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Doc Ascension

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Posts posted by Doc Ascension

  1. I think there's a band called Mourning Star about this area who do power metal' date=' though I really didn't like the vocals on the mp3's I heard. I'd go and see them, anything to endorse the genre and other people attempting it.

    I'm working on a power metal band (with aforementioned Doc and his brother), but we won't be gigging for a while yet because we want to do it properly. When finished, it will fucking slay you all...... :bat:

    In the wider context, I think it's not caught on because it's unfashionable, and anything unfashionable never gets acknowledged regardless of the quality of the actual music. On top of that, it's beyond the technical ability of most bands here anyway :p.........[/quote']

    Yep, soon we shall lay siege to Aberdeen with the awesome Power Metal project... name suggestions are welcomed!

    And I can confim that it will fucking slay you all, since I am behind 90% of the songwriting so far ! :p hehe

    And me and scorge and my brother will be heading down to Bloodstock this year Storm, but I drive so we wouldn't coach it im afraid :| Hammerfall are headlining only the Friday Night... still no news of the Sat night :p But Rhapsody, Iced Earth, In Flames, have all been asked to play! Awesome!

  2. Agree... what i'd do is an effect with the writing..

    like do an emboss or a chisel effect but dont make it a tacky one, you could have it showing the background tecture through.

    Whatever, it's pretty neat except for the black writing which kills the feel!

  3. Woah this is whack...

    What are Spike going to be now?? One guy and a drummer who doesn't know what fecking 3/4 time is.. i mean - CMON SCORGE MATE!! I think you should leave the music and do a comedy double stand up act - that would rock!!

    Me: Scorge, give us a little beat in 3/4, just anything

    Scorge: Huh?

    Gregor: 3/4 Scorge, just play any beat

    *Scorge blank expression*

    Me: Oh my fucking god... it's over...

    *snigger* man that was FUNNY!

  4. Overall - i think pretty good year 2004 for me!! Some hightlights.

    • Bought a new guitar (Ibanez RG1570LZB Prestige)
    • Maiden Taiwan gigs
    • The start of a new band project with original material which I'm v. happy with
    • Nightwish at Bradford!!!
    • OMG - DragonForce at Glasgow - FUCKING AMAZING!!!
    • Missing Sonata Arctica at Bloodstocl (Chose g/f instead!)
    • Reaching 2 year relationship milestone with said g/f
    • Halo 2 ...
    • HALF-LIFE 2! and Counter-Strike Source
    • New albums from Sonata Arctica and Nightwish amougnst others..

    Let me think of what else.... (told you I'd forget something....)

  5. Music theory is immensely helpful in songwriting - i mean i've learning stuff all the time (by no means have I bothered with much...).

    It really helps get songs written quicker, and thinking up rhythm lines is easier when you know more...

    However, its too easy to get too "Mechanical" and "manufacturered" if you rely too much. I find it best to see what happens and use theory to back up what sounds good and help guide it a little. But I wouldn't pick a chord prog then look up all the scales i can solo/melody over it!

  6. Topman is everything that I hate in the world, taking the form of a shop! (Something like the devil taking the form of a Vauxhall Nova idea).

    I went in once to have a look and some of that stuff is a total joke!! Pretty boy heaven. I mean, i'm not goth, I don't dress like Jameso (unless playing a gig and partly becuz missus would kill me... haha) - i just dress normal. What would possess ppl to wear anything from Topman?? It is ridiculous!!

    God, I'm so despressed and ashamed at society! Damn it all! Damn it all to hell! I hope we blow up the moon and destroy the planet like in The Time Machine..

    or we should at least all go back in time to when ppl didn't wear stupid Topman shite!!!

    GAHHHH!!!!! *dies ranting.....*

    Anyway back on topic, that is rather gay of Exodus but it's not really worth going there!!

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