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Posts posted by Flash@TMB

  1. a live jukebox

    Yeah dude, it works even better if they can save quid and just shout out their requests, or write them on a beer mat and throw them in. This is why you must never charge at the door for covers, because the punters will feel ripped off unless they get to write the set list.

    Hey pal, play the one that goes "WE ALL CAME DOWN FROM MONTROSE". Or I'll stab you.

  2. The plain and simple fact of the matter is that like it or not, covers band fill a space in the market. Most pubs showing live music don't give a fuck about the artistic credibility of the bands they hire....they only care about how often their tills are rattling. Also, your average pub-goer wants to hear tunes they recognise, which is why covers bands typically make more money than original bands who perhaps haven't 'made it' yet. To me, it's simple supply/demand economics.

    I don't disagree with what you've typed, but it does depend on the pub in question and it's regular attendees.

    Don't think this applies to Drakes RIP, Tunnels, or Moorings for example.

    EDIT: Must add that a covers band is great for a wedding, a function, or most pubs that have enough space, provided they don't play the same cliched covers... Was once at a covers band gig and all 4 bands played 3 songs in common. From memory those were:

    Tie Your Mother Down


    And either Highway to Hell or Basket Case.

    Did my nut in. And none of them were original takes on the tune. You'd have thought they'd have put a little more thought into their set lists!

  3. Stadia, Beluga (every sat from feb), Globe, Drummonds, Tunnels, Moorings, Richmond Arms in Peterculter...

    I think that in the context of that question your can delete The Moorings from that list. We have perhaps 3-4 tribute acts playing once-twice a year each, so max 8x a year from 200 performances. But I would class a covers band as being a very different beast from a tribute act. The odd band may throw in the odd cover or two but there are no covers bands playing The Moorings as such.

    I think you can add The Schooner to the list though, they've had a couple recently.

  4. Well I can remember it being sticky when it was Zuu circa 1995, so I guess some things never change.

    I remember when it was Videoplex. Not sure if the floor was sticky back then, but my ears were bleeding. Think it probably had tiles instead of a carpet though.

  5. If you're mixing spirits then the key is to use those of good quality. Most of the big brand names are of reasonable quality and very consistent quality.

    Russky Standart is not as good as it used to be, gone too big volume now. I also found it started to cause a hangover, something that it never used to do, so we discontinued it some time back.

    Which spirits you use really comes down to personal taste. Most cocktail guides will contain recipes for commonly available stuff that is regular tasting. For more exotic things you need to order on-line.

    To mix your own reciepies you need to get used to the taste of each spirit mixed with lots of juice, this will give you an indication of the particular flavors that it imparts. Try 1 part spirit and 8-10 parts orange juice with some ice. Then try mixing it with pineapple, apple, cranberry, coke, ginger beer etc.

    The more exotic stuff that I'd recommend are:

    Tanquerry Gin - very fresh tasting. Gordon's tastes stale by comparison. Tanquerry makes a VERY dry martini. Don't forget the olives.

    We love Chopin vodka which is made from potatoes. Potato vodka is much smoother than grain vodka, these are generally Polish.

    For bourbon try all the small batch stuff. Knob Creek is the dryest.

    For rum there is a lot of choice, and it's one of the most versatile cocktail spirits. There are probably more rum based cocktails out there than anything else. rums also vary more in their flavour than other spirits. Here are some good ones, they are all very different.

    Firstly rums vary greatly with the Island on which they are produced. And there are lots of islands... ones to definitely try are:





    Secondly rum comes in 3 colours, white, amber, and dark.

    The Martinique rums (they spell it Rhum) are made from sugar cane juice rather than molasses. This gives them a completely different taste. Try Clement for white Martinique, but you need to dilute it with lots of juice. I find that it mixes particularly well with ginger beer. Make sure you get hold of a nice burny ginger beer.

