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Everything posted by huntedbyafreak

  1. well i think it's fantastic personally so fuck all of you who can't take a joke. x
  2. That article is quite fascinating. Wonderful to see a band not going through the usual processes...
  3. Maxwell, what have you done?!?!?!?!
  4. Lo Fidelity Allstars... How to Operate With a Blown Mind. Brilliant.
  5. Hmmmmm... having never heard the X-Certs, I couldn't possibly comment upon them. But to say they are the best unsigned band in Scotland arouses my curiosity. There's some stiff competition out there for that particular title... When do these chaps play next?
  6. I might buy them just for a laugh... I need some new socks.
  7. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2328&item=3824492993&rd=1
  8. I've just rediscovered My Bloody Valentine. Shit hot.
  9. there has been some truly horrific drunken dancing in drakes over the last week or so... oh the horror...
  10. can it even be called a case of quality over quantity????
  11. I think I can safely say that usually you're all as bad as each other (regarding Lucifer/Weapon members). I'm sure you're all nice chaps, but it really does get a bit silly. You all take it far too seriously, and only Dan makes me laugh. I love you, Dan.
  12. i have actually! the go-north gig in lava when you were fucking wrecked! ha!
  13. I mean... where is it? Where did it come from? Do the owners have a bloodlust?
  14. should be rocking... haven't seen the tilt switch while sober in a while!
  15. Ah John... always the positive type... ya cunt. I saw the boy with the top hat the other day. What a creep.
  16. a will remains in the ashes by envy. this thread will not die. you have opened pandora's box.
  17. strangely that just reminded me of martin from the simpsons.... "soon i will be queen of summer!!!! i mean, king... KING!"
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