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Posts posted by Intravenous

  1. "awesome", especially when said in an American accent or when used in this phrase: "like totally awesome".

    "procrastinating". When I came to University everyone seemed to like using this word every second sentence, maybe they thought it made them sound more 'intellectual'. Who knows, either way its annoying.

    "y'all". I can't stand this arrangement of letters, I don't think it should even be called a word...I know I can't ever bring myself to actually say it. It's repulsive :puke: .

    Most words used to refer to females: "bird", "chick", "doll", "babe", "honey"

  2. I think the Harry Potter story is good quality and it does draw you in, but the grammer used isn't the best and if I remember correctly there are even a few simple errors made. I love it anyway though :p

    I'm going to stop now before I get accused of turning a good quality thread into Harry Potter drivel :angel:

  3. You don't have to participate with every book. If people vote for Harry Potter there's no way I'm reading it.

    Would there really be any point anyway :p. Book club or not, everyone with any interest in Harry Potter will go out, buy it, make a thread and discuss it anyway...my prediction :rolleyes: .

  4. a good way to work it would be have a nomination thread for a few days where everyone suggests a book to read. Then we stick a poll up for a day or so where everyone can vote on the next book.

    Or everyone who's interested nominates one book and we simply work through the list.

    The nomination sounds like a good idea :) . At least that way the book is likely to be of general interest rather than one persons obscure taste...I for one wouldn't want to end up reading something like "Star wars adventures"

  5. Who would pick what books to read though :p ? If its just one person then their taste is likely to be directed along one genre (most of the time anyway) and everyone has a different taste in books.

    Would we vote? Or take turns to pick? You might want to decide that before hand so there are no arguements later.

  6. Catfish are rock n roll:up:

    Anyway, nice fishtank man. I want one but am saving for a wire haired daschund at the moment (not cheap)

    Thanks :) .

    And its (wo)man actually, we've met :p . Or is "man" in that context a general term for females now too? Why a wire haired one?

  7. Quoting your article:

    "Members of the family Loricariidae are commonly referred to as suckermouth armoured catfishes, suckermouth catfish, suckermouths, armoured catfish, 'plecos' or simply 'plecs'; a shortened form of the species name plecostomus.

    These names are used practically interchangeably when referring to the Loricariidae.

    The name "Plecostomus" and its shortened forms have become synonymous with the Loricariidae in general, since Plecostomus plecostomus (now called Hypostomus plecostomus) was one of the first species imported into the fishkeeping hobby."

    The article basically says the name pleco is pretty much interchangeable with the "Loricaridae" name and that "pleco" is just a broad term for all the catfish that fall into this family. I don't think plectostomus is a genera on its own.

    look, i'm really bored of this argument

    I agree, it is one of the more boring arguements I could have got myself involved in and I wouldn't normally have bothered...all I wanted was to post some pictures of my tank and to see some other people's tanks :rolleyes: . I just didn't take nicely to your unfounded statement that all plecos are herbivores and that I'm an ignorant twat for even suggesting otherwise. Why are we even arguing about whether or not my pleco is a "true" pleco or not ?( ? Whether we agree on that individual species or not it doesn't provide any support for your original statement that annoyed me enough to reply.

    Anyway, I think thats enough. I'm sure we both have better things to do and talk about than catfish :p .

  8. Leporacanthicus galaxias (Vampire Plec) is part of the Leporacanthicus genus in the family of Bony Catfish called Loricariidae.

    Yes, but where does it say that Loricaridae are not part of the pleco family? Pleco is a very, very broad name for different kinds of catfish.

  9. Someone said RGU is better for science?( ? I'm not at RGU or Aberdeen, I'm at Edinburgh University so I can't really comment from personal experience but...

    Edinburgh is one of the best Unviersitys for science and in several of our lectures we've been told the theories/techniques we're learning about were discovered by researchers at Aberdeen University so I would have thought Aberdeen must be a decent University and at least better than RGU in that respect, seeing as RGU has never got a mention.

