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Posts posted by jester1470

  1. Hugely enjoyed it. Everything prime-time BBC drama should be, witty, intelligent and well-acted.

    I'm interested to see how they'll deal with the ending of the last episode, it's guaranteed to annoy some Holmes purists but it's clearly more an 'inspired by' than a literal retelling of the original Conan Doyle books, some lovely little nods though. Benedict Cumberbatch is fantastic and I love Martin Freeman so I'm glad he's managed to find a role in something this good.

    Although it isn't exact they've done an incredible job of keeping the characters etc very much as they are in the books. most Holmes fans I know have really enjoyed it and been slightly amazed they managed it at all, i think its a real tribute to the writers that they've kept so much of the characterisation and the ethos and managed to make somethign so interesting and absorbing for modern audiences.

  2. Yes, absolutely. There are so many clever little nods to the original, it really makes me smile.

    Yes the 5 pips amused us as duid the mention of the letter neing from a woman in Bohemia, a nice nod to the classic Rathbbone films too with the Golem being an obvious modern version of ther Creeper. Also amused by the smily face instead of VR on the wall.

  3. None of that was said by myself, neither was any of the stuff The Sun wrote saying Alex said was actually said by Alex.

    If that's true then you should be contacting the PCC and getting them to publish a retraction/correction, surely the priority here should be getting the truth out and if you're being misquoted and she's being misquoted then you need to contact them and get that retraction, the newspaper reports just now are going to help damn them in court but a retraction proving she did not say they were having sex or any of that stuff would make a difference in the mind of a judge I'm guessing. I look forward to seeing the retraction, one email to the Sun cc'd into the PCC should be enough to cause a reaction providing they dont have a recording of anything damning coming from anyone -and from the sounds of things make your life much easier. Contrary to popular belief if you are misquoted that much by a paper they will be very quick to print a retraction generally as they fear legal reprisals more than most.

  4. Thought the scene where they initially suggested Watson was Moriarty was very clever but not sure what to make of Moriarty's voice.

    At the time we first heard the voice I did comment that Graeme Norton was repsonsible for all of it...

  5. As my gf pointed out the ending is soemthing of a modern equivalent to the Reichenbach falls, in that the solution that involves Moriarty being destroyed is by Holmes partaking of mutually assured destruction, ie he shoots Watson's vest and it explodes killing Moriarty and then Holmes gets shot - the modern day equivalent of grappling with Moriarty over the falls and both of them falling to their doom, Hiolmes sacrificing himself to destroy the evil he felt was so dangerous - a bit more final that Holmes' ending at Reichenbach but still possibly how Doyle might have written it had he been around now as he didnt have any intention of bringing Holmes back initially. Also means surely they'll do a second series... and could the Hound of the Baskervilles be updated nowadays ?

  6. Liked the first & third...not quite so keen on the second one.

    Yeah, I'd agree with that - I liked the second one but not as much as the other 2, interestingly the co-creators each wrote the first and third episodes so I think they 'got' what it was about much more. I mean a writing team of Gattiss and Moffat should produce great stuff anyway and it certainly seemed to work in this case. My other half is a huge Holmes fan and was initially sceptical about them updating ti, she felt the period it was set in was an important part of the stories but she ended up loving them, she felt the update really worked well because it was written by people who obviously loved the original and understood the stories. I liked the Holmes character but felt it was Watson who made the show, he finally stepped outof the Nigel Bruce bungling helper into a proper character in his own right and I didnt feel he was too overshadowed something not even Brett and Hardwke/Burke managed to portray as well imo.

  7. Did anyone else watched this ? I loved it shows wy we need the license fee and the BBC and was one of the best drama with comedic elements I've seen in ages whilst being quite close stylistically to the original stories.

  8. Let's twist it.

    There was a band from Liverpool called Cecil who put on a great live show, but were pretty bobbins on record.

    Any other thoughts?

    Saw Cecil a few times, once supporting the Wildhearts on the PHUQ tour and I think once supporting Def Leppard - though it might have just been the singer from Cecil, quite enjoyed them but never enough to pick up any of their stuff.

  9. Has anyone seen it yet ? Went to see it last night and loved it, most fun film this year, very much in keeping with the style of the original TV series, a few nods to the original and even one to Dwight Schultz's character in Star Trek. Sadly it's not done so well in thestates so may not be a sequel, which would be a huge shame as there's a great action franchise in there somewhere.

