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Michael MacLennan

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Posts posted by Michael MacLennan

  1. Great condition, metallic red, 7 strings with Floyd Rose tremolo, free custom case, this could all be yours for only 500 ono...









    25 1/2"






    Floyd Rose Licensed




    24 X-Jumbo


    Duncan Design


    Metallic Red

  2. Great condition, has the following features:


    100 Watt Valvestate power stage driving 1x12'' speaker.

    ECC83 [12AX7] Pre-amp valve active on all 3 channels.

    3 independent footswitchable channels, 'Clean', 'Overdrive 1' and 'Overdrive 2'.

    Clean channel with Treble, Middle and Bass controls, plus Tone Shift switch for extra tonal options.

    Overdrive 1 channel with its own Gain and Volume plus shared EQ with Overdrive 2.

    Overdrive 2 channel with its own Gain, Volume and sweeping Contour control.

    Power Dimension switch to give the effect of the greater saturation of a valve power stage of lower wattage being driven hard.

    Built-in spring Reverb with separate level controls for the Clean and Overdrive 1/2.

    Effects Loop with front panel Mix control.

    Headphone jack [which mutes the internal speaker].

    Line Out jack with Speaker Emulation for connection to external equipment.

    Extension speaker jacks

    Will sell for 350 ono

  3. Would anybody who had problems with this (it turned out to be the novovirus, by the way), be able to send me a PM with comments on it that I can use as quotes? ie what symptoms you had, any other of your friends who had it, if you had to stay off work, etc.

    If you can get back to me in the next day or so, it would be greatly appreciated. It's for an article I'm writing for 'Environmental Health Scotland', so, um, you'd be doing the health of Scotland a favour! Or maybe not.

  4. Originally posted by lepeep:

    I am soooo looking forward to it.

    if no one has heard of the shins, and you are into trendy metal at the moment, don't bother, stick to yer trends, anyone who likes good music for the sake of good music, check em out....

    on sub pop, can't go wrong.

    maple in glasgow on thursday night...6 men and a dog, here we come.

    Where are you playing in Glasgow? And what time?

  5. My prediction all along is that record companies will transform into promotions companies. Basically they'll recoup money for promoting the goods, but won't be needed for producing any 'product' (ie the CD). Instead they'll provide money and the know-how for promo pictures, interviews, etc, much the same as PR companies do.

    Hate Simply Red as most sensible people should, but Mick Hucknall releasing the latest album off his own back has been seen as a big success, so it's a matter of time before most big artists leave companies at the end of the contract and have more creative control (and more profits), depriving the majors of the cash cows that keep their businesses going at the moment.

  6. There was a track on the Underworld soundtrack, and against all my instincts it was pretty good. The Mike Patton influence was pretty obvious (isn't it always), but I've heard a lot worse. Don't know if it's comparable to their other material though...

  7. Originally posted by soundian:

    She must be mega-sensitive then. I worked for her once and asked a question while her back was turned to me. She answered the question in about 1-2 seconds, before anyone who could hear answered it. She couldn't have read my lips (although I've heard people praising her for her ability to lip-read) so how did she know what I said if she's 'profoundly deaf'.

    Because while she may be profoundly deaf, she's not completely deaf. Apparently some people in the deaf community get annoyed that she gets referred to as just being 'deaf', when she does have some hearing left, very limited though it may be...

  8. I was never hip, I was always terminally late. I've only just caught onto this whole grunge thing, and I hear Britpop is the 'in' thing... but no, I was never hip. I never will be, I've accepted it for my own sanity, I don't do post-modern irony very well, which is essential if you want to play rock music and be hip with the fashionista.

  9. Originally posted by ghost:

    This isn't really an in depth review as I only caught the last 3 songs of Hookers Green's set, but boy oh boy it was good. Loved the dual drumming, and coupled with Mike's basslines you got totally drawn into the songs. The place was packed out too which made a lovely change.

    Thank you very much, though I don't think my basslines were that important, but glad they were appreciated in my final gig... I thought the whole thing was great, everyone in the band had a good time I think, it was certainly my favourite gig by a mile... Thought the first song (which I didn't play on) was great, bodes very well for the future I thought... who knows, if I move back, maybe I can convince them to let me play bagpipes for them...

  10. Originally posted by Mr Cat:

    It wasn't bad, it was certainly alright. But yet again another local band that has become overhyped, also in this category are the lovely Hookers Green #1.

    If they're overhyped, then how come I've never heard of them? Same with Hookers Green, I've only seen something like one thread about them on the messageboards this year, and that was advertising a gig, which is hardly the height of fame.

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