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Posts posted by Rachie

  1. The carver actually terrifies me. I really don't like people who wear white masks and despite my love of rosy cheeks, the carvers scared me even more.

    I can't wait til series three.

    Me too, it's just something about that mask, it's creepy as hell.

    Tempted to download the first episodes of season 4 but maybe I can wait til it's on Sky... hmmm....

  2. I agree with those who've suggested just getting a new job - if you're not wanting to really kick up a fuss about it in case you get barred then just find another job pronto, that way you can still go to this club.

    Just find a nice old man pub to work in?

  3. Ahhh very good! So the theory about the shark that was after Sawyer having the Dharma logo stamped on it might not be so far-fetched after all!

    They do like to answer old questions by posing totally new ones to us don't they?

    I enjoyed this first episode, glad to have Lost back again :)

  4. i'l have a look for you when i get a chance tonight. meant to do it last night but i was fucking knackered and completely forgot about it. sorry.

    I'm hopeful but not optimistic that you'll find it John, that unclaimed one that you handed over to us when we asked you was still lying untouched at closing, I reckon someone's done a swap... :(

  5. It's not somewhere I'd ever suggest going, but occasionally end up in there with the girls for a night of cheesy music and being eyed up by random blokes. True, 99.9% of them are disgustingly pikey but still, if you can't pull in the Priory there's a serious problem (note, it's not a case of if you *want* to pull, but the possibility is *always* there).

    Is Sobar still open? I remember having a few OK nights in there ages ago, but I only ever end up in Priory midweek now and it's always closed.

    You can get it open for functions and stuff certainly, it's prolly open at weekends.

  6. Right, am I fuck working *another* Fudge Awards, you lot are lousy tippers :p I'm booking this off now! Although I might be rather depressed if I'm still working at The Tree by March.

    Wait, didn't it clash with a rugby game last year too? I seem to remember Kirsty having a Scotland flag draped over her shoulders for the night.

    Yes, but not one that I'd already bought the tickets for to go down to match itself!

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