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Posts posted by medichi

  1. Best 3 Bands heard this year for the first time The Casting Out, Polar Bear Club, The Gutter Twins

    Best gigs this year Gallows(ABC), The Bronx (ABC2), and possibly The Gaslight Anthem/King Blues on Wednesday

    Best Releases of 2008 Metallica - Death Magnetic, Trap Them - Seizures in Barren Praise, The Casting Out - EP, The Bronx - III, Night Marchers - See You In Magic, The King Blues - Save the world, get the girl (album of the year), H20 - Nothing to Prove, etc etc etc

    Best Result of the Year Getting a few publications. Not very rock n roll.

    Best Purchase of the year A house. We'll see if that is a long term gain.

    Biggest Dissapointment - Guns n Roses, Fucked Up, Genghis Tron

    Looking forward to 2009 Metallica, New Guitar, getting off BT

  2. i have to disagree, yeah its not as good as appetite or illusion but its still a decent album.

    in the same thread as death magnetic is no where near master of puppets, but still a pretty decent album !

    Death magnetic is ace. Chinese Democracy is terrible - there are NO GOOD SONGS, Axls voice is clearly shot to fuck. Worst album I have ever listened all the way through to, with hope in my heart that it would get good......

  3. The last Machinehead album was generic shit a bit like a heavier Trivium. I bet the record company told them to sound like that.

    Children of Bodom...what can I say.

    Slipknot... the new album is terrible...perhaps around 3 decent songs at a push. They sound like they have run out of ideas.

    You are SOOOO wrong about that MachineHead record, but I guess we're never going to agree on that.

    CoB - I thought they were a joke band?

    Slipknot - terrible is maybe an exaggeration, but it is certainly far from great.

    I'd go if it wasn't so expensive (and I have tickets for Gaslight Anthem the week before)

  4. Exactly! Fucking prick. Smashed a bottle of Jagermeister over her head and pissed on her. And then the cheeky cunt asks Jagermeister to sponser their last tour. Cunt. Fucking cunt.

    I went to see the Chariot support them at the tunnels. Would have loved to stay for BMTH just so I could smack their bastard of a lead singer.

    Not that i'm defending any of that if it is true, and I'm sure he IS a cunt, but (1) that bottle of jaeger story is interweb bollocks, and (2) the police decided the rest of the story was bollocks too. actually, i've just realised I don't care....

    Several cooler members have deemed it shit - I will hang my head in shame (I still quite like it though - sorry to dissapoint!) 8-)

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