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Wishbone G

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Posts posted by Wishbone G

  1. I figure I can just have two plugs coming out of the pedalboard then for the Muff. Just a tiny inconvenience really :p

    So on that note, can anyone recommend which of these power bank things you reckon I should buy.

    Thanks everyone for the help so far.

  2. Im building myself a pedalboard (well, converting an old laptop case to one). Was wondering if anyone can give me any recommendations for powering them.

    If i just had a plug for each one, it would take up heaps of space, and I would probably get a lot of buzzing from electrical interference (im not savvy on that subject). Basicly what i need is something that i can plug into the wall, that the rest of my pedals can get power from, taking up minimum space, and with as little interference as neccessary.

    I imagine it would be fairly simple, but ive got some pedals that I get the feeling need unique power supplies only available from the manufacturer, such as my Ehx Big Muff, and Dunlop Cry Baby. Any help on the topic would be muchly appreciated.

    Incidentally, I need power for about 8 pedals.

  3. "The Shining" is a much better film than book

    You have to be kidding! The book rawks ass over the film. The hedge animals, the party guests, the elevator... hell, the incident with the fire hose (read the book) had me fucking gripped, more than any annoying child wandering around waggling his finger. :laughing:

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