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Everything posted by Rhiannon

  1. tried, I also save edited, saved it the same way, found it the edited version. So tried the same thing on the original computer but it wasn't there. I give up.
  2. Is the tempory internet folder on the computer I was orginally on? Or will it be ok to log in on another computer (uni computers)
  3. Yeah I've tried both It was a public computer so I thik its been deleted
  4. If someone is retarded enough to open an essay from an email (and not save it), spend a few hours typing 6 pages of calulations and discussion, then save it when closing Word. Where the hell does it go? I've looked everywhere. if it got saved to a tempory folder would it have been deleted once I logged off?
  5. Have you tried looking at the course website? Alot or all of my classes have the course guide on the course webpage
  6. If I wanted to download music whats the best site to use? I would probably download quite a few songs so would I be better paying a monthly sum (which I heard you can do) or paying for songs singlely? I don't know the name of any (legal) sites
  7. marks and spencers ahve good ones, my school use to ahve really yummy nes too
  8. there was one about 10/11 in Fraser Noble today, jut after i spent age finding a free computer, Edward Wright had one last week, which was also gay.
  9. Also they put your luggage in different compartments depending on where you're going, so if you ticket said to Dundee, you may get off at London, but your suitcase would be sitting waiting in Dundee...
  10. There is a car in Heathers street, It has eyelashes painted above it's headlights...
  11. A girl in my class would tell everyone "just got to the moon" or "go live in the sea and die" among other random things, even the teachers couldn't help but laugh at her
  12. I've always started uni back on the bank ho,kiday monday cus I remeber always ebing late because of the bank holiday service on the bus
  13. Tesco danestone are looking for checkout staff, theyhave 2 new stores opening soon, one in westhill and cant remember the other, they'l need staff for that. I'm on 5.80 an hour, but im over 18 and have bene workign there for pver a year
  14. Nice one for opening a new thread I considered diong it but wasn't sure if it'd get closed or not Thanks x
  15. Yeah, just remember Bics also make pens! I used used a bic in the Aberdeen Uni surf club and they're pretty good, look around on the net, you can get some pretty good deals on the old styles when all the new ones come in (which is in the next few months I think)
  16. You at uni? Aberdeen Uni have a surf club which is pretty good for beginners, you'l have so much fun! Don't knwo too much about surfing, but NSP's are pretty good for beginners, some people say Bics as well are pretty good. If I were you, I'd go down to Granite Reef, they were really helpful whe I got my board, they sell NSP's, yeah you'd be better for one over 7, the shorter they are the harder. Long boards are easier to get up on and stuff, a short board would be pretty impossible for a beginner, thats what all the good people use. The better you get a surfing the smaller board you'd want, you can hire out boards and suits all for around 30 from Granite reef if you wanted to try it out first, the boards they lend are great for getting started, when you buy one you dont want to get one thats too long as you can only improve so much on it. But I'd say get your ass down to Granite Reef, even if your just asking for advice, they're really helpful. Waves shall be getting good soon Oh yeah, buy yourself a hood and watch out for the seals
  17. I always get eye liner or mascara on my contacts whe I visit the optician (even if I haven't been wearing make up that day ) they're never too impressed. Never had any problems with make up and lenses, though take them out before removing make up! Make up remover ruins the lenses!
  18. Friends friend. Poor kid The guy didn't have the best reputation but when ever I had spoken to him he was really nice. Without wanting to say too much, he was apparently helping someone else from falling R.I.P Feelings go out to his family anf friends
  19. Last year me and Heather had a water fight in the middle Its so good to hear lots of people I know are doing it this year Tv Tanned, I think I ran faster to the car to get away from the rain then I did the whole race for Race For Life!
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