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Sam the Eagle

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Posts posted by Sam the Eagle

  1. i've always had slight wonderings about the number 19.

    i don't understand why the route planner person chose it.

    i mean sure people in cults need to get into town, and i suppose until mass restraining orders are invented, the tillydronians are allowed into town too.

    but why connect them to one another? when do tilly min bams ever go out to cults for an afternoon of high tea? what about they culty ya's, often popping over to get style tips from the kappa slappers, are they?

    i suppose it does provide them with a quik getaway back home after a bit of breaking and entering though? the getaway bus... ahoy!

  2. it's entirely not true... it's just stupid ignorant media whore that don't understand pop music twisting things again.

    jessica simpson had been offered a vegas deal, not la spears, but she's turned it down, the story then went around that britney was to be offered it instead on the back of the dukes of hazzard rumours, but end of story is that neither of them are going to have a vegas show. i wish cher would get one, that'd be kick ass, imagine the dead celebrities they could digitally recreate for her to sing i've got you babe with, the list is endless.

  3. i'm fucking pissed off at this...

    i changed my hours at work so i had sunday mornings off, and i work on saturdays, fucking fucks at channel 4.

    it's gonna be up against cd:uk isn't it? that's just stupid, especially now that they've roped lauren laverne in - it was just gonna get good, obviously popworld will still be better, but surely the nation deserves the chance to watch both without having to rely on satalitte or late night repeats.

  4. All The Rage by Paul Magrs.

    It's a couple of years old now, and his surname looks like it's missing a vowel or two, but it's a funny and exciting read, especially if you are interested in the dynamics of the music industry (or the industry of the past)

    set in 1981, it tells the story of a four piece popband - 2 male, 2 female who are thrust to fame through eurovision (sound familiar?) champagne and orange go so well together.

    i loved it, it's great.

  5. i only really have issues with song over the whole them screwing nintendo over thing...

    what with the playstation originally being a cd drive add on for the snes, and after sony had taken all the knowledge they needed from nintendo to launch they called the partnership off and went it alone.

    the ds kicks ass in the same way the gamecube does. it's a games console, it's not trying to be a dvd player, mps player, telephone, toaster or whatnot. Nintendo know how to make games, everyone said the same thing about gamecube being less powerful than x-box and ps2 and then when the games came out (and still will with twilight princess) the ate their words. It's the innovation that makes them so exciting.

    I think that the ds is that innovation, and the way they drew their inspiration from the old game and watch machines was a stroke of genius, it's a whole new way of gaming which can only get better with more third party games being created.

    i was wandering around town looking at the psp game selection and it did nothign for me, a couple of cheap movie tie ins, some sport sims and a top ten of classic movies including hitch? ho boy you've swung me sony!

    you just wait for the revolution, just imagine while people are off playing tomb raider 7 and spyro the dragon fights lord firefly i'll be sat at home with the newest smash brothers, zelda and mario and have access to a back catalogue of cheap downloads from the history of every nintendo console, and just imagine what the wi-fi capabilites are when you link your ds to the rev... it's gonna be something mighty.

  6. son of a dork (busted: the next generation)

    two fifths are so painfully emo you'd be happier passing gallstones.

    one fifth was in busted and now has a short bob

    one fifth wants to be in a real band but wasn't good enough

    one fifth was in a little known boyband

    the only reason to be going this year (other than belinda who i imagine will be relegated to evening work) is to see Rachel Stevens belt out her new stonker of a tune I Said Never Again (but here we are again)

    with lyrics including:

    i feel such a traitor, I let you in my backdoor


    rough love's so deceiving

    it's electro pop glam rock. case is closed, no more negotiating with pop.

    (it'll either be huge, or indeed it'll be her last single and her album will be pulled - incidentally good arena pictures corset and stockings)

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