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Posts posted by Tav

  1. Just give me a nice large live room, a well equiped control room based around a large pro tools system and what ever must have gear. I need a large leather couch to sit on and ponder mixes. 3 or 4 of those really expensive chairs to work from/skoot about on <you know the one David Dimbleby sits on in Question Time.> Some large white boards on the wall for writing stuff up. Beech wood furniture all round, it looks so lush.

    A well equiped kitchen next door is a must. Smeg Cooker with built in hot plate and fryer. Two Smeg fridge/freezers. Large table that everyone can eat around. A good sound system/TV and some sofas in there as well.

  2. I can't think about space and stuff' date=' it freaks me out. I just can't comprehend it at all. So i prefer just to pretend it doesn't actually exist.[/quote']

    I think most people wouldn't think about it day to day because it is so hard to cmprehend. I watched a documentary on giant galaxy swallowing black holes a few weeks ago <it had been on BBC a couple of years ago so sky must just have got hold of it> and they were saying that the milky way could have one at the center...I mean come on...how freaky is that!

    ...same sort of documentary did a piece on dimensions. They think there might be heaps...I'll hazard a guess that it was 12... 8 spacial <or round about that>...then 3 time and so on. Apprently many universes could exsist side by side each with different rules of physics. Sort of like the idea where you can walk through a mirror into an alternate universe...just that instead of one there might be an infinite number. They concluded by saying you could perhaps create a universe on earth...even in a basement, but, they weren't sure wether it would co-exsist beside our universe or devour/displace it...big head fuck.

  3. it's becoming more interesting than when ferrari were owning everyone and schumacher won all the time.

    throwing stuff in front of f1 cars is a pretty moronic way to protest about it if you ask me too. they refused to race cause it wasn't safe so throwing things at the ones who carried on racing was just absolutely stupid.

    Yeah it's so dangerous. 180mph and a beer can cannot be a good mix. I was speaking about the politics being interesting not the beer can throwing...just incase you thought I was being sadistic.

  4. They should have made it a no point race, put in the extra part of the track to slow up turn 13 and then put on a show for all the fans who turned out/tuned in. That way all the people paying to see it are happy, all the teams get to race and collect some data on the track <usefull since they aren't alloud to test there> and it just isn't such a cock up.

  5. I got the prize though since all 3 members decided to bugger off!

    Craig seems to think that i have to hand it over and not keep it since "it's not rightfully" mine but i say fuck him' date=' he didn't even bother to stay for Open Air! He also claims it's HIS prize, not the bands so i am therefore keeping it to prevent any wars :D

    All for the best.[/quote']

    I was on the phone to get a lift, hence being outside and up the road to get reception...I didn't even know there was gonig to be a vote! Craig didn't really bugger off he had to take the amplifier back...felt a bit rude when I found out...I just didn't know it was happening.

    So when are we getting it from you Rach? The withinthesewalls scrap book is needing an addition for this gig.

  6. I was sitting on my own for a while before the other bands arrived and I really liked it. I think it has the potential to be one of Aberdeens best venues. I would love to go to a gig that had a big turn out there and see what it was like.

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