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Posts posted by jester1470

  1. Ooh, whats the inside story on that, their site said exactly nothing when I looked.

    Rock band sackings so often seem to come with a side order of Stalinist revisionism, admittedly often for legal reasons... "What, we've always been like this, I know nahthing etc, who, oh the other dead man" etc.

    Is it 'Musical Differences'

    Geographical differences as much as musical from what i can surmise :)

  2. Surely you just need to draw up an agreement as to who wrote what percentage of each song, then in the unlikely event of them ever being published he can get his share of the royalties.

    Yep, we have a winner. You shouuldn't give money away up front against future earning unless those earnings are guaranteed, ie a record deal pending - which they have had a hand in - publishing on songd they co-wrote or a guarantee sum of money. Bottom line is split future royalties for what he has a hand in and that's all he gets, if you want to run it 'professionally' like a professional band then part of that is not paying off people who want to leave at that point, band members come and go and are entitled to exactly what their band is worth not what it might be worth.



  3. On the 12th March 2010 Jo McCafferty will be officially launching her latest album Overtaking on a Bend.

    Jo has spent the last few years building up a solid fanbase playing up and down the UK and Europe and has played with artists as diverse as Amanda Palmer and Midge Ure, Glenn Tilbrook and Marillion.

    Although not a concept album it is an album that Jo envisioned as a soundtrack album to a 1940s film noir film that doesnt exist, and as such the launch party will follow a similar theme. There are 22 songs on the album and they are all a bit different evoking a different style and time period, as such there isnt really a defining genre sound on the album.

    Jo will perform a number of short sets showcasing songs from her new album, punctuated with specially created burlesque dance routines, designed to maximise the feeling of a 1940s club.

    Tickets are 5 on the door, and the new album will be on sale for the first time.

    Jo McCafferty on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

    Should be a fun evening

  4. You might find reason to after this gig...!!!

    I'm looking forward to it a lot. Been catching up on older Pallas stuff and I like the souncdclips on Paul Mackie's site so fingers crossed, it sounds to me like he might have a broader vocal range than Alan Reed which may open up some interesting avenues.

  5. Really looking forward to this, theres some people on other forums I'm on asking when tickets are on sale etc and where they can get them for - Any news ?

    Never managed to see Pallas and always meant to so looking forward to it :)

    That being said not so keen on the no Marillion t-shirt rule - that's all i own, well that and Fish t-shirts ;)

  6. It might be worth checking at the Central Library.....they certainly used to have reasonably decent stuff for loan (after putting down a deposit).

    yes I remembered that and I tried emailing them a few days ago, I'll maybe try calling them tomorrow :)

  7. We're looking to hire some good quality Digital Video Camera's, HD, preferably pro or semi-pro quality for the launch gig of Jo's album, we don't need operators, i can use the moving camera and we can have a static camera to cover the bits I dont get right, anyone have any idea about a good, preferably cheap place to hire these from, I can do the video editing etc, just need the camera's - any ideas ?



  8. Wow this is a blast from the past... Is this the oldest thread to have been brought back 6 years later ?

    I guess not much has changed since this thread was written except the singles charts mean even less now, and it isnt even worth trying to get a single in the charts like this. The media perception of the band has changed slightly and tbh I'm not the fan I was back then, certainly not of their newer stuff as i can't get on with the singers vocals anymore, however still a great live band and always worth going to see.

    Revviews will, I guess, rightly or wrongly always be bias towards the likes of the reviewers, and in recent years I've started tothink they should be given top people with a bias towards a certain genre to review, ie those who like a bit of prog should review prog, those who like metal should review metal etc, because that way a review will at least be moe accurate towards what someone into that kind of genre, ie the person buying the album/single will like.

  9. Wowie, it's been months since you posted that whiney shtick. I presumed you'd become super successful and had better things to worry about.

    Define successfull, let's see he does own and run a small record label and has one of the best studio's in the North East, so I'd guess in terms of being successfull in music he beats most people on this site as he managesto have a full time career in it.

  10. Well thats her away from the EE! oh if only i could lay claim to being a reason for her going but either way thank fuck she is!

    Putting the Wedding on ice as well it seems.....Considering she has spent more time hanging around with Joe Bonamassa her new best "friend" for ages now, even popping over to L.A and Amsterdam just for quick visits and dropping his name everywhere in interviews then im wondering if the switch from pop to blues also may include the man in her life as it pretty obvious her record producer/fiance Jake Field wasnt producing the goods as far as the career was concerned and she has banged on about this wedding to the press and how much it means to her for the last couple of years only to cancel at the last minute.

