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Posts posted by SteveCrisis

  1. There was nothing doing in Chez Crisis last night so I decided to blow the dust off some DVDs and settled down to watch American History X for the first time in ages.

    Again I found myself completely consumed by it.

    What's other people's thoughts on it?

  2. People on this site read?!!! :laughing:

    I'd welcome that, but only if it was called "Literature" dahling.

    Would be good to recommend crime thrillers to everyone and have them recommend proper books back to me!

    Literature would also include magazines of the top-shelf variety.

    Imagine discussing Forum in a Forum:popcorn:

    Bollocks! I've just given away the closely kept secret that is my magazine subscription:swearing:

  3. You can buy slightly dodgy versions on ebay, otherwise you can buy the official R1 releases from the states.

    As for other recomendations, Alias is pretty good, so is 24, I haven't watched The Wire but it's supposed to be brilliant. Also Deadwood, magic. Most of the HBO stuff is worth seeing. In fact that reminds me... Oz! Just brilliant, but you can't get it on R2. Although considering you can get multi region DVD players for less than the cost of any of these box sets, it's something of a moot point. ;)

    Although I own a multi-region player I only possess the 1 R1 DVD.

    I don't facy buying anything on E-bay but might investigate getting the official R1 releases of Series 3 & 4 from the US.

    I keep on getting The Wire recommended to me and will get it for my collection one of these days.

    But Oz! :up: How spectacular was that?! And Deadwood! Ian McShane plays a real good part in that series. Is it true it's getting its run shortened?

  4. So far we've seen...

    • Soparanos (series 1-6) - simply the best thing ever to grace the telly.
    • Six Feet Under (series 1-5) - off the wall and absolutely fabulous
    • The Shield (1-4) - excellent, fast moving and good stories apart from some ridiculous resolutions to the predicaments that the Strike Team get into

    I'm a huge fan of The Shield and would like to know where you got your hauns on Series 3 & 4. I've been trying to tarck them down for some time to no avail. That would make my collection complete (until the DVD release of Season 5 obviously).

  5. Last night a Muslim female came to my door.

    I never opened it, I just talked to her through the letter box just to see how she fuckin likes it!

    *Oh boy! Am I in for an Aberdeen Music.com jihad or what? Hey -maybe even a fatwah!

    Anyone know where Salman Rushdie's hiding out these days?*

  6. That's still the best gig I've ever been to. :up:

    Speaking of old and new fans, did you see the totally old geezer at that gig who was wearing a blazer, had a hearing aid (I think) and maybe a walking stick (although my memory may be making things up now). He was well old, like "war veteran" old and was at the side at the front with presumably his grandson?

    That is my mate Jeff's grandfather you're referring to!

    He's currently 78 but never used or has need of a walking stick and his hearing is still intact. The man has excellent taste in music and is an inspiration to us all!

    • Upvote 1
  7. Oooh, didn't even know about it. Is it a more mellow sound like Recap Modotti (sp?). Is it on Dischord? Presumably he's the lead vocal on the album?

    Guy Picciotto playing recorder :D

    I didn't eve know about it either but it caught my eye in amongst the Fugazi section in One-Up.

    Yes, it's very mellow but dissimilar to that track on End Hits.


    Yep. Joe on vox all the way through.

  8. Joe Lally (Fugazi's bassist) has a solo album out just now.

    I bought it last weekend but have only recently gotten around to listening to it and I must say I'm impressed.

    It features:

    Jerry Busher - drums

    Amy Farina - drums, backing vocals

    Danny Frankel - percussion

    Eddie Janney - guitar

    Jason Kourkounis - percussion

    Ian MacKaye - guitar, backing vocals

    Guy Picciotto - guitar, recorder

    Antonia Tricarico - backing vocals

    Scott Weinrich - guitar

    The track lsiting is as follows:

    1. Reason To Believe

    2. The Resigned

    3. Sons and Daughters

    4. Like A Baby

    5. Lidia's Song

    6. Billiards

    7. X-Ray The Lullaby

    8. There To Here

    9. Pick A War

    10. Message From Earth

    11. Factory Warranty

    12. Perforated Line

    13. All Must Pay

    I got it played at a party on Saturday where it was well received and to be honest I can't get enough of it. I'd say this is a must have for Fugazi fans everywhere.

  9. I didn't actually know the origins of "emo", nice one. Rites of spring, fugazi, dag nasty, minor threat are all bands I listen to and didn't know they would be mentioned in the same breath as "emo".

    There's also the likes of Shihad, Seaweed, Quicksand, Fireside and Understand. All referred to as 'emo' back in their day.

  10. Most Prospective employers are more impressed with mundane, but successfully excecuted jobs you have done in the real world, that any funcy pie-in-the-sky project work.

    I'd have to agree with you there. I worked at Shell for 3 years straight from leaving school. After coming to the conclusion that the qualifications I held weren't anything to write home about I jacked in and went to college. At the end of it I got an HND in Business Admin.

    After a while finances were a bit tight so went back working in the industry again. I'm still there but now working as a Procurement Specialist (OK a buyer) for Halliburton. For this kind of job a degree is a pre-requisite but my boss argued my case on the basis of past experience. It does go a long way.

    Not everyone's this fortunate but a degree does tend to be a shoe-in.

  11. From Aereogramme.co.uk

    Posted 12 October 2006

    My Heart Has A Wish That You Would Not Go

    The new Aereogramme album will be on Sale in the UK, Europe and the US on 29th January 2007. It will be released in Japan on the 14th of October 2006.

    The album will be preceded in the UK by a 7" Single featuring the song, Barriers and B-Side Dissolve. There will be a video for Barriers by our animator friend Hugo Cuellar which at this early stage looks magic. Following this, our collective arses will be geared up for some touring. More news will be posted as it becomes available.

    Anyone going to Japan shortly? Don't have the patience to wait until January

  12. I always joked about having 'Cadaveric Incubator of Endo-Parasites' by Carcass being played at my funeral if I were to be buried.

    As I'd much rather be cremated none of my choices involve fire or flames funnily enough so Firestarter's definitely not being played.

    So I reckon it would have to be (in no particular order):

    The Butthole Surfers - Pepper

    Helmet - Crisis King

    GodFlesh - Gift From Heaven

    Aereogramme - Zionist Timing

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