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Posts posted by Flash@TMB

  1. Nice one Gomez, it's great that there's another place to put posters. We've allowed posters for gigs elsewhere since we took over the place 7 years ago. It doesn't harm trade in the slightest, and if anything possibly boosts it slightly as the diverse range of posters gives the place a good vibe.

    Last year we clamped down on those other venues that refused to reciprocate, so we no longer feature posters for gigs at The Tunnels, Drummonds, or Moshulu. Their stance is strange as they generally put on several times as many gigs as we do, so reciprocation would actually work in their favour, but hey...

  2. Well, it depends on the style and overall quality of bass amp to whether or not it is a good idea but it isn't all that unusual for the bass cab to be mic'd.

    Unless you are doing a recording (where you can move waveforms and use phase alignment plugins) it is often best just to chose one source as there will be a time difference between the mic and DI signal which will cause phase cancellation.

    You get around that using a delay. We also run some channel delays on the FOH. For example, a guitar cab is located 4m back from the FOH speakers and is mic'd up, so you delay that mic channel to allow the sound from the cab to travel 4m and synch with it. If you don;t do that then the mix can sound very slightly fluffy. Ditto drums and bass.

  3. If I remember right (which would be a first) it was

    "What are you doing there, when you could be here, having a great time at CHARLIES!"

    Then Ricky Simpson chomping into a plate of chips...

    Ricky "Rod Stewart's my best mate" Simpson - wonder where he is now? I know he sold Simpson's Hotel a few years ago but he seems to have disappeared...

    I actually remember Charlies before it was even a pub. It was an old church that Charles Michie used to own as storage. One of my first ever jobs was in there manufacturing 10,000 mosquito repellent sticks from the raw chemicals for the Army of Oman. True story.

    Yeah that sounds more accurate.

    In winter 1990 myself and a group of randoms were standing at the bus stop in Culter. It was pishing down rain. There was a large puddle on the road beside the bus stop. Ricky Simpson came round the corner in his red drop top RR (with the roof up obviously) and veered over to the side of the road so that he could hit the puddle sending up a tidal wave of dirty puddle water 4-5 feet high and drenching the lot up us.

    If that had been the 21st Century then he'd have been filming it on his mobile at the same time.


    EDIT: We knew it was him because his reg was something like RS 1.

    EDIT #2: For weeks afterwards I plotted getting a poly bag full of dirty puddle water, or perhaps urine, or vomit, then going into Charlie's, tipping in into a pint glass, and flinging it into his smug mug. But I never did because A) I figured they'd murder me, and B) he's probably never there unless they are recording a commercial.

  4. Charlies changed it's name to The Cross, then changed it's name back to Charlies. It changed it's name to "The Rig" a couple of months ago. I remember the advert, I was only about 14 at the time, but Charlies seemed like it would just be the fucknig coolest place on earth if you were 14. I was so disappointed when I finally got to go in!

    I don't know the club you're talking about but Owlies later became Bar Pivo, then the Aberdeen University Student Union.

    "Come on down to Charlie's - we're all having a GREAT time"


  5. its a projection thing non?

    The higher wattage ampeg / boogie stuff projects at 12-16ft away and guitar amps also have a range too.

    it sounds quiet standing next to it but whilst you are squinting up your face and putting your ear down at the cab, your bass sound is dishing out heart attacks and making the teeth of your audience fall out.

    Dead practice rooms cause this to happen a lot, the projection doesnt go anywhere so everybody in the band keeps turning up to play with the (hard hitting) drummer. When you go home after practice you consequently ignore the conversation's your partner is trying to have with you and you go to bed unable to sleep because your head is bashing out some mad tinnitus.

    Let the drums be loud, you will thank yourself for it when you hit your 40s :D

    Or get an 8x10" cab... heh heh.

  6. It seems my Ampeg is criticised fairly often online for being a 'quiet' amp, so I'm guessing it's nothing to do with the actual wattage. All I know is that when practising with a band it needs to be cranked way up to be of any use and with the limiter utilised you can forget being heard at all.

    Ours did that because it had developed a fault. It happened so gradually that we didn't notice until things deteriorated further. It looked like it was working, and all the valves were lit up, but all was not well. It came back from Ampeg much louder and nicer sounding.

    Having said that it served well for 4 years prior to being hooped so no complaints.

    The only thing is that I noticed on Saturday that when engaging the 'ultra low' button, for some reason it also seems to activate the 16dB pad, which didn't used to be the case. Perhaps this is a feature, perhaps it is a fault, but we can work around it until it craters.

    We used the DG signature Hiwatt as backup, and it sounded pretty good too despite being more commonly employed as a guitar head.

  7. Actually, I have to agree with aekido - modern websites have a greater emphasis on content entry, and a pure-Flash website just doesn't cut it. You are severely limiting what you can do with your site, and updating it is more hassle than it's worth compared to a HTML/PHP or CMS-based site.

    The website has a built in content management system where we can enter whatever text and jpegs we want, then press save. One of the design specs was for it to be as low maintenance as possible.

  8. The site is currently hosted on a broadband connection that only supports 256kbps upstream. Once the remaining mistakes ironed out I'll transfer it to a fast web hosting provider which should in theory multiply the performance x4, yo - treader ;)

    Thanks for pointing out the spelling mistake, I'll sort that today, knew there had to be at least one in there. The toastie (*COUGH* "sandwichs" Dave - LMAO) photos feature beers that we sell, but if you've seen one of our toasties... well suffice to say that any photogenic shortcomings are more than compensated for in taste hah hah :) And they all look the same, like two bits of toast squished together.

    The other thing we need is some MP3s for the jukebox feature. We'll kick off with our catalogue of live recordings, but might also be open to some local band studio tracks too. Don't mail bomb me for fucks sake!

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