    You do realise that every post you've ever made here has been about slagging off Sandi Thom, now I'm no fan of Sandi Thom but it does make me wonder if maybe she turned you down at some point and you're still very upset about it ? Or do you have anything apart from Sandi bashing (which may have its place) in mind with regards to this forum - Just curious.

  11. album.jpg


    1. A New Hallelujah

    2. The Mooring

    3. Danish Landrace

    4. Cubby, Inc. v. CompuServe Inc.

    5. Why (Jason Aldean song)

    6. Anavirgatites

    7. Expedition Robinson 2009

    8. Scarabaeoidea

    9. Neocrania

    10. Mohammed Hammad

    11. Heathcoat-Amory Baronets

    12. Chocimek

  12. Sorry, for her album!

    Aaah yes that i can do:

    Overtaking on a Bend


    Becoming Myself Again

    Lay With Me

    Half of One

    If I Say


    Sleepy Man

    Easier Said Than Done


    Page 94

    Faster in the Dark




    Tears 1995

    Nothing Room


    Dangerous Ground

    Running Out of Air

    Wont Let You Down


    Love 2

    Cant Find Love


    A mixture of older and new tracks.

  13. Its a bit of a shame that aberdeen cant embrace other types of music though, even though its not popular anymore.

    I think this is one of the silliest things I've read on here. Aberdeen likes and enmbraces many dofferent types of music, some of which is not popular anymore, there's a strong acoustic scene, pop scene, rock scene etc, something for everyone, the problem is as soon as you start throwing your toys out of the pram you instantly start making your band a target, you're attracting so much criticism because you reacted so much to the first negative comment. In any genre a band should be adapting and changing, and as such, the problems come if all your stuff sounds exactly the same as someone elses because you're not adapting (I can't say anything about yours specifically as I havent heard it), and thats when people lose interest in that kind of music, if it comes across as a clone rather than an affectionate tribute, well all imo anyway. I would say if you valm down and take all of the criticism as good, and all criticism is valid, even if you hate it and disagree, sometimes you're so close to something it needs someone external havign a go before you see something that could be improved. It;s not always nice, and you have a right to defend yourself if you feel it's invalid, but throwing all toys out of the pram makes you an instant target.



  14. This is simply not true anymore. We've just done a 10 track record with pre-production, production, engineering, mixing and mastering and it will cost us, all in and mates rates, around 1000.

    And before you say, "aye, but that's not a proper hifi record", just wait til you hear it.

    I thinkit really depends what you're wanting to get out of a recording, and type of music etc, tbh Papercuts and Lime by Jo was done in Cava before it closed and didn't cost much at all, but that was just a guitar and vocal, Overtaking on a Bend, was recorded at Ford Lane Studio's down South and cost a hell of a lot more - though that included - recording of 22 tracks, and about 10 musicians etc. I will be interested to hear what your stuff sounds like, as I would generally agree than nowadays it takes a lot more than people think to do an album properly - 10k doesnt sound too unrealistic to me, but that might include producer etc etc - and thats why imo many local albums never sound as good as they could.

    That's not to say thats the way with all local bands but in quite a few cases you hear something and it seems to be the recording that lets the band down, and there also seems to often be an attitude in Aberdeen where people sometimes seem to accept that this is OK because its a proper recording, sometiems I don't think Aberdeen acts maximise themselves in the best way possible.



  15. Jo will be doing an acoustic session on Original 106 on Sunday 31st on Andrew Learmouth's show.

    Jo will be releasing her first new album in 5 years on the 12 March. Recorded at Ford Lane Studio's in 2009 'Overtaking on a Bend' will be Jo's first full 'band' album, and will be released with a gig at the tunnels on the 12th March. The album consists of 22 tracks and is a mix of old favourites.and new songs. Some of these songs that have been rcorded before take on a whole new life with most of the instrumentation being done by strings and brass section instead of the usual acoustic guitar.

    Hope you like and some will tune in - or just be listening anyway anf enjoy what you hear :)

    Jo McCafferty on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

  16. There's a band in the Keith area led by Cammy Jamieson called Roads to Damascus which have just recorded a prog opus:


    I have heard tell of a young band in Banff that play Rush covers...so another potential prog band may be in the offing

    Cheers for posting this, last time I saw Cammy at the Marillion gig in Inverness last year he told me about this but I forgot the details, looking forward to hearing them :)

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