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Everything posted by *Lucy*

  1. Capdown do rock quite considerably! Dont like Bouncing Souls or flogging molly but...im not going so i shouldnt complain
  2. I did one for my zine a few years ago and it took me AGES to do! Couldnt believe how long it took me..and it was still bad :O
  3. yup, im sure it used to be cheaper to go see bands in aberdeen - especially at kef even a gig with only smallish local bands costs 5 to get in - its not cool!
  4. thanks, thats cleared that one up
  5. I read that the Ordinary Boys are playing Kef tonite but then I got told by someone that it was Adequate 7 instead. Does anyone know who's actually booked for tonite?
  6. Capdown & Douglas at kef last september... One of my favourite bands and a band that became a favourite after the gig! They're all such nice guys too, can't beat that!
  7. Everyone I know just does all the rock school stuff. I just got a B in my higher music prelim which is my best mark so far My music practical final was good too...got by far the best examiner in the world! He swayed to my pieces, and smiled lots and I had to make him coffee! Good fun :]
  8. I've never heard of The Holiday Plan...where are they from? Does anybody like them?
  9. Thats a bit short and not very sweet Anyone ever done it in a letter? Angry letters are good fun to write especially if you've been treated bad!
  10. Being ignored is worse than any text message It goes on and on and on whereas a text takes minutes
  11. Thats the most imaginative idea I've heard! Any other original ideas?
  12. I'd expect emails to be worse than texts although I have never been told that way. If someone ignores your calls and stands you up do they deserve a text?! (Is that cruel?)
  13. Yeah thats what I'd say But from my experience it hurts less if you don't have to answer the person straight away but I'd never do it to someone else
  14. I'm not implying that I want to finish with my boyfriend but I wondered what people thought of the best and worst ways to break up.. Is it better to break up thru a text or face to face or on the phone? And whats the worst way to split up?
  15. *Lucy*


    Capdown were so good last time I do love Captain Everything tho. Swap Capdown for Jesse James and make me happy!
  16. Maybe I'm too young but why have I never heard of Kriss Kross? Who were they?!
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