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Everything posted by Hef

  1. Ha ha! Ace! That was the first thing I noticed. Dave didn't know what I was talking about though. I'm glad you mentioned it. T'was quite good though. Just don't know if I can be arsed getting hooked on something that I'm gonna have to remember to watch 24 weeks in a row. I only just coped with Lost.
  2. Hef


    I don't think we've seen the last of Joe Mangel. Hee hee. Cannae wait!
  3. Hef


    i hope lance's sister comes back, she was hot! edit: that was daveofficer not hef, who probably doesn't think lance's sister is hot. unless she's not told me something....
  4. Hef


    Father O'Neill was great! But why was he putting on a bizarre fake Irish accent? That makes no sense! Fantastic!
  5. nah cooncil was shut. we counted it as a public holiday. 4 day weekend for me. whoop whoop!
  6. Ahoy me landlubbers. Dust down yer jolly rogers and get out yer doubloons for International Talk Like A Pirate Day is with us again. On the 19th day of the 9th month ev'ry one of you scurvy sea dogs should be speaking like a pirate. Y'aar! You be doubtin' me? Then visit www.yarr.org.uk. I tell thee no lies. Now swab the decks before I throw you in Davey Jones locker. Yo ho ho. Cap'n Hef
  7. Hef


    no but some do which is the point
  8. Hef


    damn I put that first then corrected myself.
  9. Hef


    Was speaking to my mate who lives in Western Australia and he'd never heard of the term 'caketaker'. He thought I was speaking rubbish. And they don't say 'spiggin', 'hufter' or 'belgium' either. I feel cheated. Damn Stingray!
  10. Hef

    babyshambles tickets

    Dunno if this is of any use, but someone's selling one ticket for the gig on the Council Internal Classified Ads. Can PM her details if anyone's interested. She's asking for 24. Tis only one ticket mind.
  11. aww man. i thought it was a magazine about cake. i'm well disappointed now. but there's an idea................ alabama fudge cake is my favourite. mmmmmmmmmm
  12. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha nae chance mate. especially with me around. yo ho ho! mine's a pint.
  13. Hef

    Driving Tunes

    I like this one: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Sikamikaniko (if that's how you spell it) It's fast and noisy. Huzzah
  14. Hef

    Driving Tunes

    I knew someone would say that. As for Queen - I totally agree. And as you probably know Don't Stop Me Now was Top Gear's greatest driving song And as Clarkson said "Thank you to everyone who voted, especially if you didn't vote for Meatloaf." Tee hee.
  15. Hope I've posted this in the right place! Just got a new car and want to make a CD for when I'm driving aboot. Any suggestions? My musical knowledge ain't that vast, so nothing too obscure unless you think it's the best driving tune ever.
  16. last night. nice to know you were listening! you were probably playing that bloody game. i'm going back to work now.
  17. helpful as ever told ya you should've written some of them down.
  18. oh dear, did you not manage to save anything onto your pooter then?
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