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Dizzy Storm

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Everything posted by Dizzy Storm

  1. at kef with The Vaults. more details to come...
  2. err, they might not be now. but they might. depends, etc xxx
  3. the line-up aint confirmed. when you couldn't do the first date, i asked another band. they've not got back to me yet, so i'm waiting to hear if they can do the new date... it all makes sense in my head. and you never want to listen to what craig says:angel:
  4. 14 plus. as i understand it. xxx
  5. it'll have to be 30 mins probably, unless you want to go on a bit earlier... the bands have to finish by 11pm for elizium
  6. ha ha! gig off! we won't be doing this gig after all. too much happening that day thanks though xxx
  7. ok, i'll let you know in the next coupla days... i'll just post in this thread probably.... xxx switchblades sound good. ain't done nowt with them for ages......
  8. err, 21st. i mean 21st. the twentyfirst of february. ok? 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 xxx
  9. 21st feb would be the fella. at moshulu.
  10. the 23rd feb. a saturday. that's the final date baby. sorry, can't get online very often just now. and can't sign in as ghost of fudge at all, so remember that those PMs are being wasted on me people...
  11. vote elizium - the true alternative \m/
  12. dressn how you want, but we encourage you to dress up in tux's, kilts, suits, ballgowns, etc like last year. we'll have lots of cameras there...
  13. Re: Re: Fudge Award nominees... yeah, you might think. actually i rather like 'em personally. the negative live review (as i recall?) was from a 'contributor'. and anyway, we don't pick the winners, you vote on 'em...
  14. i can do that... incidentally, you sent me a masterbag with like a potato print saying 'thee moths' on it in red. it won't work though. so if you've any left.... *hint*
  15. send us a demo! po box 18443, aberdeen, ab24 5yt
  16. sign red are bringing kit, bass amp, 2 geetar amps, and it's ok for the local supports to use them. maiden tiawan are bringing a spare amp in case of disasters... soundchecks from 5.30ish till 7.30ish. maiden taiwan on at 8.20 spike pile driver on at 9.20 sign red on at 10.20
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