing to attatch themselves to.

    Thats why i dont like him

  2. My mates marshall amp is making a really annoying buzzing sound when it gets turned on. Not the kind of buzzing from a dodgy cable etc, but an actually sound coming from the amp like a lawnmower!

    We reckon its the fan, but he cleaned that. Any ideas? Reckon the fan just plain needs replacing?

    Cheers for help

  3. From Ultimate-Guitar (and slightly edited for the author's rubbish english)

    As we reported previously, The Darkness have started work on the follow-up to "Permission To Land" with a little bit of inspiration from the late Freddie Mercury: The band was working in the same studio in which Queen recorded "Bohemian Rhapsody." "Studio stuff is going well. It's about the biggest drum sound you'll ever hear on a rock record and that's all there is to it at the moment. We're in the same studio that they recorded "Bohemian Rhapsody" in, so I'm using Freddie's piano and stuff," said singer Justin Hawkins.

    As it was reported by WiredAF news agency, at the present time the band stopped working on the follow-up because of mysterious reasons. Justin Hawkins denied commenting on the situation, however the following press release was leaked early on the internet. "We were recording our 3rd song for the album, which has some piano parts and I was playing on Freddie's piano when this happened. Suddenly all our gear stopped working and it's became very silentl. I almost felt the silence. There were like 10 people from the studio as well as the whole band when we heard a hiss from one of our amplifiers, and then the voice said "Stop this. You vulgarize the rock music, you are doing everything wrong. And stop touching my piano"

    "Last thing I remember -- that amplifier started to burn. I am scared to death now. We decided to stop the recording and think about that. We may quit the scene."

    The band is going to sue the company which owns the studio, because they did not make the band aware of the ghosts and other odd things that have happened there before.


  4. To be honest, im expecting the news channels to whip out the "breaking news" clipart at any time now for his death.

    The problems i see are a bunch of whiney busybodies arguing over who gets to be the next pope. Besides, the vaticans influence is no doubt waning.

    Out of interest. Does the pope get paid? If so, by who, and where does the money come from?

  5. You could just be practical and apply for the university that is ranked higher for the course you want to do :p

    I wanted to go to another city, but edinburgh rejected me, and Glasgow wanted me to get 3 As in sixth year (like hell), so im just staying here for uni next year. Although there is no chance in hell im not getting a flat

  6. Its freaky to think about. And even though it seems far away, its inevitable!

    I reckon there is simply nothing after death. You cease to be. Which, i reckon, is even weirder than the notion of Heaven/hell/reincarnation/ghosties.

    i reckon it will be like going back to before you were born. You just wont exist, wont have any kind of thought, self awareness etc.

  7. I was under the impression you had used that name, the late 80s, and then someone else had gone and used it.

    Come to think of it, that could be your song and ive just insulted you right to the heart. If so, tough, the song is guff :D

    edit: Ah, reading the posts, rather than skimming them reveals that it is in fact yours. Perhaps its time to turn tactful :rolleyes:

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