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JJ 10 Easy Wishes

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Posts posted by JJ 10 Easy Wishes

  1. The Christ, also known as Christy, has decided to leave The Welles to persue playing drums in another band and so therefore the band cannot really go forward. The band will take a long break and figure out what to do but probably won't play anymore gigs. It certainly hasn't been ruled out though. If you ever wanted to see us play live again, Saturday is your chance! We are on at the lemon tree with Eskimo Blonde. Hopefully see you there!

    Thanks all!

  2. A bunch of folk died in another car bombing in Iraq today............ HAHAHAHAHAHA fucking quality ' date=' they were all invalides

    Now thats pure comedy.

    NAE QUITE.[/quote']

    you moron, that has nothing to do with being funny. the 'kid' in question by the way is 36 years old, if you read the article properly. it's only funny because if you imagine the hardship that women has had to go through for 36 years of her life. there is nothing else she would have done for those 36 years, because being a full time carer for someone with downs syndrome is literally FULL TIME. the last straw wasn't him trying to hit her, her not being able to go out with her friends - it was that he kept listening to elton john. that's funny. it's not exactly hilarious that he's been killed, but it wouldn't be funny if it wasn't wrong. christ, have none of you watched cartoons?

  3. go the fucking TRON! it's ace. exactly the same as the bobbin and triple kirks. subway cowgate is a good place to go at night as a club but only on certain nights. pound a vodka and mixer! brass monkeys is good, the mighty boosh drink there when they are up.

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