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Posts posted by Dayeth

  1. It's been leaked as a result of some record store in France selling copies early.

    And since I've had my limited edition digipak pre-ordered, I'm going to wait.

    HOWEVER, If I were to download it, I'd probably say that this album is a masterpiece, yes I am a total Metallica fan boy, but it is probably absolutely brilliant. It would probably feel like a collection of all Metallica's styles (something from EVERY album) blended into a modern metal album.

    I'm guessing that The Unforgiven III has the potential to be a new favourite Metallica song, whichever review I read about it being better than the previous two are probably right. Other favourites (on paper) look set to be All Nightmare Long and The End of the Line, because they're probably just an assault of awesome guitars and great vocals from James.

    By now, I'd have been able to listen to it three times through stopping to re-listen to Unforgiven III, III times. I'd imagine I'd have no real problems with the production and even though I liked St Anger I have a feeling Death Magnetic will make it look like a piece of shit.

    I'm probably so fucking happy.

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  2. Cyanide doesn't do much for me, but The Day That Never Comes DOES. I think its pretty good, although I love Load and Reload to bits. I think some of the lyrical lines are put in funny places at times, but it's given me a lot of promise for the album.

    I haven't bothered reading any of this thread because it's no doubt filled with the usual Metallica arguments that I'm sick and tired of, plus I resent the fact that Metallica get ripped to pieces for making the music THEY want to, when its relevant to THEM. Everything they put out is disseminated to death and everyone in the world has an opinion on it, yet they have the balls to try something new, despite having such a strong fanbase from their early albums, where as bands like Iron Maiden and Slayer can churn out the same uninspiring formulaic album after album for years and get away with it.

  3. Got it today and just played 30 mins or so, did the career with Kilik and Yoda. There is alot about the game that is actuallly awesome, it looks amazing and the animation is spot on, but about 5 minutes in I remembered that I really am not into beat em ups. I don't like memorising combos even if they are simple, I might aswell button bash, which I did and won very easily on Normal difficulty. What drove me totally nuts is they use A,B,K,G to represent X,Y,B,A, the minute I was back in the action I had forgotten what the actual buttons were and just pressed what I liked. I'll try out the other modes tomorrow, maybe give a bit of extra patience to learning moves, but I also got Naruto: Rise of a Ninja, which is pretty fun and The Orange Box, so competition for my time is fierce.

  4. I'm having major issues with the "no relevant experience" issue, it just doesn't float ESPECIALLY when you are try to get into the video games industry. I'd seriously consider working without pay to gain the experience, however I'd need to occupy a seperate full time paid job to support the fact I've moved away to work for free for a games company.

  5. Am I the only one that thinks GTAIV is a frustrating pile of crap?

    Yes, the graphics, animation, sound and visual design of it all is outstanding, but why build such a fantastically realised enviroment if you can't actually DO anything in it? Oh, except go on the internet, or watch TV. Great idea.

    I have just opened up the third island (which I've already completely seen on multiplayer) and I can safely say I have only done two missions that I found remotely interesting. There was one where you had to find a guy speaking on a phone, and the bank job which had a bit of atmosphere going for it. I can't explain how frustrating it is that after the GTAIII's they can't think of any original missions, they are all "go here, pick this up, take it here", "kill some guy, fighting your way through some gangsters or back through some police", "find someone, chase them on bike/car". I remember one classic mission earlier on where I had to go drive somewhere, throw a brick off a window, then drive back!!! The 20 odd missions at the start tediously introducing you to buttons were mind-numbing.

    And remember when you had to fly Bruce in a helicopter to a building.... then back. Brucie is a fantastic character, his design and dialogue are great but I can't be dicked doing his missions because I feel like I'm working as a games tester for Rockstar, but my money is going in the wrong direction.

    Oh, did I mention the gun combat system is shit too, and like many of Nico's manouvers clunky and completely unresponsive, its a recipe for a broken Xbox controller when you're trying to shoot someone in the opposite direction when your in RB mode and the camera places itself in the most USELESS of positions you could ever think to place it, meanwhile (as mentioned above) you're shooting away at a dead body behind a box cursing the day games ever went 3D.

    The saving grace if you ask me is the multiplayer, which in fairness, I've had a damn good time on dicking around with my mates, because you need that additional human player to create oppurtunities to do anything. The only other decent new feature is being able to get a taxi everywhere, because driving for 10 minutes to pick someone up for the 400th time is fucking unbearable.

    Who remembers the fantastic missions from previous games like when you caught up with a plane on a superbike, drove into the cargohold when it was taking off, fought your way through, planted a bomb, stole a parachute and fucking jumped out.

    My pure devotion and respect to the franchise is keeping me going because for some reason, I still think its going to get better. I certainly won't be finding all 200 of the flying rats, or doing anything I don't have to to see the end of the story, because the point is just lost on me now, I'll just get ran over by a taxi and fall asleep waiting for Nico to get back up.

    I really think this game has been hyped up so much that nobody has been bothered to consider if it's actually any good.

  6. Hey all,

    Now I'm back in Aberdeen and staying I need to get a new band on the go, because I miss it.

    Influences: Opeth, Katatonia, Kiss, Nightwish, Ayreon, Bloodbath, Edge of Sanity, HIM, Scar Symmetry, Tool, Pendulum, Persefone, Paradise Lost.

    I don't want to have any preconceptions about what to sound like, but as a rule of thumb I like it progressive, dynamic and epic. I'm a guitarist and death metal growler by trade, but would love someone who can actually sing and a keyboardist would be a plus. Additionally a reasonably accomplished drummer, bassist and another guitarist. I can't stress the importance of a sense of humour and being able to jam, improvise and bring new ideas in.

    Ta very much,


  7. Watershed is good, decent riffs. However... it's...a bit boring i.e. we are technical for the sake of it and we can't write a song that has structure.... i.e. we write long wongs with many riffs ideas that are not connected.

    All this playing computer games has compromised your attention span, Hogster.

  8. It's the little things like St. Anger on the planes CD player, and the no women logo on James' shirt in the last one.

    I can do nothing but award a 10/10 for Large Oilrig though. Skilled punnery.

  9. I find in general the people on Halo 3 are decent enough. If there's someone being a dick I just mute him and don't play with him again, but it's a lot more often that I get into a Team Slayer match with a decent bunch of guys, party up and play for hours against similar teams.

    Big Team Battles are where most of the twats go, and that it's often two people who know eachother trying to dictate what everyone should do or a younger kid who thinks he's really good just being a moron.

    The worst thing I've really had is the two southern U.S. guys, with pure Forrest Gump accents telling a Mexican in the other team (who was better than them) that he should be out in his yards, mowing their grass.

    Nothing pisses me off more than the dick in your team that melees you for something to do, though.

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