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Posts posted by Metarie

  1. I used to work for McCalls and the experience put me off ever wanting to see a man in a kilt again. You would not believe the stench that comes off of a kilt when you're steam ironing it. To be honest though, at last minute they're you're best best, they're pretty much the biggest kilt hire place in Aberdeen and are more likely to have something in your size...although the tarten may be gash.

  2. comments previous to this comment and this comment is only going to provoke him and encourage him. if he had intentions to use this site other than spreading mongo shite he believes in, he wouldnt have typed all that shite in his first post

    i agree we are all getting a kick out of this but is it healthy having so much hate pointed to one guy

    if it was anyone else other than peter dow would we all be having so much fun

    If he was actually serious about spreading 'mongo shite he believes in' he'd have responded to folk by now rather than just ignoring it.

    Don't be so fucking zen about it, the guy is clearly the most irritating kind of person.

  3. Hi. I just wanted to announce that I have registered on this forum and say "Thank you" to the administrators for approving my application to join. :up:

    It's been a *long* time since I actually signed up to join this website, but I think you're taking it a little too personally that your 'application was approved'. It's a simple case of providing a user name, password and email address, isn't it? Any old fucker can join up, this isn't a select organisation or anything. They don't do background checks.

    Come back and reply to some of these posts, damnit!

  4. Thrown out of University like a dog? To be a bit blunt... The Universities in Aberdeen are pretty good at supporting their students and giving them every sporting chance to get the qualification they are there for - be it with financial or physical help (tutoring etc). You've got to be doing something pretty wrong (and probably repeatedly) to get chucked out - especially to get thrown out of both of them.

    So what sort of bands do you like? :angel:

    Exactly what I was going to say (followed by 'But dogs don't go to uni'...teehee). I ran into heaps of students with pretty extreme poitical beliefs at Uni and they all made it through.

    I really fail to see what all this nationalist bullshit has to do with Aberdeen-Music. I suspect that in a moment of egotism Peter Dow goggled his own name and found the old thread about him on here, spurring him to sign up and clear his sullied name.

    It's not worth it mate. I'm just saying. You've only posted about 3 things and look at the reaction. If your politics don't annoy the hell out of some people, then your section about finding a woman certainly will.

  5. I went last summer and had a great time, the atmosphere is just amazing. Everyone is friendly and enthusiastic about what they're doing. Get chatting with some of the folk giving out flyers and they have been known to scribble 'two for one' on the flyer for you.

    The Pleasance Courtyard is ace, I saw Dave Benson Phillips (yus, him of Get Your Own Back fame) eating a hotdog. Winner.

  6. Indeed it is, Painters have been in all week, the new carpet (yes, another carpet, i have no idea why) was delivered today, lights, upholstery and other fittings coming soon, work should be done by next weekend.

    The immortal sticky carpet is coming up on sunday i believe, I'm interested to see what wonders lie beneath :)

    Myself or steve will put up pics in due course.


    Strangely enough I didn't find the carpet as sticky as usual last night :p

  7. shooglenifty will probably pull in the folk crowd plus some people from out of town, they're pretty popular with the teuchters :)

    They do stir up a good atmosphere live though, so it will probably be a good gig. The inclusion of Craig Hill makes me want to stab my eyes though. I HATE that guy.

  8. Imagine being Mr Mac's agent

    "Hey... em... we've got a new part for you, the potential audience is in millions"

    "Great, what is it"

    "well... um... you're going to be the personification of sexual abuse"

    "No other offers lately"


    "Ok" <hangs head>

    :laughing: And you just know that kid is going to be famous one day...president or something.

  9. Aww, I love it :D It's wonderfully cheesy, but doesn't take itself too seriously. I think I have series 6...I've lost track of my box sets...but I think it's ok. The storylines don't go anywhere but it's pretty good.

    I have a strange soft spot for Hyde...it may be the shades

  10. I'm sure folk will get in touch through this post, but if not your best bet is to hit the yellow pages when you have some names.

