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JJ 10 Easy Wishes

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Posts posted by JJ 10 Easy Wishes

  1. That's right apparently we are playing in Glasgow on the 7th, I no not where, somewhere else called Fort William, wherever the fuck that mite be, on the 13th and somewhere called Dundee on the 19th.


    We don't actually know how we are getting to any of these places because of various reasons including the one that I have no idea how to drive to Fort William and things like that and am not actually allowed (how cool am I) to go on motorways till I have done with my Daddy.


  2. me being struck down with the flu. Sorry. I'm really ill. I don't like it. I have that horrible sick taste you get in your mouth when you havent eaten for ages and all this phlegm stuff lurks deep inside you. Haha.

    In the last 4 days I have eaten: 8 strawberries, about 20 grapes, a tiny bit of french bread with cheese (so small it doesnt even count)

    about 2 hours ago I ate some nachos and that's it. No exageration. So. Sorry if you went to the gig and found we weren't playing - it wasn't our fault! It was mine. I haven't even seen Stephanie since Tuesday ;(

  3. None of these bands are punk you fuck. None of them are from the 60s, or swear on day time TV shows, or oppose Margaret Thatcher's tyranical EVIL rule of the world, or have big nose rings, or have "punx" tatooed on their knuckles.

    I nominate The Clash. They're eligible. failing that......erm.............Ian Simpson? He makes good music.... oops wrong box...hmmmm

    yeh put 10 Easy Wishes on the list. NoW!


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