    Just the conclusion I came to...

  10. "Plecostomos" and "corydoros" are not species of catfish...they are families of catfish. There are many different kinds of plecos and corys. The pleco family is divided into lots of different groups, most of which are classified by L numbers. The Vampire pleco is an L number so I don't know what you mean when you say its not a real pleco ?( ?

    I don't know if there are any non herbivore corys, I wouldn't know, but there are many different carnivorous plecos.

    The plecos you normally see in shop are "common plecos" or "bristlenoses" and they are herbivores. There are other more rare kinds you can get though and many of them are carnivores.

    Yes, I doubt the main part of his diet would be prawns in the wild but I can't get him to eat anything else. He's so picky the only food he will eat is cooked prawns...he won't even eat raw ones.

  11. I like the tank...

    Although watch out, as you got one of those filter thingys.. you seen finding Nemo?

    You need a filter to keep the oxygen in the water and to remove the dirt from the tank. But it has a grate on it to stop the fishies getting sucked away :p

  12. What are you talking about? It's an entirely herbivorous species. Though if by 'prawn' you meant 'algae and other plants' then I understand your point.

    I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not just to be annoying or if you actually think that ?(

    How many catfish species have you kept? Or more to the point how many catfish species do you know of? By that blanket statement I'm guessing not many.

    I can think of many catfish species that are entirely carnivorous. Vampire plecos are so called because they have fangs...you don't have fangs to creep up and chew vegetation :up: .

  13. surely that's a recipet for disaster! looks like a nice tank, but be careful with the angels, they can grow pretty big and if they reach full size ur tank will definatley be overstocked!

    i used to have a rekord 70 aswel, but my brother managed to kill all my fish, and there is so much building work going on here that i retired it for a while :down:

    The amano shrimp are too big to fit in the angels mouths but they did have a good peck when I first added them in. The shrimp usually hang out under those grass patches where they're out of reach from all the other fish though. I'd have thought the pleco would be the biggest risk seeing as his diet is pretty much completely made up of prawn :angel:. He's well fed any lazy thouigh.

    I know once they reach adult size they will be too big for the tank, I'm working on it...I have a nice Juwel 180/240 sized gap in my lounge thats looking tempting :p .

  14. I know we had a thread on this a few months ago but if I remember correctly it turned to drivel and no one actually posted pictures of their tank so I thought I'd try again.






    The tank is a Juwel Rekord 70, it contains:

    4 angelfish

    1 Vampire pleco, Spike

    2 amano shrimp

    1 guppy (deformed and living out her life in peace)

    I also have a biorb, I guess I could try and take some pictures of that.

    Edit: sorry for the shiteness of the pictures, I only have a cheap Nikon camera :p

  15. mind u if scotland does get independence we could see history repeating itself with the scots squabbling amongst themselves so much that the english will have to come in and sort it out (again!)

    Did they? I'm not contradicting your point just asking for the history. I don't know much about the history inbetween James I and just before the First World War...so did Scotland become independant again after that? Sorry for my ignorance :O

  16. Basically an adult with more than 50 cd's that aren't chart toppers such as "Employment by Kaiser Chiefs" that every bastard and his wife have or anything by James Blunt or you'd expect a 16 year old year with no taste to own (Alanis Morissette etc etc). I also would exclude dance compilations and anything from the "Now" range.

    What's wrong with Alanis Morissette ?( ? Do you really put her in the same category as dance compilations and the "Now" range?! I find that rather harsh.

  17. classic...

    best stop there' date=' eh.[/quote']

    How about rather than just passing off meaningless sarcastic comments you actually give some sort of constructive opinion?

    I'm open to other people's thoughts and opinions, but your waste of space comments really don't get anyone anywhere.

    And just for the record, when was the last time you were a 14 year old girl? You seem to be so sure and knowledgeable on the topic and you don't seem to think your statements need any arguements to justify them that I really am curious as to the answer of this question.

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