    It all depends how many people you're expecting, if you want a bar etc. Quite a few places are branching out into live music these days, so you might be able to find a smallish bar or even coffee shop that oculd help you out.

  11. Quite rightly aswell. It's nothing to do with "terroritory invaded" or a perception of the woman as being "dirty and used" (where did you get that from, hollyoaks?), it's about trust, respect and common human decency.

    It always makes me laugh when women talk about being promiscuous/sexually aggressive as if it's some kind of empowering post-feminist statement. It's just sad and a sign of deep-seated insecurity imo.

    No, I didn't get it from Hollyoaks, I got it from a number of male friends who have been cheated on and their reactions to it. And no...they don't watch Hollyoaks.

    Gah, I had a reply but it just got more and more long winded so I deleted it.

    Basic point: Ignorance is bliss. Your partners sexual life before you isn't something a lot of people want to dwell on, so to have to deal with your lovers sex life with someone else, while they're still with you is horrific to me. Couldn't do it, I would not be able to deal well. However, I know myself well enough that even if I'd had my heart broken by someone I loved, I would still try my damnedest to make it work.

    The fact that you've got 'promiscuous' and 'sexually aggressive' from my post just confirms my theory. I wouldn't describe myself as either and I don't think many people would to be honest, but you've basically aligned sexual openness with sleeping around, and they are two very different things. You can talk about anything in the world, but it doesn't mean you're doing it.

    What about men who are sexually aggressive or sleep around? Is that sad as well?

  12. All women are not 'bitches' or 'whores'. In fact, think of almost any horrible incident you've ever heard of be it infidelity, murder, rape, violence, robbery or just someone acting like a dick and tally up how many times women were the culprit and how many times they were men.

    It's not about gender it's about some people just being scum. Men are just more outraged when women are the culprits are there's some kind of subconscious idea of male hegemony. Most men seem all too happy to meet a sexually forward and 'easy' girl, yet are suprised when they cheat on them.

    Why is a girl who cheats on a guy a slut, whilst adulterous men are afforded much higher status?

    (This isn't me just having a go at the original poster by the way, I fully empathise and you're better off without her, just don't make it a gender thing).

    What? So sexually forward women are going to cheat?! That's as bad as saying that if a girl enjoys sex she's a whore and I can't believe that people still think that. All my friends enjoy sex, we're all pretty open about it with each other and share stories, problems, ideas etc and out of maybe 7 or 8 of my close friends, only one has cheated on a boyfriend.

    If a man cheats on a woman, most of the time she'll want to try and work it out (even if she should running away screaming), try to forgive him, even if she can't ever forget. If a woman cheats on a man he won't even consider taking her back most of the time - it's like his territory has been invaded, if you'll excuse the image. Another guy has fucked the woman he's with and instantly she's dirty and used. Men want to think their girlfriend was a virgin before them. It comes down to the old stereotypes. Women are brought up from an early age to believe that men are only after one thing, that they follow their cock around and will sleep with anyone who will let them, even if they hate the girl in question (something my ex has proven over and over again :rolleyes: ). and everyone just laughs and jokes about it. And what can women do? Be frigid or a slut. Nice choice. Women are just as bad as men, but if we're honest about it someone will inevitably play the whore card.

    Gah! That was well off topic. Basically no one should put up with being cheated on. It's not only women who are shit, people in general can be shit in relationships and treat each other appallingly. I'll never understand what goes through someone's mind when they start doing something which they know will upset someone they supposedly care for.

  13. The guy booking the music is the same guy who did it for years, the guy who booked all those cover/tribute bands and all the stuff that made people bitch about The Lemon Tree. It's fucking ridiculous that he got his job back. When his contract wasn't renewed they got a young lass from Glasgow in and she started to make some real changes regarding the music, unfortunately the place closed before the full effects of those chages could be seen - it takes quite a while to get a music programme up and running.

    King Creosote will be a good gig though.

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