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Posts posted by N.M

  1. hammerhead is a great drum machine' date=' so easy to use, but there is a huge amount of freeware music software out there u just need to experiment to find the best one. To be honest i am quite happy with the effects you get in cubase they seem to all do the trick for me. I havn't actually ever tried using fruity loops but i hear its excellent and from the noises you were getting i can see it can be used for all sorts, i might have little look into it, where di u get get your fruity loops from? i presume it is not freeware :([/quote']

    Unfortunately, the proper versions of FL can cost quite a bit, and the demo version doesn't actually allow you to save much at all. The legality of my copy is quite... * cough * questionable * cough *

    Still, if I could afford it, I would buy it.

  2. haha' date=' that sounds great, i have been working n a lot of solo electronic style stuff, i havn't got round to posting it on myspace or anything as i am incredibly lazy, its a lot more gentle tahn this stuff, out of interest what programmes do you use to get your sounds??, personnally i use a variety of freeware and pirated versions of cubase, cool edit, hammerhead etc.[/quote']

    I've just been using Fruity Loops for all of it. I've just newly started to understand the workings of it, so I haven't really tried out any programs, and haven't got enough cash to buy any hardware or anything.

    Any programs you would recommend at all?

  3. goodness' date=' i am mightily impressed with the thickness of the sound in this, really quite reminiscent of very heavy aphex twin or boards of canada, i'm liking it quite a lot, although im sure i have already said on your previous track you posted, i think some diversion to the sound would help it go a long way, did u ever think of adding a bass track? i personnaly think it would help it a lot, having said that this is a very individual approach and its up to you what you want to do with it, but some of the rich noises are incredible, nice work[/quote']

    Yeah, the sound I was aiming for on that track was more to the higher end of things, although I can see what you mean with the lack of bass. Still, I'm going to be working on stuff throughout the summer, so chances are at some point I'll get a track out with enough bass to kick a speaker in. :D

    Again, thanks for the comments. :up:

  4. Seriously' date=' did you just roll around on a keyboard and feed it through a synthesizer or something? I mean, I'm all for variety in music... but is that even music?[/quote']

    Congratulations! You are the first person to reply, expressing your thoughts of it not being music at all. I've already had the "I can see what your doing, but there's really no direction to it at all", but never the "That's music! In that case, I'm away to record the sound of a hammer crushing against a cat's skull for the next hour, and release it as a concept album."

    If it pleases you to think of it as some form of arranged noise rather than music, then go for it. That's what all music really is any way when brought down to a very basic level, an arrangement of sequenced notes and sounds. :up:

    Cheers for the reply anyway.

  5. Haven't you asked this before? And haven't you already expressed your thoughts on the matter in several other threads?

    Or am I just crazy?

    Never mind, I think it's down to crowd sizes. Although there may be a decent band following in Aberdeen, we can't match to the numbers that the central belt can, even when taking into consideration the contents of the shire, etc.

    Meh, who cares anyway? There's nothing like blowing your cash on a two day trip down to glasgow to see your favourite bands. Especially if you happen to be me, and that favourite band was Pig Destroyer. Ah, that was fun. :rockon:

  6. Tascam US-428' date=' USB based computer recorder. 140[/quote']

    Come on Hog, you tried to sell that last time for 150. Surely the price can go another 10 lower, no?

    *NOTE: I'm not interested in buying, I just wanted an excuse to post something. Mostly because I'm bored, but also because I'm a cunt. Nevermind, always the next life.*

  7. Like I said before, the track isn't actually finished, I just wondered what people's opinion on it would be so far. Not really the best plan I've ever had, but I guess I've put up worse (if you were unfortunate enough to hear the recordings of the early Evac songs I put up, you'll probably agree with me).

    Chances are I'll have a crack at trying to get a completed version up, while keeping in mind the comments that have been made already.

    Like I said before, any feedback given is greatly appreciated, and I thank those who have already commented for giving their opinion.

  8. I almost completed the crimson room in a very decent time, but suddenly came to a hault when trying to find the two items.

    The Viridian Room, on the other hand, is pretty hard. Especially when no matter how many times you try to click on the bucket to move it, it just won't budge. I eventually gave up on it and looked at a guide. Still never managed to complete it due to the bucket problem.


    What was that one again, The Mystery of Time and Space? It was pretty decent, although it did get boring after a while.

  9. Probably Boris' drone stuff (Absolutego & Amplifier Worship)


    But I guess the craziest stuff I listen to is probably Sutcliffe Jgend. Their album "When Pornography Is No Longer Enough" is fucking crazy. Easy to listen to, but not really something you'd want to listen in front of sensitive young lambs. Aww, bless.

    EDIT: Oh, and 324 are fucking ace! Checked them out a while ago. Whats it with the Japs and making ace music!?

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