    Really enjoyed it, well recommended to fans of the original, i don't see how you could be a fan of the original and not enjoy it. The only disappointment was waiting for Boy George to cameo and he didnt :(.

  10. The songs aren't bad but add nothing to the genre at all to me, it's not that I don't like the songs you do or the way you do them it's just I don't see you even adding your own vibe to them, they seem totally generic, one of a thousand bands rather than your own.

    Also just a comment on your bio, I'm not sure stating you supported a tribute band, no matter how good they are (and I like Maiden Scotland), looks too good as something on your resume, it almosty just cements the idea that you yourselves are a tribute act to all those other bands of the era. All in all, good playng, good production not the most original and nothing that shouts out Estrella which is what a band needs imo. Anyway all just my opinion :) Good luck with the album.

  11. As those who know me will verify, my Scots accent is pretty faint having spent as many years living down sarf as up here. Oddly enough though when I shout I tend to shout more Scottishly, so I probably did on that occasion. So that could explain why no one laughed when I said it!

    You have a Scottish accent about as much as I do which means not really ;)

  12. I think David Threlfall would make a decent William Hartnell. Who would do Patrick Troughton? (His son David, maybe?)

    David's too big to do Patrick troughton I think though facially very similar. Sean Pertwee in a wig to do his father ?

  13. Nah, in classic style we need, The Ten Doctors episode.

    Maybe a storyline in place that explains that Colin Baker ate the first 3 thus explaining his dimensions and the lack of the first 3... foof for thought...

  14. I think it was. There seems to be some amount of self congratulation over at DenOfGeek for spotting that the Doctor was wearing his jacket in the scene when he shouldn't have been and they all guessed it was intentional rather than a continuity error.

    I have to admit we were sad enough to have that conversation in our household too, I'd have liked to see the Dr go back into some past episodes from other Dr's some Tennant and Ecclestone, and maybe even some McCoy and McGann Just to cg him over an outtake or a scene where he could just observe would have been very cool... I really like most of the episodes but it does show how much the budget has been cut when he fought the giant Chicken in the otherwise excellent Van Gogh episode.I was also saddened to see that the ratings were so much lower for this series, which, with the exception of the terrible dalek episode was generally pretty good - I hope interest in matt Smith as the Dr mgiht be renewed after the x-mas episode. I think a lot opf people didnt watch just solely because he wasnt Tennant which i think was a shame. Looking forward to the inevitable Tennant/Smith crossover episode though :)

  15. Script consultancy by Russell T Davies then....

    Ho ho ho.

    I thought it worked quite well.

    I thought it was by far the best ending to a Dr Who series since it began, it felt like less of a wuss out than previous series endings, overall thoughts, the Moff's series is excellent and Matt Smithhas real potential as the Dr imo, will he be as good as Tennant, quite possibly, then again there's only been one bad Dr and that was Colin Baker, and even he wasnt so much a bad Dr as had terrible scripts - as Colin's Big Finish stories show the potential was there.

  16. The Moorings is always busy with a pretty much guaranteed base of regulars but that is only on Saturday nights. It would be quite good if they could start expanding to say a Thursday night as well...

    I can't say I see the lack of passing trade as necessarily a bad thing unless you really want a crowd to the extent that you are happy to play to a crowd of neds, drunks and general ne-er do wells that often turn up in Drummonds.

    I'm sure Flash will be along to say if I'm wrong but I think the reason the Moorings only books for a Saturday is becasuse of the fact it has neighbouring people who could complain about loud gigs on a weekday.

  17. I discovered this early last year and it's become my favourite comedy act, last year we saw Billy Connolly, Eddie Izzard, Stewart Lee, Anfy Hamilton, and Bill bailey butr these were my favourites.

    The socks are playing the Lemon tree on September the 3rd and I'd advise anyone who likes childish silliness to go :)

    Some of my favourites by the socks:

    My favourite ones are his Dr Who ones, but it's well worth picking up a ticket for extreme silliness :)



  18. HI Mark.

    This thread has proved useful to me since I'vce only just come back on here after about three years and haven't a clue who most of the people being referred to are...

    Well the one about 3 posts up is Alanis Morrisette.

    All you need to know around here is avoid that dodgy Hog character, simple as ;)

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