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Doc Ascension

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Posts posted by Doc Ascension

  1. if you were watching Maiden Taiwan you would probably be desperately trying to ignore the drummer hah!

    Besides the view was obscured by that devilishly sexy lead guitarist *ahem*!!

    Either that or the crotch-thrusting ladies man Airbag Wiltshire! Or the best from the east mr Mark Benstead!

    Damn we were a sexy band!! Except Scorge lol :p

  2. i have to agree with the last few chaps... i mean, it is utterly fantastic that the moorings have gone to all the expense of this awesome live recording set up, but at 100 a track, it would be tragically under used.

    I think you should look at charging for the recording itself, and have some stipulation that if the quality of the production doesn't suit The Moorings then the recording shall be returned and money refunded with no possibility of releasing it.

    It is totally understandable, but with a price so high for one song - there must be another way!!

  3. I believe a talented guitarist is an original guitarist. Steve Vai is very original. To say his music lacks emotion' date=' christ, watch him live. He doesn't just 'play fast,' he is an immensely interesting musician who can create abseolutely anything on guitar, seemingly without boundaries to what he can do, or the atmosphere he can create. If you want to see dumb-fast playing go download a Jason Becker live video. (seriously, do this, its funny).

    Simpler guitarists can be cool too, but often simple guitar lines always have the potential to be much cooler.[/quote']

    quite quite true indeed. There are plenty of guitarists that play fast for that simple novelty alone (Beck, Batio, and often Malmsteen - although he has some cool shit, its alot of widdle!)

    However, Vai and Satch don't quite fall into this category. Watch the G3 Live in Denver DVD and I think you'll see my point.

  4. i think satriani and vai suck big mommas baws. i don't think they're talented guitarists at all. a talented guitarist knows that sometimes a little goes a long way. you don't have to play fast' date=' you don't have to know a million different types of mental scales and you don't have to be play solo's for two hours to be a good guitarist. what makes a talented guitarist is know exactly what will make the song better and what will fit the atmosphere and tone of the piece they're playing. whilst there's no doubting the technical ability of vai, satriani et all i think that everything they do is far too surgical and lacks any real emotion. it's like getting an architecht to draw a portrait, they'd be out with the slide rule when it really needs colour and feeling.

    i'm not saying you can't be a technically brilliant guitarist and play with feeling, just that i think vai and satriani are shit. :)[/quote']

    Bad Horsie by Steve Vai.

    Listen to more of their songs before you say anything!! Granted they are hard to play, and it seems like it's too surgical but it really is a matter of opinion which we seem to disagree on!

    For example, Oasis to me, consists of a crap sounding drone with chord stumming over and over and with a singer whose voice wants ot make you bomb Manchester. That my opinion, I would much rather have some fucking cool guitar melodys riffs and solos thanks!! PS. Always with me, Always With You by Satriani....

  5. i have an Ibanez RG1570 Prestige (RGs are normally made in Korea but the Prestige models are built in Japan) and I must say it is quite excellent.

    It feels like someone has taken great care to craft it, the Ibanez Edge Pro bridges are simply great. 2nd best thing you can get to Flyd Rose Original imho. The neck is a total dream to play (Ibz Wizard Necks), it is incredibly thin - and somehow it feels so much more natural. I also have a BC Rich Warlock with a strat-like neck and its a thick twat, thin neck all the way! The only thing I changed are the pickups, I put in 2 Dimarzio evolutions and they absolutely RIP!

    Fantastic guitar, and I can see a long friendship with Ibanez guitars for me...

  6. i don't think you can really compare songwriting and guitar proficiency like that. Songwriting is entirely subjective, whereas guitar skill is objective.

    The better songwriter depends on your opinion, and in my opinion that would make Satriani and Vai better songwriters.

    However, no matter what your opinion of the songs, Satriani and Vai are definately the better guitarists by more than a country mile!

    Anyway getting back on track, I dont think I could really describe anyone in Aberdeen as a musical genius really. Mozart, et al, are examples of musical geniuses (genii?? lol). they may indeed be good, but not quite genius level!

  7. I watched all my friends play one of those things when i was but a primary 7 kid.... the guy juggling the glass smashed it' date=' and one by one they all had bad things happen to them. Ther glass smasher caught menngitis, one's plane crashed into another plane whilst moving around on the runway, one guy broke both his arms, and someone else had something bad happen to them but it escapes me now.

    I'd never go near one of them, but some folk would say it was all just coincidence.[/quote']

    I'd say that you have cheated death when the guy smashed the glass (the shards should have killed you) and so now death is coming back to finish the job like that Final Destination movie.

    Or coincidence, either way's good!

  8. perhaps a bit off the wall there, why are the fudge awards so important? I don't even really take any notice of them!

    And whats with the "Iron Maiden" thing... if it makes you feel any better - Maiden Taiwan are an Iron Maiden cover band!! And I haven't seen us in the fudge awards lol. So i'm not quite sure what you meant with that but nevermind.

    Just Chill, it's not really that big a deal is it?

  9. I would have considered buying it for the charitable donation, however, on hearing it on the radio this morning - i have decided not to.

    It's utter SHIT! the original was not bad, but this re-hash is complete dump - how is it possible to make it worse!!?? I know, the crap guitar harmony and junk!!


  10. you could do, but if you were doing that you might aswell just upgrade to XP with one stipulation - RAM.

    If you have 128Mb or above, go go go! Anything less and forget about XP, your PC will die and never speak to you again.

    Luckily RAM is cheaper than taking a shit in a phonebox these days ( dont ask how ) and so find out what type of RAM you have installed already...

    That includes, size in Mb, speed in Mhz (ie 800Mhz) and type (eg PC2700, etc) the type is VERY important to ensure compatability with the motherboard and that you don't spend more than you need.

    If you have two different types, the RAM can only run at the slowest chip's speed. www.scan.co.uk or www.dabs.com might be worth a look...

  11. ah, and here's Stewart MacDonald site for those who are less aware of the abilities of Google!...

    www.stewmac.com - for EMGs from America, excludes fuss of having a mate over there but remember you may get taxed by customes (i ordered a Shaller FR Trem which was expensive so i think pups may get taxed but god only knows!)

    I think they do other makes but none i was interested in. DiMarzio's are more of a bugger to get hold of, I just went with www.musiciansfriend.com

  12. the sooner this goes through the better imho. Smoking in public places is just disguting. Fair enough, you might argue that banning it in pubs is harsh, but what about the bar staff who HAVE to breathe the smoke also? And anyone else who is in the pub? It's not always nice having drinks with a smoke grenade goign off in your scants.

    Howver, i believe smoking in restaurants should be banned without question. There's nothing like going to a nice restaurant with the old ball and chain, sure its a bit crowded and busy - but theres still a nice table for 2.

    The group beside, how VERY considerate of them. They are smoking, but heaven forbid they puff the smoke out on each other, no, no, they are too polite for that. I think the best choice is to puff smoke at the non-smoking couple beside us.

    It really makes me sick and is the best way to ruin an otherwise delightful meal.

    Getting a bit out of hand there but you get the point. Ban = good thing definately!

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