    Appleton is Jamaican rum. The white is very sweet compared with Bacardi. The ambers are very light smoothed and they also make aged rums which are not so useful in cocktails. Don't forget Koko Kanu.

    Mount Gay is a Barbados rum. Similar to Appleton special (amber) but stronger tasting and dryer.

    Cuban rums I'm not so familiar with yet.

    Tequila is a minefield. There are 3 different spirits made from agave, tequila, mezcal, and sotol. You generally get more choice of tequila, and all tequilas that are made from 100% blue agave are worth trying out. There are a lot of great tequilas out there but personally I can't see past Patron Silver.

    Aside from these there are various other weird and wonderful things out there, stuff like Arrak of which we have a bottle, and is technically similar to rum but tastes nothing like it.

    Hope you found that useful.

    There is a great book on the subject, called "Booze". It's like the bible for alchies:

    Booze: The Drinks Bible for the 21st Century: Richard Neill: Amazon.co.uk: Books

  6. David Berkowitz, Kenneth Bianchi, John Gacy, Carl Panzram, Arthur Shallcross, Henry Lee Lucas, Bobby Jo Long, Fred West, Randy Kraft, John Christie, Richard Speck, Gary Heidnik, Albert Fish, Dennis Rader...........

    Aah Christmas has come early. Berkowitz, The Son of Sam, my specialist subject...

    The Son of Sam killed 6 people and wounded 7 more in 8 separate shooting incidents over the course of 12 months. Only 3 of them were killed by Berkowitz. There were several gunmen (and possibly a gunwoman) involved, all people that were being exploited by an organisation masquerading as a satanic cult. Two of the other alleged gunmen John Carr and Michael Carr (both of whom fit the varying photofits of the killer, and whose father was named "Sam") died in mysterious circumstances within a year. Actually John Carr may not even be dead, there were some major discrepancies with the physical characteristics of his corpse.

    The Son of Sam is very sick case. One of the murders was filmed as a snuff movie. The postman that delivered mail to several cult members died in mysterious circumstances. A couple who had come into contact with the cult were later discovered with their blood drained. Dozens of German Shepherd dogs were slaughtered.

    Maury Terry's book "The Ultimate Evil" is the most chilling book I have ever read. I've read it through 4 times since 1991 and every time I've had to sleep with a light on. Nothing else has ever creeped me out like that. The author does climb up his own asshole when he alleges links to The Process Church of Final Judgement, but the rest of the book is sound.

    This is not a conspiracy theory as such, since a full investigation was later undertaken by the Queens DA confirming most of the allegations. It's a genuine conspiracy, and Jimmy Breslin can stick that in his pipe and smoke it.

  7. Ascension for support?

    MySpace.com - Ascension - Aberdeen, Scotland - Metal / Metal / Metal - www.myspace.com/ascensionbanduk

    Or have swordmaster already got dibs on this :p lol

    Brian just got me to listen to your MySpace and, I must hand it to you, Ascension have improved exponentially from when I last heard them (probably 4 years ago). This is virtually unfathomable. I couldn't be more surprised if Garth metamorphasized into a fully qualified consultant cardiologist, or my cock suddenly doubled in length - but there you go, it's a funny old world - thank fuck. Well done :) I dread to think how much effort that took.

    There's hope for my saxophone playing yet.

  8. On their 'Best Town Pub' award last night :D

    Last night was actually the first time I've had a good drink in the Moorings. I was well impressed with the range of beers :up: and the fact that I can actually get brew dog on tap! Why is it I have to travel 40 miles from the brewry to get a brew dog on tap?

    And if that wasn't good enough, that Funktion1 system sounds fantastic! Its such a pleasure to be able to sit and talk without shitty music being blasted through shitty speakers between the bands. Hell, even though the bands were nice and loud I didn't wake up with my ears ringing.

    I know you guys get this all the time but credit where credits due :up: The award was well deserved.

    Thanks man! It's always nice to hear kind words. Have a good Christmas.

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