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Bonesaw Bazz

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Posts posted by Bonesaw Bazz

  1. you guys like the idea of a backyard gig on the 24th of april?

    hmmm tempting... but you're from Northfield.. and i'm scared cause ye all take the "the" out of Psychotherapist!!!! Isn't a Northfield BBQ a bit like a Norwegian Church Burning? Sorry... that's not grunge...

  2. People should really post photos of the facial expressions they pulled when they first heard The 'Speed.

    Brilliant idea! If i hadn't thrown my 8megapixel phone off the balcony... damn those spontanious grunge attacks!!!

    I'm liking "The 'Speed" though.. how about The S'Speed?

  3. that also makes no senseo_Oo_O

    old school professional camera's uses a thing called a "Shutter" for capturing the images. That's what makes the "snapping" sound. You can adjust the speed of said shutter, an example of shutter speeds found on the left hand side of that "handy" guide. Megapixels are easier huh?

    It's even more grunge ye dinna know what yer band name means!!!!

    I wonder what Kurt thought "Nirvana" meant...

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